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New artwork


Blokes name, birds body.
These may look like a teenager has drawn them but as a kid, I could never get the line-work and curves to look right, as I wasn't making confident enough marks on the paper.
I'm 45 now and produced loads of art in the last decade or so but not so many this last few years.
The curves are still not that confident on these, but its a big improvement, somehow I got the knack. I wish someone had sat down with me and shown me how to make confident curves.
I did these on Friday and somehow got the knack to produce pictures which flow.
I know there are some errors and rough bits but I thought I would post them up to see what urbs think.
I am good at portraits and life drawing plus other things which I can look at as a reference point, but with things drawn without a reference point, I almost had to imagine what I was drawing on the page, and I had to go round imaginery lines.
Looking at what I had already drawn on the page and imagining the next bit in relation to that also helped. Anyway, enough of my rambling.
Pictures taken with phone cam - scuse the shadows.
Scanner out of action.
All feedback welcome


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Your draftsmanship is fine.
As for not being able to draw well from imagination, join 90% of artists! I've known several of painters who sketch and photograph a scene from several perspectives before going home and painting from their rough sketches and polaroids (or, nowadays, digital stills).
Thank you VP.
I tried doing some art tonight but it just wouldn't go as smooth as Friday when I did that, really stoned out of my tree.
I was trying to do mandalas using different colour highlighter pens to create a rainbow effect but the curves were not curves like those pics, they were wobbly and hesitant.
I love doing art, but I only get very stoned once in a while cos I can't cope with the negative mood effects after high dose cannabis wears off.
Yeah man, love them! I used to do very similar things when I were a teen and into acid. Add some colour when you get time, or introduce layers using differently nibbed pens (like a grey overlay in a similar pattern using a thin-nibbed pen)
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They're pretty good, post more!
Sorry for the shadowy bits - i took it with my smartphone as my scanner is out of action.
The first is a screenshot as the image is too large to upload here (only A4) must have fucked uip when snapping it with my phone.
I brightened it up with my computer program too.

I learnt, when I did these, that I have to aim to make marks on the paper, in relation to other marks on that same page, in order to get the image to 'flow'
There are some rough bits, and there is loads of room for improvment, but that can come with practice.

I've been trying for years to draw this way, but it just looks wobbly and is difficult. I did this when I was really stoned and I don't like gettnig that stoned too often, cos I get too used to it and find it hard coming off.
I tried it yesterday with high ligher pens when less stoned, but I couldn't get those lines to go the way I wanted. It was like someone else did those pictures.

I feel as if I should have known how to draw this way as a teen.
I think, that I could do a job making designs like this for various requirements. Backdrops, murals, etc etc. Sad that I don't drive.
Maybe I could sell my art on Ebay?

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Yeah man, love them! I used to do very similar things when I were a teen and into acid. Add some colour when you get time, or introduce layers using differently nibbed pens (like a grey overlay in a similar pattern using a thin-nibbed pen)
Thank you. :)
I never thought of working with a fountain pen, you've given me an idea.
Have you tried doing a wall like that, it would look good with some colour.
murals :) I would love to do them, but I don't drive and have no transport, and no projector.
Would be well up for it if someone would drive me from a-b for payment, and lend me a projector, again for a small deposit if needed. :)
You could make a bit of cash designing patterns for wallpaper/other decorative things I reckon.
Good work!
Ah thanks for saying that.
This is what I want to do as a job when I am well enough. :)
Ah I have a tangible goal, thank you.
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