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Help Libre Office documents reduced


Famous author , company CEO
since importing Libre Office documents onto new computer they are all appearing as 2 sheets to a page (side by side)
i want them to appear as normal, 1 sheet of A4 as they are hard to see like they are now
any idea how to change it back to normal display?
since importing Libre Office documents onto new computer they are all appearing as 2 sheets to a page (side by side)
i want them to appear as normal, 1 sheet of A4 as they are hard to see like they are now
any idea how to change it back to normal display?
Or if it's only printing going into printer properties or options or similar that appears on the dialogue box before you actually send it
How about view, zoom, optimal view or page width? I'm sure I've seen a setting somewhere though.

At the bottom of the window far right is the size slider. Next left to this are 3 icons. From the right 2 pages joined together - 2 pages separated - single page. One of these will be bold. For a single page display click on the left icon.
thanks thats exactly what i was looking for. Only problem now on some documents the rulers have disappeared , i have clicked on view/"rulers" but nothing happens , any idea how to get those bacK?
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