Just been to the first half off the "consultation" meeting which mainly consisted of continuous failure to answer proper and relevant questions and a total belief in the rightness of their plan. Main points gleaned:
1. There have been NO traffic studies, this supposedly is because of roadworks on Loughborough Road. They are planning to do one when the roadworks finish (7 days at various traffic points) though they could not say whether this would be before the consultation period finished! They also did not know when the experiment was due to be started!!! When asked whether there was any basis for saying there was a through traffic problem on Loughborough Road at all they said they had cycled around and seen it!
2. I asked the main man (in the break) about what they thought the traffic problems were and he said a ratrun on Loughborough Road as confirmed by cycling around and asking people. I said no-one i knew in the area said that - the only traffic problem was not volume, but caused by parking on both sides at the Angell town end of LR casuing only one way traffic to be possible and the impossibly short traffic light timing at the LR/Brixton Road end. I said the volume was not the problem it was that it was not being able to get through - the exact oppostie of what LB Lambeth said. He said he would think about it but the lights were controlled by TfL (who are giving the grant for the proposal!). His answer was that I was looking at it all wrong and from the point of view of someone who wanted to use my car (true, but not exclusive) and was missing ythe point as the aim was to reduce car usage overall in the area.
3. The LB Lambeth person agreed with me when I said that car ownership in the Loughborough area was between 25-50% what it was in other areas - he said it was 30%. Having reached a point of agreement I proposed to him that what they therefore should be considering if they wished to keep and enhance our environmental credentials was excluding others from high car ownership areas from driving on our roads - in other words blocking their roads and access to our area - in other words Hinton and Herne Hill Road. He seemed bemused by this logic (thanks to my wife for this suggestions).
4. LB Lambeth (and some of the Vassall people) seemed to support the plan on the basis of a nicer public space at Loughborough Junction without considering the possibility that this could be achieved in other ways (by for example putting better facilites, street lighting, rate rebates for retail businesses, etc in the area) and making a square area on the corner of wick Gdsn, possibly extended to the Hero - He said the voting on the LB Lambeth masterplan supported the current plan) with no others put). I asked how many people - he didn't have the figures but said they could be made avaialble. I told him I knew of no-one on Loughborough Road or on our side who supported the road-blocking proposal.
5. Vassall Ward people (mainly in private houses it seemed) want parking restrictions rather than roadblocks (were two shows of hands one was in favour of parkign restrictions, the other against road closures). The LB Lambeth person confirmed they had not considered what the effect of parking restrictions may be on any potential traffic problem.
6. Loughborough people were bemused with ghetto-isation and lack of need
7. One of the Vassall people said she could organise a traffic study (as she worked in the field) if LB lambeth thought it was too expensive to do a destination/through traffic study (as they had said!). Unfortunately I forgot to get her details. If anyone knows it may be an idea to liaise on the terms of such a study - she said she would just canvas drivers at Loughborough Jnction entering & exiting LR at rush hour. Obviously this would hugely help in establishing if the problem is just a parking one or a through traffic one but other traffic points may be useful as well if there is the person power with clipboards.
Loughborough Estate are having a meeting to discuss all of this on 21 October 2014 at the Loughborough Community Centre at 7pm. It would seem (by their reaction) that the LB Lambeth people are a bit taken aback at the less than joyous welcome to their unresearched plan and they kept making noises about being amenable to local concerns without comitting themselves to whether this may affect the experimental phase. It seems to me if people canvassed locals by individual household with written confirmation if a yea or nay then LB Lambeth may have a problem if enough were nay. There are about 2000 households in this category - a leaflet drop (wwith a very simple leaflet with two boxes and a brief explanation of the plan (or just a map with the proposed closures) coudl do it for about £200 or some other way coudl be found. Or they may be doing it themselves already - I heard discussion of a petition...
I've just thought of something - if there are no traffic lights, etc at LJ won't the coldharbour lane traffic just speed through making it even more of a transitory wasteland than what the proposal aims to end according to LB Lambeth? Also is the £800,000 that I understand LJAG have won from TfL to improve the LJ area tied to this plan or is it for general improvements?