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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

Seeing stories that CNN are reporting MH370 dropped to 12,000ft after turning.

"The official, who is not authorized to speak to the media, told CNN that the area the plane flew in after the turn is a heavily trafficked air corridor and that flying at 12,000 feet would have kept the jet well out of the way of that traffic."

Wonder who this official is then?
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I was thinking it was an optical image. (Which it may be?)

Came across this today

While the statement from Malaysia called the information “new satellite images’’, France’s Foreign Ministry said they were “radar echoes”. It is thought the radar echoes — electronic signals — had been converted into fuzzy images.

george bush has joined the search effort.
um, what's the white things in the corners?

Top left and bottom right? That's land. It's evidently the Straits of Gibraltar - you can make out the harbour walls of Tarifa (centre left) and the Tanger-Med cargo port (centre bottom, just). You can clearly see wakes of various ships and internal waves in the straits (influenced by the undersea topography, currents, temperature, salinity, etc).
It's probably why they haven't bothered releasing the 'image' to the press/public. People, or journalists at least, will only wildly speculate on something that they can't interpret anyway. I can't really see news channels having some talking head on explaining that it is actually a complex combination of phase and doppler information...
Top left and bottom right? That's land. It's evidently the Straits of Gibraltar - you can make out the harbour walls of Tarifa (centre left) and the Tanger-Med cargo port (centre bottom, just). You can clearly see wakes of various ships and internal waves in the straits (influenced by the undersea topography, currents, temperature, salinity, etc).
If it's near Gibraltar it will surely enrage with the Spanish. Talk about rubbing their nose in it!
Sky News now reporting that Malaysia Airlines telling families that their are no survivors and they must accept evidence the plane has gone down in Southern Indian Ocean.
Won't be good enough for conspiracy fruit loops. Right now chinese planes are dropping debris in the search area to 'prove' it ended there, moving evidence from the real crash scene off their coastline where it was shot down by an errant missile/aliens/the joos. The satellite companies are owned by the joos, probably.
Sky News now reporting that Malaysia Airlines telling families that their are no survivors and they must accept evidence the plane has gone down in Southern Indian Ocean.

By text message from what I can gather


Earlier the BBC saw a text message sent to families saying it had to be assumed "beyond reasonable doubt" that the plane was last and there were no survivors.

How compassionate of them :rolleyes:
Apparently an interpretation of the Doppler skew of the handshake signals (aircraft-Inmarsat satellite) constrained the trail of pings to the series of southern arcs (ie it went south), particularly in comparison to analysis of similar signals from subsequent flights in the region (for which the aircraft position and heading are obviously known).
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