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Let's see some really low flying planes

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1979 I worked at British Aerospace at Brough. The Buccaneers were built there. When on manouvers in the area they would do a fly over the sheds. Come low over the Yorkshire Wolds and suddenly appear, then the noise, the feel of the wash and engines. Quite something.

The Buccaneer nearly always wins - but this one was a bit cheeky! :eek:



And this blurs the line between low pass and crash!


That last one is wing tip vortex condensation not dust. Hard to tell just how low it is...
When I was surveying the Derbyshire dales I was nearly knocked off the top of a dry stone wall on top of a 50 foot cliff by a low flying A10A :eek:
You only need to walk around SE London for a few minutes to see lots of low flying planes turning into Heathrow.. 30 miles away... creating a soul splitting noise too!
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