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Moving to China (Shanghai) - good idea? Advice?


toilet expert
I think I'm moving to China in April-ish. I've never been before. It's a bit of a rash decision. Am I being silly?

Girlfriend's visa runs out in January so unless she can find a job by then, she's leaving. She's got one semi-decent chance of an interview in March for a new company, but so far she's not had much luck so I'm not too confident anything will come of it. We talked about a fake marriage, but the timescales just weren't right. So if she gets this job she'll be in London next year and I'm not moving, but otherwise I'm going to go over there.

Plan is to teach English for a bit and take Chinese lessons. See if I can get a job with a local tech firm. I'm not hopeful on that, though, so maybe do that for a year or three and then come back to UK (and probably get married if we're still together). Seems like most teaching jobs are part time-ish, so I'd have plenty of free time to update my skills for when I'm back.

Anyone been? What's to see/do? Seems a bit devoid of culture from the reading I've done so far, but she reckons England is 'boring' compared to Shanghai, so there must be something to do there.

Good places to live? To avoid? etc

the old Jewish neighbourhood looks nice, but might be a bit pricey. Ditto the British concession. French quarter seems like the posh bit and is definitely out of my budget. There's a place which looks a bit like Brighton whose name I forget which looks alright, but it seems to be ex-pat central.

And Putuo is another place that looks alright.
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