This declaration was read by King Arthur in front of the Royal Courts of Justice and the declaration then stuck on the door with chewing gum...
"I, Arthur Uther Pendragon, having been raised Druid King of Britain on the Coronation Stone at Kingston upon Thames in January 1998, this being the first day of the Celtic New Year according to some calculations, do declare a Clean Slate and a state of economic renewal, according to powers vested in the ancient Kings.
Just as the Sun returns to the same position on the horizon each year, and the Moon revolves around the Earth; just as the land is revived season by season and the Earth begins anew again; just as birds return to their nests and salmon to their breeding waters; just as Winter gives way to Spring and Spring gives way to Summer, so the money cycle must be ever renewed and returned to a state of economic equilibrium.
Let all debts be forgiven. Let all forfeitures be returned. Let those who were dispossessed reclaim their customary possessions. Let the records be wiped clean and the Jubilee declared throughout the lands, as it always was. Let those who are enslaved by debt be made free. Let those who are brought low by financial burden have the weight lifted from them. Let the power vested in government to create money be used for the benefit of all the people and not just the favoured few.
Let a new bank holiday begin, a holiday from banks. Let the banks be made accountable to those they have indebted. Let their privilieges be revoked. Let those who hoard money be cured of their addiction. Let the money be free to circulate as it wills. Let it flow freely through the economy, like irrigation in a desert. Let the financial canals be opened and the land be brought to life again.
We are planting a seed here in the heart of the Ciy of London, City of Cities, the birthplace of the old economy, where all debt is created and to which all debt must be returned.
It is the seed of monetary justice, the seed of hope for a bright new future, the seed of the new debtless economy, where usury and interest-bearing debt give way to sovereign money in the hands of the people, and all of the people are free."