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Marine vs Dulwich Hamlet, pre-season friendly 13th July 2019

Dulwich Mishi

Old Skool Terrace Dinosaur-embracing the new-veau!
Am so looking forward to this, the wonderful nostalgia of the fixture alone as Marine kick off their 125th anniversary celebrations. They invited The Hamlet up for their centenary, but we weren’t as well run then, as in we never had the proverbial pot to piss in, with our then Chairman basically going “Who the bleeding hell’s going to pay for it?” & that was that.
We famously beat them 7-1 in the 1932 Amateur Cup Final at Upton Park, their only appearance in the final & the second of our four pre-war victories, but they also came to Champion Hill in May 1978. For a few seasons back then northern sides would play Friday night friendliest in the London area for eve of the final matches before FA Trophy & Vase finals, I think, from memory, we may have won 2-1, but am happy to stand corrected. The other one we played was, I think, a 1-1 draw at home to Bishop Auckland in, again I think, Nay 1981, which was Alan Smith’s last ever game as Hamlet manager.
Quick reminder, as I think it may have been posted elsewhere, that the Iron Men are on the beach at Crosby, only ten minute walk from Blundellsands & Crosby station. Worth a look - though mind out for the sinking sand!
If that’s too much culture, and/or if you need to soak up some beers before or after the game, then a few stops up the line in Formby there is a Toby Carvery...
Quick reminder, as I think it may have been posted elsewhere, that the Iron Men are on the beach at Crosby, only ten minute walk from Blundellsands & Crosby station. Worth a look - though mind out for the sinking sand!
If that’s too much culture, and/or if you need to soak up some beers before or after the game, then a few stops up the line in Formby there is a Toby Carvery...

No one tell gavin then.
Sadly, I can’t make this weekend as it’s a bit too adjacent to my holiday but if anyone fancies a WW2 history fix, the Western Approaches Museum at Exchange Flags comes highly recommended. This is the place from where the Atlantic convoys we’re controlled, so effectively where the Battle of the Atlantic was controlled from.

Western Approaches
There's also two great little micro pubs nearby: The Corner Post and The Liverpool Pigeon. Both are well worth checking out.

Worth noting for anyone thinking of going to these pubs before the game that they don’t appear to open until 2pm according to Google.

Good for post game drinks though!
Sadly family reasons mean I can't make it this weekend. Round the corner of the docks from the gallery, the Museum of Merseyside is worth some of your time.

City centre(ish) pubs usually good for real ale include Ship & Mitre, Dispensary, Ye Hole in ye wall, Ye old cracke, Lion Tavern, Baltic Fleet. Roscoe Head, Hard times & misery and Peter Kavanagh's.

If in the vicinity of them pop into Dr Duncan's and The Philharmonic for a look around.

The beer quality in Liverpool is generally very good and pubs flogging vinegar usually fail quickly so don't be scared to lucky dip any pubs that catch your eye. f

If you take the ferry 'cross the Mersey Gallagher's in Birkenhead is well worth a visit. The famous in pub barbers has shut, they use the space for drinkers these days
Sadly family reasons mean I can't make it this weekend. Round the corner of the docks from the gallery, the Museum of Merseyside is worth some of your time.

City centre(ish) pubs usually good for real ale include Ship & Mitre, Dispensary, Ye Hole in ye wall, Ye old cracke, Lion Tavern, Baltic Fleet. Roscoe Head, Hard times & misery and Peter Kavanagh's.

If in the vicinity of them pop into Dr Duncan's and The Philharmonic for a look around.

The beer quality in Liverpool is generally very good and pubs flogging vinegar usually fail quickly so don't be scared to lucky dip any pubs that catch your eye. f

If you take the ferry 'cross the Mersey Gallagher's in Birkenhead is well worth a visit. The famous in pub barbers has shut, they use the space for drinkers these days
Would definitely second Dr Duncan’s and Philharmonic. And while on Hope Street, if you do one sight-seeingy thing in Liverpool I would recommend going to the top of the Anglican Cathedral (the one that isn’t shaped like a wigwam). You do have to go up a fair few steps, so it might not be for everyone, but there is a fantastic view from the top, and it seems to be something not many people know about.

If you want a similarly impressive view without the steps, then Panoramic 34 is a bar with an amazing view of the river and city. But frankly it’s a bit shite - bit pretentious and the cost of a beer will be more than the price of going up the cathedral!

Back on the pub theme, and talking more places that are quite lively rather than being real ale haunts as such, so much of the action these days seems to be in the Baltic Triangle which wasn’t even a thing in my day so I can’t recommend anything there. Although the Baltic Fleet pub on the edge of that area has always been good (and I think is still a microbrewery). Nostalgia dictates I have to mention Lennon’s Bar on Matthew Street if you’re on that party drag. For something completely different, Alma de Cuba is an amazing bar converted from a 200 year old Spanish influenced church. And in the same area, Pogue Mahone is a good Irish bar and the Heebie Jeebies is a great place with lots of live music.

But to be honest, it’s pretty fucking hard to go out in Liverpool and not have a good time.
If anyone fancies a bit of art besides the Anthony Gormley sculptures on the beach, then Tate Liverpool has a major retrospective exhibition of Keith Haring’s work on at the moment. Opens at 10am on Saturday so plenty of time to fit it in before the match.

Details here: Keith Haring – Exhibition at Tate Liverpool | Tate

I'm planning to go to this with a mate of mine who I'm staying with in Liverpool for the weekend. For anyone going to the Chester game he recommends a visit to the Cathedral and a walk along the city walls!
Just a heads up, unless it has restarted recently, the Baltic Fleet is no longer a brew pub. From memory they cited issues caused by the amount of development work going on making consistency challenging.

Beatles fans might want to head to the White Star, a famous photo of them was taken there in their Cavern days. The spot is easy enough to find, look for a scrum of tourists.
Disappointed to be missing the trip to the North West. I went to University in Liverpool and agree The Philamonic is a great pub - worth it for the toilets alone!

Also hope to see pictures of Anthony Gormley's statues adorned with Hamlet scarves!

TBH I'd give Matthew Street a swerve (sorry Scouse Dom) particularly at night. Instead here are some recommendations:

The Ship and Mitre. It's a little bit off the beaten track but does a great range of beers, including lots of German stuff The Ship & Mitre Liverpool's Premier Freehouse

The Jacaranda on Slater Street was also an old favourite. That end of town - around Bold and up to the University is more of the studenty / arty side of town compared to Matthew Street. I think there's a few new places to eat that have popped up along Hope Street around the Anglican cathedral (in fact, you should visit both of the cathedrals, they are both incredible in different ways). There's also a great place called Magnet on Hartman Street for tunes and a bit of a dance. Finally, you must go to a boozer called Peter Kavanaghs (CAMRA pub of the year 2019) - same side of town as the Anglican Cathedral - Egerton Street. End of terrace pub on a beautiful Georgian St. It's an amazing place. After all that, get an Arabic breakfast at Kimo's on Myrtle St. It opened the year I left Liverpool (almost twenty years ago) and is going strong!

Writing this out has made me feel very jealous! Have fun.
Well, that was chalk and cheese! Very average for the first hour and extremely good for the last 30 minutes when most of who I assume will be the starting 11 were subbed on. Sublime goals from Ben Chapman, Ade and Danny and a sparkling performance from Nyren on the wing. I have to say that our first 11 (or so) look very good but I didn’t see much to enthuse over in the first hour. My only real concern from today is at Right back where I thought Ryan Case was very poor; he looks very slow, his general passing was poor and his crossing even worse. He doesn’t look a National South player to me but I hope he proves me wrong!
Well, that was chalk and cheese! Very average for the first hour and extremely good for the last 30 minutes when most of who I assume will be the starting 11 were subbed on. Sublime goals from Ben Chapman, Ade and Danny and a sparkling performance from Nyren on the wing. I have to say that our first 11 (or so) look very good but I didn’t see much to enthuse over in the first hour. My only real concern from today is at Right back where I thought Ryan Case was very poor; he looks very slow, his general passing was poor and his crossing even worse. He doesn’t look a National South player to me but I hope he proves me wrong!

Nathan Green looked incredibly slow against Hendon once upon a time. Hope for a similar ending. Transferred to Welling?
Absolute night and day in the performances there. Once we brought the second lot of players on we made easy work of Marine. Thought Clunis was absolutely rampant when he came on and I think Chapman will be a really big player for us this season. I also quite liked the look of Ijaha in the middle in the small period he was on.

Would be really surprised if many of the unsigned players featured.next season. Darnell Smith in particular is one of the nost shakey players ive ever seen with the ball at his feet, from what I saw in the Colchester and Marine games
Well, that was chalk and cheese! Very average for the first hour and extremely good for the last 30 minutes when most of who I assume will be the starting 11 were subbed on. Sublime goals from Ben Chapman, Ade and Danny and a sparkling performance from Nyren on the wing. I have to say that our first 11 (or so) look very good but I didn’t see much to enthuse over in the first hour. My only real concern from today is at Right back where I thought Ryan Case was very poor; he looks very slow, his general passing was poor and his crossing even worse. He doesn’t look a National South player to me but I hope he proves me wrong!

Have to agree re Case. Wasn't there today but against Colchester he looked miles off the pace. I thought it was strange signing when it was first announced, but it's looking even stranger now.

Think Tuesday night will be a good test for these trialists. Bromley should be better than us, but their standard probably isn't a million miles off what we're aiming for.

I'd love to know what's going on with Dipo, too. It's an incredible u-turn.
A very enjoyable visit to Marine, plenty of Hamlet fans and some cracking goals. The lad wearing the 7 shirt for the first hour was very poor I thought. I can’t imagine he will give Clunis any competition for that position. When Nyren replaced him, we immediately became a threat down the right wing. Yusuff’s goal was a cracker, Mills’ header, from a Clunis Cross, was converted very well, and Chapmans goal....I would describe as a screamer!
Case looked a lot more comfortable when Clunis came on and the two linked up well to contribute towards our impressive comeback - four goals in 18 minutes!

Danny Mills had a great tour and got four goals - two were scrappy, two were nicely taken. A great asset, who we've been after for a while.
Some pics from the mighty Max!





In photos: Marine AFC 2-4 Dulwich Hamlet, pre-season friendly, Sat 13th July 2019
That 3rd kit is a thing of absolute beauty.
It's a striking kit, but it does beg the question of why we actually need a third kit. How many opponents will clash with both the other kits? Even Corinthian Casuals in a cup tie won't clash with the mostly navy home kit. At least it incorporates the club colours with a nod to the club's very first colours of white shirts for the first season only, rather than being some totallly random choice.
It's a striking kit, but it does beg the question of why we actually need a third kit. How many opponents will clash with both the other kits? Even Corinthian Casuals in a cup tie won't clash with the mostly navy home kit. At least it incorporates the club colours with a nod to the club's very first colours of white shirts for the first season only, rather than being some totallly random choice.
Usually I'd agree, but I actually like the design, so I'll let it slide.. It's also the new away design for the second strip of the Women's side, so we may as well adopt it as a third strip as well. I think the powers that be thought this is a good kit, rather than 'a good opportunity to fleece the fans'...
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