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Let's hear it for The Branch Line Society


Well, I'm tempted to join:

The Branch Line Society (BLS) is a UK-based voluntary association for railway enthusiasts. It is a nationally spread organisation with a membership of over 2,100 (including quite a few resident overseas).

It was established in 1955 and is widely recognised as Britain's leading amateur group for the study of railway infrastructure and history of networks (and not nowadays, despite its title, just minor lines). It pursues its aims by a news service, mainline, heritage and private railtours and visits, and the production and distribution of publications.

Our emphasis is on the physical works and on operating arrangements, rather than motive power and rolling stock. Whilst seeking to record matters of history accurately for archive purposes, a prime aim is to publicise coming events and activities.

Loads of reports to pour over:

And not forgetting:

Member for about 15 years. Still baffled by the folk getting excited about doing a 'rare' set of points or a passing loop, but each to their own. Some great resources, and the group's madness has raised a lot of money for charities in recent years.
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