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New Labour think tank IPPR supports mass immigration

But ... but... all the drug dealing and gangs are a part of London's wich and vibwant diversity and should be celebwated wather than phased out of existance by higher living standards and better employment. London would be so dull and unexciting then. :rolleyes:

And remind me again where you migrated to Brixton from Poster?

May I kindly suggest you fuck off back there if you're so miserable. You're clearly not enjoying life.
And remind me again where you migrated to Brixton from Poster?

May I kindly suggest you fuck off back there if you're so miserable. You're clearly not enjoying life.

1. I came to Brixton in the late 1970s from East London.

2. I left Brixton (not through choice) over a year ago due to circumstances out of my control.

3. Only a fool "enjoys" or makes a virtue out of having drug dealers and gangs all over the place.
Who makes a virtue of having drug dealers and gangs? hardly as though it's a new development in London though, is it? Gangs, who'd have believed it. And drugs...

You seem to have some strange problem with language, if it's not putting words in others' mouths, it's you developing a strange, affected lisp on the words 'wich,' 'vibwant' and the like. You should see a doctor.
Up The Workers!

All that generalised blather and you still haven't come up with a considered answer to how you'd implement this 'locality' policy.

Run along now my little antediluvian fool, back to longing for retrograde 'sons and daughters' style policies. Just don't try and fool yourself that you're on the side of migrants - you're a shallow drawbridge-pull up merchant, with all the selfish, divisive motivations that you claim to fight against.

Love the barrel-scraping 'edgy' slurs btw. Considering I'm born and bred here, living in the same 2 mile stretch for pretty much all my life, you've a fucking cheek. Aren't you meant to be representing 'locals' like me, or doesn't my skin colour and heritage qualify me properly?


tarannau .. you are WRONG WRONG WRONG .. i am NOT a 'pull up the bridge' .. i unlike, you a classic kbj, am active in local and workplace politics, in a very multi cultural area/society, and trying to find a solution to our problems .. you do not even recognise there are problems ffs so there is little point trying to get you to understand but hey thats forums

and YOU call yourself of immigrant stock ( big deal we pretty well all fucking are ) yet you do not seem to give a shit for all the kids who society has abandonned ..

you attack me yet i am actively helping migrants but i am intelligent enough to understand there are problems and to attempt to look for solutions ..

the edgy stuff was a reply to poster numbers but just cos you feel so content with society MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE A BIT MORE RESPECT, UNDERSTANDING and HUMILITY FOR WHERE IT IS NOT WORKING - MUCH OF LONDON ..
you know you don't half come across as an i'm allright jack sod the rest , arrogent and complacent .. are you sure you are not a tory?
You know, shouting in BIG BLOCK CAPITALS doesn't imbue your posts with any more sense or logic.

As for solutions to problems, you can't even be arsed to define 'locally' - theoretically a central plank in your vision for strong communities.

Instead of doing us the courtesy of putting some practical meat on your generalised bones, you only seem capable of a load of diversionary blather and nonsensical slurs about me apparently not giving a shit 'for all the kids who society has abandonned' (sic). How does that follow?

You're fucking transparent and lazy. You can barely string together a decent insult, let alone anything resembling a coherent, constructive and equitable way forward. Quiz you on your silly ideas and highly dubious notion of 'local' and all you can resort to is shouty bibble and self aggrandising claims about you being more actively working class than me. It'd be less of a tragic parody if you didn't do the same thing on every other thread.
are you sure you are not a tory?

He could be New Labour. He makes all the noises of the CBI. He wants workers brought in by the plane load from abroad to better themselves and their dependents, but couldn't give a toss whether workers already here are able to organise, and doesn't seem to give a hoot about the unemployed either. :rolleyes:
Gawd, it's like being slobbered on by the dynamic dunce duo: all hysterical misrepresentation and lack of substance.

You seen one of Mikey's posts elsewhere Durrutti:

Mikey77 said:
Strange that because I went to a school that didn't teach much history at all, was very PC, where teachers taught us about historical "black heroes" (but no history involving whites); and where black kids had their own students' group after school to discuss black achievements, history etc.

I'd choose my friends and allies more wisely if I were you. Mikey's either a ginormous porky pier, his school existed in a different space time continuum free of the national curriculum (this is 1988 apparently) or he's suffered severe brain injury and subsequent amnesia recently. More likely he's just another bloke with a snide, distorted agenda, complete with all the other borderline racist (or worse) bollocks that generally entails.

Anyway, you two should form a double act. Kind of like the Chuckle Brothers, but with anti-immigration catchphrases that you can spout on every thread.
Muah ha ha. Was that the best you could do??

Work yourself into a frenzy about my posts in another thread without challenging them in that thread, and then quote them out of context here. You are a little desperate case, but then nobody chose me as an ally. He was arguing his own point, and didn't mention me once. It's just that you feel surrounded, you sad little man. ;)
Muah ha ha. Was that the best you could do??

Work yourself into a frenzy about my posts in another thread without challenging them in that thread, and then quote them out of context here. You are a little desperate case, but then nobody chose me as an ally. He was arguing his own point, and didn't mention me once. It's just that you feel surrounded, you sad little man. ;)


How can you get the blanket statement 'where teachers taught us about historical "black heroes" (but no history involving whites)' out of context then?

As you were, wriggling and all that.
Muah ha ha. Was that the best you could do??

Work yourself into a frenzy about my posts in another thread without challenging them in that thread, and then quote them out of context here. You are a little desperate case, but then nobody chose me as an ally. He was arguing his own point, and didn't mention me once. It's just that you feel surrounded, you sad little man. ;)

You never got past "trolling 101", did you?
anyway, you two should form a double act. Kind of like the Chuckle Brothers, but with anti-immigration catchphrases that you can spout on every thread.

please qoute any anti immigration catchphrases of mine please ..

you genuinely do not understand what i am saying do you? :(

How can you get the blanket statement 'where teachers taught us about historical "black heroes" (but no history involving whites)' out of context then?

The thread was about black kids being taught black history and culture with no white bias. I made the point that teachers taught us about "black heroes" and no history at all involving whites to show such teaching has already been tried, and in my opinion it didn't make much difference.

And how could it be a "blanket statement" when it applied only to my school? :rolleyes:

You are a little dipstick aren't you. You probably didn't understand it when it was in context, you nob cheese.
Still wriggling then Mikey. You really still claiming that you went to a State Technology college, in Westminster, from 1988, and that teachers taught 'no history involving whites.'

There's no context which lessens the stinking lie of that convenient claim is there? Clearly your school taught some history from the national curriculum, with more than a mention of white people through the ages.

Still, keep on getting angry. It doesn't make you seem any more trustworthy or worthy of attention. I feel like giving you a pat on the head and saying 'bless' for your efforts.
Mass Immigration has had catastophic consequences on poorer people in poorer nations. I think tarannau mc5 etc realise this but just cant bring themselves to admit it.
Mass Immigration has had catastophic consequences on poorer people in poorer nations. I think tarannau mc5 etc realise this but just cant bring themselves to admit it.

being forced to migrate is one of the consequences of catastrophic policies acted out (and enforced on...) poorer nations.

Seeing immigrants as the cause of the problem - as opposed to a consequence - hides the real cause
Still wriggling then Mikey. You really still claiming that you went to a State Technology college, in Westminster, from 1988, and that teachers taught 'no history involving whites.'

The cheek of you to tell me what happened in my school, and it wasn't a "technology college" until 2001. If you are going to Google about my school at least put some effort in.

In any case your point was to make me out to be an ally of someone else in this thread (wrong) and make out I was complaining about the teaching of history in my school (wrong). You also didn't tell me why the above is a blanket statement.

You are definitely a Confederation of British Industry troll, trying to further your politics on here so you can employ migrant workers and line your own pockets.
You are definitely a Confederation of British Industry troll, trying to further your politics on here so you can employ migrant workers and line your own pockets.

He isnt you know (a lot of people on here know tarranau in real life)
Mass Immigration has had catastophic consequences on poorer people in poorer nations. I think tarannau mc5 etc realise this but just cant bring themselves to admit it.

War, poverty, desease, debts, despotic governments propped up by western powers and global fluctuations in minerals and food prices has had the most profound affect on poorer nations.
ut to be an ally of someone else in this thread (wrong) and make out I was complaining about the teaching of history in my school (wrong). You also didn't tell me why the above is a blanket statement.

Because nobody, not even someone as deliberately daft and misrepresentative as you, manages to be taught history in school without any mention of white folk, particularly in these examined times. It's a virtual impossibility at best, a deliberate heaving pile of bullshit more likely.

Simple as that. Anyway, back to more of your hysterical jibberish, probably about me apparently 'dreaming' of 'as many migrants as possible' and more nonsensical toss like that.
I was complaining about the teaching of history in my school (wrong).

His relevant point was that you were making it up?

CBI (wanting cheap labour), BNP (blaming the wrong 'cause') - both cunts without any answers for most folk
You are definitely a Confederation of British Industry troll, trying to further your politics on here so you can employ migrant workers and line your own pockets.

You realise the CBI are looking after their own arses at your expense but your response is to go on and on and on about immigrants, blacks etc.

Talk about getting your arguements arse over tit :)
Because nobody, not even someone as deliberately daft and misrepresentative as you, manages to be taught history in school without any mention of white folk, particularly in these examined times. It's a virtual impossibility at best.

And you accuse me of squirming? You make a slur against me based on what you think might have happened at my school, but you are wrong, dipstick.

Don't invite me to argue anything else. You were desperate enough to take a comment from another thread (one of a number of comments in that thread) and misrepresent it here to bolster your argument against durruti. :rolleyes:

You failed to back up your claim that anyone is "borderline racist" but you do show yourself to be a desperate case.
You make a slur against me based on what you think might have happened at my school, but you are wrong, dipstick.

You seemed to do a good enough job of sluring yourself Mickey

So are you saying you didn't make that bit up about 'black history'? It was all true?? :D
So did they mention any white folk in a historical context at your school or not then Mikey?

Or did they rewrite pretty much every book on the national curriculum especially for your school? Did your text books have a lot of unexplained red pen and crossed out names?

Plum. Save that righteous fury for someone who believes the shit you spout.
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