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Making bluetooth amp appear as "stereo mix" option in W10 ?


I hummus, therefore I am ...
A longshot I know, but ...

I just bought a BT dongle for my PC and a little Chinese BT portable headphone amp that are working well.

The issue I have is that I use Winamp as a visualiser with a linein plugin and I want to have a private headphone disco.
Usually all I need to do is select a default recording source in sound config, but my BT device doesn't appear in the list - presumably because it's a playback device only and appears to be using a generic Windows driver ...

So using an obsolete app on an obsolescent operating system on an 11 year old PC...
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You could update your whole system by buying a nice brass gramophone horn and just pointing it at whatever part of the house your in. Wtf is the point of a Bluetooth headphone amp? You know you can get Bluetooth headphones for a tenner or so.
I don't really understand either TBH. I still use Winamp BTW.

Why does recording source come into it?

Winamp let's you choose the playback device. I would expect or hope to, see the BT transmiter in there.

What's the BT headphone amp for? Acting as a receiver for the above presumably? And they're paired OK?
What's the BT headphone amp for? Acting as a receiver for the above presumably? And they're paired OK?
To give me the option of using headphones of my choice and as a receiver for various amps and speakers I have.
There's certainly a lot more oomph than plugging phones directly into my phone. For better quality there's a line input.
Pairing seems fairly seamless - W10 desktop, W7 laptop, Android phone ...
Wtf is the point of a Bluetooth headphone amp? You know you can get Bluetooth headphones for a tenner or so.
The phones I want to use are Koss portapros which are arriving today.
The BT version is a fair bit more than the combo I've opted for and Koss construction is a bit shit - and I want the option of using a cable. And driven from this amp.
Amazon tell me I've bought NINE pairs of KSC75s - hopefully I will find them all at some point and repair them as I have learned how... but I usually paid £15 or less and was happy to get 2 years of listening for an hour a day cycling to work and back.
You may not believe it but there's a large market for specialist headphone amps.

My original plan, before I bought my Quad ESLs was to make my own electrostatics and direct drive amp - and I may one day get around to that. I certainly will want planar cans and a decent DAC / amp for listening in the garden ...
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I don't really understand either TBH. I still use Winamp BTW.

Why does recording source come into it?

Winamp let's you choose the playback device. I would expect or hope to, see the BT transmiter in there.

What's the BT headphone amp for? Acting as a receiver for the above presumably? And they're paired OK?
It's for the input to the lineinput plugin so I can use the visualiser driven by music from other players.
As it happens for some time I've used a small electret mic in front of one of my PC speakers - or even the mic on my webcam ...
As it happens I had to install a "virtual cable" a while back to use with a USB radio dongle so I know there are ways of patching things virtually in Windows... but I confess I don't understand how I might use it ...

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I saw this on the Bluetooth headphone recommendation thread.
I am still no clearer to understanding exactly what is wanted. On a very basic level you want to listen to MP3s? Something off the internet? Tapes/records playing from your stereo?
It seems like there are several uncomplicated easier/cheaper ways to achieve what you are after, unless there is something specific you are trying to do, that you are just not explaining very well.
I saw this on the Bluetooth headphone recommendation thread.
I am still no clearer to understanding exactly what is wanted. On a very basic level you want to listen to MP3s? Something off the internet? Tapes/records playing from your stereo?
It seems like there are several uncomplicated easier/cheaper ways to achieve what you are after, unless there is something specific you are trying to do, that you are just not explaining very well.
I have exactly what I want in terms of getting audio from my four devices into my ears.
I was a university AV techie for 40 years .
I actually think you and maomao are being deliberately obtuse.

At the moment I am trying to get a "stereo mix" from the virtual feed to my BT audio so I can pick it up with the line input plugin in winamp to drive the visualiser - which is more of a music tech thing - outside my area.
The Winamp visualizer should only need playback.
I don't necessarily want to use a stream or media available through winamp - I mostly use the lineinput plugin to get audio from Firefox or whatever - basically the default recording device.
Couldn't you split the audio output with a cable? Half to speakers/headphones, half looped back to line in?
the audio output is Bluetooth
selecting bluetooth disables the onboard Via audio
I even just tried my duplex external USB audio card which I usually use with headphones ..
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I don't necessarily want to use a stream or media available through winamp - I mostly use the lineinput plugin to get audio from Firefox or whatever - basically the default recording device.

Ah I see what you mean. You need an input to Winammp to drive that visualisation using audio source from say, Youtube in a browser.

Yeah, it would be loopback. This is how I've recorded sound from a browser before. But I think as you say, the BT dongle doesn't have loopback capability. Not all sound interfaces do.

I'm not sure how it doesn't feedback but it doesn't. Software handled obviosly.

Virtual audio cable might get you somewhere but I've not used it TBH. I'm using 2 soundcards already and complicating it further makes my brain hurt...

WARNING! :D I think this will result in horrible feedback but.
Firefox audio > BT dongle as default playback device > virtual audio cable > default recording device > Winamp
WARNING! :D I think this will result in horrible feedback but.
Firefox audio > BT dongle as default playback device > virtual audio cable > default recording device > Winamp
The snag is I think that the BT dongle is sort of transparent and what I "see" in Windows is the headphone amp - which Windows treats as headphones - using a generic Windows driver and is treated as one-way only ...

I will probably just have to compromise and only disco to sources i can access via winamp :)
I have exactly what I want in terms of getting audio from my four devices into my ears.
I was a university AV techie for 40 years .
I actually think you and maomao are being deliberately obtuse.
I don't think we are being obtuse.
You just keep telling us you have exactly what you want, but you have not said on this thread or the other headphone one what that is.
It's hard to grasp what you are asking without knowing what you are trying to do. . . and you never answer the questions.

And no need to be condescending. My degree was in audio technology and it's half my job.

I see you have since clarified a couple of issues with other users.
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