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Moronic Kentucky students in Maga hats mock Native American veteran

And, the media continue to trash Nathan Phillips, still repeating the lie that he claimed to be a Vietnam Vet (he said he served in "Vietnam times" which it was,) and now this piece about his "Criminal Record" - a $200 fine for assault and a year's probation for underage drinking at age 19 (funny how Brett Kavanaugh confirmed during the SCOTUS hearings that he'd drunk alcohol under the legal age, but oddly, no criminal record.) It also lists other offenses he was charged with - negligent driving, driving without a license, destruction of property and escaping from jail - but he wasn't actually convicted of any of these.

These all happened when he was just a few years older than the Sandemann kid. Headline makes it sound like he's a career criminal, ffs. No mention that he was taken away from his parents at age 5 and spent the rest of his childhood in and out of foster care, but he's not white, so even mitigating factors aren't allowed. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, Sandmann's parents pay a PR firm to change the narrative to him being the victim, complete with a soft soap one to one interview on NBC's national breakfast time programme. Invitation to the White House issued and already, he's being seen as a hero for standing his ground after rude treatment from Black and brown men while simultaneously being lauded as a victim of the media and liberals. :hmm:

Good piece here -

Black Children Don’t Have Nick Sandmann’s Rights

I watched Savannah Guthrie help Nick Sandmann gaslight America into disbelieving its own eyes. I watched the interviewer make no attempts to cut through a mere teenager’s emergency public-relations script. I watched the Today show helpfully allow Sandmann to present himself without his racist uniform on his head.
I’ve seen the extended video that includes black people saying mean things to the mob of teens sporting racist haberdashery. I’ve seen the extended-extended clip of the Covington “kids” taunting women. And despite all of the clips and angles, nobody has been able to explain away Nick Sandmann’s blocking access to the Lincoln Memorial to Nathan Phillips, while his buddies laughed and mocked and tomahawk-chopped at a Native American.
Guthrie either lacked the core cultural competency to understand she needed to push back on that statement, or simply didn’t care to. But the smirking white boy arguing about his right to “stand his ground” was precisely the time I started screaming obscenities at my television. How dare she let this kid use the George Zimmerman defense? How dare she let this white kid try to rehabilitate his image with the same language that people have used to justify the destruction of black children?
Black children don’t get a PR firm and a softball interview when they are in need of redemption. They get an open casket and a good sermon when it’s time to appeal for grace.
A black teen exercising his right to stand there or walk there or drive there or play there or exist there can be guilty of a capital offense in this country. But a white teenager can block a national freaking monument and get a pat on the head from the president of the United States?
“In hindsight, I wish we could have walked away and avoided the whole thing,” Sandmann told Guthrie. That is as clear a distillation of the white privilege propping up Sandmann as you are likely to see. White children can “walk away.” They can “avoid the whole thing.”
As a parent of two black boys, I cannot trust to hindsight. My boys must learn foresight. They must see the danger coming before it fully metastasizes.
If they’re not prepared, that laughing white boy smirk could be the last thing they see. It’ll be on Nick Sandmann’s face or Brett Kavanaugh’s face or a cop’s face. Savannah Guthrie will not be there to save them or redeem them or make people understand.

There it is.
Wasn't actually used as a defence in the travyon murder case.
The law isnt a bad law in itself it removes the duty to retreat i.e you have to run away even if someones actually attacking you :confused: bit late at that point.

Unfortunatly fuckwits who havnt read the law or anything apart from bits of the bible possibly? Think muttering "Imma standing mah ground "allows you to kill with impunity sometimes to does sometimes it doesnt
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The law isnt a bad law in itself it removes the duty to retreat i.e you have to run away even if someones actually attacking you :confused: bit late at that point.

Well, some argue that removal of the duty to retreat leads to scenes where the evidence is consistent with both that and shooting someone because they were on your property.
Yeah, the conflation seemed a little odd, I wasn't sure whether it was accidental.
You think it was accidental?

I think it goes further than how it was used in the TM case. This smug cunt in a maga hat is being used as a poster boy for all kinds of back pedals and double down on civil, equitable rights.
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Its mostly because yanks think guns are appopiate ways to settle arguements and or people think being a violent areshole wont end badly when everybody is armed.
You think it was accidental?

I think it goes further than how it was used in the TM case. This smug cunt in a maga hat is being used as a poster boy for all kinds of back pedals and double down on civil, equitable rights.

I think whoever put it up might have been dumb enough to miss the connection, but yeah, probably not.
Yeah, the conflation seemed a little odd, I wasn't sure whether it was accidental.

I think whoever put it up might have been dumb enough to miss the connection, but yeah, probably not.

Why else would a person make that poster and then post it up?

The conflation is quite deliberate.

It’s a reference to the stand your ground laws, which in the South is itself always made with reference to Old Dixie and all the attending garbage baggage.

Racism is a constant backdrop to the every single incident and interaction in the South, to a degree that really isn't fully understood or recognised outside the South. It’s the context for everything, absolutely everything.
Why else would a person make that poster and then post it up?

The conflation is quite deliberate.

It’s a reference to the stand your ground laws, which in the South is itself always made with reference to Old Dixie and all the attending garbage baggage.

Racism is a constant backdrop to the every single incident and interaction in the South, to a degree that really isn't fully understood or recognised outside the South. It’s the context for everything, absolutely everything.

That both says nothing, and says the wrong thing about racism in the South. It’s very hard to explain to anyone who’s not been there.
Assholes gonna be assholes.

Teen in Lincoln Memorial protest sues Washington Post for $250 million | Reuters

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Kentucky by Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann, 16, seeks $250 million in damages, the amount that Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com and the world’s richest person, paid for the Post in 2013.

The lawsuit claims that the newspaper “wrongfully targeted and bullied” the teen to advance its bias against President Donald Trump because Sandmann is a white Catholic who wore a Make America Great Again souvenir cap on a school field trip to the March for Life anti-abortion rally in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 18.
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