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Making paneer

I have a litre of raw milk straight from a cow. Can I make paneer with it? I haven't eaten cheese for two months and I really want something resembling cheese.
Yes, you can. You could also make ricotta from it. You could make any cheese from it, with the usual caveat of it being unpasteurised, and, therefore, needing to be treated accordingly.
I have a litre of raw milk straight from a cow. Can I make paneer with it? I haven't eaten cheese for two months and I really want something resembling cheese.

Yeah I don't see why not - I've not done it myself but always quite fancied a bit of cheese making (the simpler stuff like paneer, mozarella, ricotta etc).

This page looks quite good:

Will have to try to locate a muslin cloth or handkerchief to make the paneer. No idea where to buy such a thing here. Will investigate tomorrow.
But, although they work, they don't work well, due to the large "mesh" size. That, I suppose depends on the denier of the stocking.

You can use a clean tea towel in 0lace of cheese cloth.
Neither clean nor dirty tea towels in the kitchen here. Worst stocked kitchen ever!
Right, I have my fresh milk (1-1.5 litres), some "lemons" - they're green and big but the guy at the market said they were lemons...couldn't get any cheesecloth/muslin, but have a fine material bag that they use here. Wish me luck!
Right, I have my fresh milk (1-1.5 litres), some "lemons" - they're green and big but the guy at the market said they were lemons...couldn't get any cheesecloth/muslin, but have a fine material bag that they use here. Wish me luck!

Good luck!

It just requires acid to curdle the milk - so citric acid from any citrus fruit should do the job. Just rinse the curds well (in the bag) to get rid of any strong flavour from the fruit :)

Edit: Oh and of course let us know how it goes! I'm tempted to give it a go myself, I keep forgetting to look for cheesecloth/muslin/those bags when I go shopping though, will try to remember to look out for them - the bags are washable and handy for cooking with whole herbs and spices too.
I did it! I don't think I had enough lemon juice (the lemons here are rock hard and even using five didn't result in much juice) as the curdling was a bit of a drawn out process. Half way through, I decided I'd rather have cream cheese than paneer, so I smoothed the mixture out and whipped it as best as I could with a fork. Currently enjoying it on a roll with some marmite and cucumber. It was a lot of effort for not a great deal of reward but I'm proud of myself. And this is the first time I've eaten cheese since January.
miss direct have you made labneh? It's even easier than ricotta. It's basically just strained yoghurt. Simply put the yoghurt, I use Greek style, unflavoured and unsweetened, put it into my cheese cloth in a colander and let it drain overnight. Sometimes I flavour it with herbs. It comes out similar to a Philidelphia cream cheese.

It's a lot less faffing than ricotta, and keeps for up to two weeks.
I like labne and bought it all the time in Turkey. But ready yoghurt is another hard to find and pricey product where I am located. But I would like to give this a try. I don't have a proper colander but guess I could use the sort of bag I used last night. Thanks for the idea.
Tip for getting juice out of hard lemons - warm them slightly (a short burst in the microwave is ideal, or just sit them in hot water for a few minutes) then roll them back and forth a few times on a hard surface with the palm of your hand on top pressing down.

That should make it a bit easier to get all the juice out. :)

Glad to hear that you got some cheese and that you are enjoying eating it!! Excellent result.
Tip for getting juice out of hard lemons - warm them slightly (a short burst in the microwave is ideal, or just sit them in hot water for a few minutes) then roll them back and forth a few times on a hard surface with the palm of your hand on top pressing down.

That should make it a bit easier to get all the juice out. :)

Glad to hear that you got some cheese and that you are enjoying eating it!! Excellent result.
I did the microwave thing, but still extremely hard. Will blast them for longer next time.
I miss getting the fully sun ripened lemons off my friends' tree. They were sweet enough to eat.
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