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Mysteries that aren't about murders

Lord Camomile

What is there?

Nothing against murder mysteries, it's just they so completely dominate the mystery arena. It would be nice to have something with different motivations, puzzles and, well, fewer dead people, to mix it up a bit.

NB: please be considerate and use the spoiler text wherever appropriate :)
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Shergar? DB Cooper? Sure there must be some non-crime ones as well. Uh, why those seals were getting eels stuck up their noses?
I quite like Robert Goddard, not all of his mystery novels involve murders.
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I've just thought of a film that technically isn't about a murder, but only because it turns out they weren't murdered after all, and naming it in this thread would also be quite the spoiler :D
The Rivers of London books don’t always have a murder and even when there is one or more they aren’t the main event. They are police procedural meets urban fantasy though ( I don’t read either genre normally) . They are brilliant. And when you finish the novels, novellas and short stories there are graphic novels too. I’d recommend them.
The Rivers of London books don’t always have a murder and even when there is one or more they aren’t the main event. They are police procedural meets urban fantasy though ( I don’t read either genre normally) . They are brilliant. And when you finish the novels, novellas and short stories there are graphic novels too. I’d recommend them.
Ah, interesting! I read the first which was about a murder, guess I assumed the others were too!

I enjoyed it well enough, but there were a couple of aspects about the writing that meant I haven't rushed to the next one. My friend is a big fan, though, and has given me one or two copies of other titles, so maybe I'll dig 'em out sooner rather than later :)
I think some of the Margery Allingham Campion mysteries are just weirdness, not murder.
What is there?

Nothing against murder mysteries, it's just they so completely dominate the mystery arena. It would be nice to have something with different motivations, puzzles and, well, fewer dead people, to mix it up a bit.

NB: please be considerate and use the spoiler text wherever appropriate :)
Edgar Allan Poe, the purloined letter
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