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Moronic Kentucky students in Maga hats mock Native American veteran

This guy called it.

"What a nice, wholesome looking, young man. How dare that big, bad Indian try to hurt him!" :mad:

Covington Teen Nick Sandmann’s Statement Crafted By Republican PR Firm Founded By Former Mitch McConnell Aide

But on Monday, a report by the Louisville Courier-Journal revealed that Sandmann’s statement had been crafted by a Republican-linked public relations firm founded in part by a former staff member and adviser to current Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, also of Kentucky.

Scott Jennings has also been a conservative commentator on CNN since 2017, according to his online biography, post by the Louisville-based RunSwitch Public Relations. On its site, the firm states its “mission” as “to ensure that the right people know the right thing about your issue.”

RunSwitch told the Courier-Journal in a written statement that it “has been retained by the Sandmann family to offer professional counsel with what has become a national media story. We are working with the family to ensure an accurate recounting of events which occurred this past weekend.”
What that lassie is being subjected to is an utter disgrace. Going about your day and that pish gets thrown at you? That shite is not on.
Absolutely agree, and it rather contradicts the "just innocent Christian boys who got attacked," narrative that the PR firm contracted by the Sandmann family successfully got the mainstream media to run with.

Headlines.JPG .

But, then there's this!

Well of course they will.

CovCath students to meet with President Trump after shutdown, according to report

Students from Covington Catholic High School seen in several videos during an incident with Native American elder Nathan Phillips will be meeting with President Donald Trump, Fox News’ Laura Ingraham said on Tuesday.

Ingraham first reported they could meet with Trump as early as Wednesday, but later stated any meeting would happen after the government shutdown.

She made the announcement on Twitter Tuesday afternoon.

Great photo opportunity for Trump - maybe go for a pose like this?


Again, no surprises here . . .

Gay valedictorian banned from speaking at Covington graduation 'not surprised' by D.C. controversy

In May of last year, the Catholic diocese ruled just hours before Holy Cross High School's graduation that the openly gay valedictorian and the student council president could not give their planned speeches at the Covington school's official graduation ceremony.

“I was not surprised at all,” Bales plainly told NBC News when asked for his reaction to last week's D.C. confrontation. “It was only a matter of time that something this school community did would blow up to this degree, and I think they need to be held accountable.”

Bales claims Covington Catholic is "notorious for being a not-well-disciplined school," and he described the Diocese of Covington as "archaic."
At the time, a spokesperson for the Diocese of Covington said the students' speeches were not submitted on time and "were political and inconsistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church," assertions Bales denies.

For those not familiar, the Valedictorian is the student with the highest grades in the class, and it's usually a tradition that they give a speech at graduation.

Funny how students are barred from giving speeches that might be "political" but the diocese has no problem bussing scores of teenagers to Washington to march for banning abortion and contraception, but hey.
Leave those poor kids alone! Bully! Modern liberal! Enabler of the right! ;)

Seriously...FUCKING HELL! :facepalm:

These kids are little pieces of shit and will in all likelihood grow up to be vile scum of the worst sort. The world would have been a better place if their scumbag parents had aborted the lot of them. No question about that. But the left should critique them and all that they stand for without the sort of misleading and inaccurate embellishments that the right can capitalise on. We all need to step outside of the social media hall of mirrors and assess situations as honestly and accurately as possible.
These kids are little pieces of shit and will in all likelihood grow up to be vile scum of the worst sort. The world would have been a better place if their scumbag parents had aborted the lot of them. No question about that. But the left should critique them and all that they stand for without the sort of misleading and inaccurate embellishments that the right can capitalise on. We all need to step outside of the social media hall of mirrors and assess situations as honestly and accurately as possible.
The three introductory sentences contradict the two concluding ones.

Yup - someone got hold of his military record and found out he didn't serve in Vietnam, but he never claimed he did. Seems he'd previously described himself as being a Marine in the "Vietnam era" or around the "Time of Vietnam," but news corporations decided "Vietnam Vet" was close enough. In the interview with CNN, he clearly said "Vietnam era," but their transcript wrote "Vietnam war." So those stanning for Cov Cath High are saying he's a liar and bleating about "stolen valor." Even saw some suggesting he's not Native American either. FFS.

Meanwhile, more shit keeps coming out about the toxic environment of the school, Sandemann and the rest of "the lads" have already been rehabilitated in the mainstream media, so. . .


Interesting summary in this piece.

White-Washing White Supremacy: Media Rushes to Excuse Covington Catholic Students
Lazy journalism - there are several hands clearly visible in that picture that the slovenly hack either didn’t spot or couldn’t be arsed to circle.
I’m finding it hard to hate one lad brought up with a particular mindset smiling at a man doing some drumming.

It was the kids around him who were taking the piss.

We all talk about structural shit all the time but expect dependent individuals to somehow rebel against everything taught to them and everything they think they know because of... what exactly?
It's the MAGA hat that does it for me. Try as I might to put a benign interpretation on that picture, time and again I just come back to that hat, and the message it embodies.

That smile looks no more innocent than if it were on a man wearing a brown shirt and a swastika armband.
I swear this whole thing makes me laugh, because we bag on Kentucky so much here in the states, being back ass wards/inbred and all.
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He was one of the kids shot at sonewhere who spoke out after seeing his classmates getting shot.
The rightwing conspiraloons and the right wing media jumped all over him and his peers.
Wikipedia is your best bet David Hogg (activist) - Wikipedia

I’m not sure I’ve seen the misinformation engines running at such a tilt for anything else that wasn’t a war or a Presidential election.

Guess there were one or two mass shootings...
I swear this whole thing makes me laugh, because we bag on Kentucky so much here in the states, being back ass wards/inbred and all.
I'm from Illinois, so yeah I know that one, (although Southern Illinois, way way "South of Mattoon," so it's not much better!) But Covington Catholic School is in Kentucky, but effectively a suburb of Cincinnati, and located in county with the 6th highest median income of the 120 counties in the state. It's 97% white as well. And as a parochial school, kids will come from families that can afford private school tuition. So, they don't really fit the "Deliverance" stereotype.

I'm thinking kids from less affluent parts of the state would probably not have behaved like such assholes, because if you've got rich parents, you know they'll fix it for you if you get caught doing something stupid.
I see "David Hogg crisis actor" is top of this list under his name on Google, with conspiraloon sites high on the list of results.

Funny you should mention him. I saw this pop up this morning:


David Hogg on the far right side. The Republicans just point and say "hate" and their supporters hate.
I'm from Illinois, so yeah I know that one, (although Southern Illinois, way way "South of Mattoon," so it's not much better!) But Covington Catholic School is in Kentucky, but effectively a suburb of Cincinnati, and located in county with the 6th highest median income of the 120 counties in the state. It's 97% white as well. And as a parochial school, kids will come from families that can afford private school tuition. So, they don't really fit the "Deliverance" stereotype.

I'm thinking kids from less affluent parts of the state would probably not have behaved like such assholes, because if you've got rich parents, you know they'll fix it for you if you get caught doing something stupid.

Racist Fundamentalist Christian Frat Boys.

It's a lovely thought. :(
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