overlord of all acorns
Where, in this imaginative scenario, today's communication technologies are also available and there's a 1942 version of wiki leaks, with young German whistle-blowers exposing the atrocities by uploadeding the anally compiled doc
Pocket science. Your analogy with Hitlers Germany doesn't work for the simple reason that Germany was itself a major imperialist power. Thus WW11 was a war between 2 imperialist powers. Libya is not. Libya is an ex colonial country, that is a country whose independence was won (by Gaddafi) from imperialist exploitation. Therefore calling for those same ex colonial powers to liberate the country from its dictator is merely invitiing those colonial powers back to the country to continue their exploitation.
A better analagy would be the first world war, where Arabs of the Levant and mesopotamia allied themselves with Britain against the Turks of the Ottoman Empire, on the basis that liberation would mean Arab independance (the Laurence of Arabia story). They accepted Western support against their enemies on the basis that they would be granted independence and, of course the deal was reneged on by the British with the Balfour declaration and the Sykes Picot agreement. A sign of the dangers of relying on Western assistance. However there is one crucial difference between the Arab nations of that time and Libya today, that is that Arabs were fighting an external enemy and occupation, Libya is not. Gaddafi, foul as he is, is Libyan. Therefore relying on Western support in Libya is not attempting to play one external enemy against another but inviting Western involvement in an internal struggle. The lesson of history, time and time again, is that such involvement will strip Libya of its independance.