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Mars-500, Extreme lockdown, stuck in a Russian warehouse for 520 days


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This is the one that ended in cannibalism

The Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881–1884 to Lady Franklin Bay in the Canadian Arctic was led by Lieutenant Adolphus Greely and was promoted by the United States Army Signal Corps. Its purpose was to establish a meteorological-observation station as part of the First International Polar Year, and to collect astronomical and magnetic data. During the expedition, two members of the crew reached a new Farthest North record, but of the original twenty-five men, only seven survived to return.

Rumors of cannibalism arose following the return of the corpses. On August 14, 1884, a few days after his funeral, the body of Lieutenant Frederick Kislingbury, second in command of the expedition, was exhumed and an autopsy was performed. The finding that flesh had been cut from the bones appeared to confirm the accusation. However, Greely and the surviving crew denied knowledge of cannibalism, and it was surmised some members were trapping sea-lice for food and needed meat for bait

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