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Question laptop screen knackered?


naturally fluffy
I have a Lenovo Thinkpad X220 - got it second hand a few years ago, and tend only to use it when away from home and backup data via external drive to it, so it's not critical.

As of last weekend, the screen isn't working (no sign of any power to it.)

I've tried the multiple buttons + B thing and no change.

Everything (else) is working if I plug it in to external monitor, so looks as though power is not getting to the screen (so i can take files off it no problem if i do decide to get rid).

It was fine before I went away last weekend - I had to do a slightly sharp stop in the puddymobile on the way over to mum-tat's so it might have got bumped a bit in transit)

Any bright ideas -

a) if there's anything else I can try doing

b) if I can get a replacement screen, how easy is it going to be to change it? Will it require special tools and / or soldering? (I'd have to buy a soldering iron)

c) roughly how much is it likely to cost to take it somewhere and get it done?

(question being whether it's worth it - it's not W11 compatible, so will probably need replacing within the next few years)
Use the external monitor to uninstall the screen driver and reboot. This will reinstall the driver. If that doesn't work then it's likely the screen is shot or its connecting cable is loose/broken.


Have given that a try - still showing only on the external monitor.

One some laptops there's a key combination you press on boot up that triggers a screen test.

When I had the issue on my work dell laptop it could not be fixed and was swapped out .

Local computer shop reckon 90 quid or more to sort it.

Can replace it with a refurbished windows 11 laptop for about 100 quid.

Not sure I can face trying to do my own repair.

May do the 'new' one and freecycle the old one...

Local computer shop reckon 90 quid or more to sort it.

Can replace it with a refurbished windows 11 laptop for about 100 quid.

Not sure I can face trying to do my own repair.

May do the 'new' one and freecycle the old one...
I've done it before and found it easy (on different model laptops) there is a 5 minutes video how-to here if you fancy giving it a try, screen itself would be about £30.
I've done it before and found it easy (on different model laptops) there is a 5 minutes video how-to here if you fancy giving it a try, screen itself would be about £30.


there's no obvious damage to the screen, think it may be some connection between screen and rest of the computer that is the problem.

i'm not that keen on starting opening it up and poking about, to be honest
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