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Making tunes - a video thread


toilet expert
Hard to describe this kind of thing, but when I find them, they seem like gold. I thought there was a thread for it, but the closest I could find was an ohmyliver thread from 2019 about videos that helped you make better music, which didn't get many replies. Let's try again?

So, musicians - usually electronic music producers, but not always - making tunes and showing you how they do it. Not tutorials. There's the Against the Clock series on YouTube which is great. And I've just stumbled on this which I love:

Any more like this?
This has been posted multiple times on threads over the years, but always deserves another outing in case someone missed it:

Also a huge amount of content on cuckoo's channel. Some of it very machine specific. Some more general.

I forgot about Rhythm Roulette, which is a great series, but this episode in particular is amazing for seeing how professional musicians go about the process. The fact there's two of them, and they're chatting etc, means it's a lot more illuminating than a fella sat on an MPC on his own.

Oh, and if you're not familiar with it, the concept is they pick 3 tunes while blindfolded in a record shop and have to make a tune from sampling them. There's over 100 episodes, all hip hop/beatmakers.
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