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Mari Lwyd - a weird and rather scary winter tradition in Wales


I've yet to see this in 'real life; but I like the sound of it very much indeed.


The Mari Lwyd translates as the Grey Mare and is a part of a pagan tradition celebrated in Wales around December time - though some regions wait until January.

It involves a horse's skull, which is decorated with colourful reins, bells and ribbons.

The creature is then wrapped in a white sheet and placed on a pole.

Someone then crawls underneath the sheet to carry it flanked by a procession of people who are often dressed in traditional costume.

The group then travel around the village singing, ultimately challenging families to a battle of rhyming insults in Welsh.
At the entrance to each house, the Mari and her group try to gain access to the home by performing a series of verses, known as pwnco.

The homeowners then respond with their own rhymes, in a fake battle to outwit the creature and prevent her from entering the house.


Have stumbled across a couple of Mari Lwyds in my time, once in my local. They were bizarre and magnificent, and the excitement left me a little hoarse.
I like it. Never saw any with my own eyes despite living for years in north Wales. Is it more of a southern thing or was I just unlucky?
Probably unlucky, tho they're not that prevalent ime
Only seen twice I think and was raised there!
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