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Kittens in the Albert

Mrs Magpie

On a bit of break...
A pretty little stray has adopted the garden of the Prince Albert in Brixton. She is up the duff (I think by Billy the pub cat, but I'm not sure) and the landlord is taking her to the vet to make sure she's OK. A few people have expressed interest in the kittens. The landlord says he's more than happy for them to go to good homes, but would like a contribution to the vet's bills for the mother cat.
So, if you want a kitten with a good pub provenance, register your interest with the landlord of the Albert asap.
Wish I could have a cat - however I wouldn't want to inflict my neighbourhood upon an animal. Will have to wait until I retire to the country.

Perhaps Billy should be neutered? He'll hate me for saying that.
Aw, I remember when Billy was a kitten (he was the pub kitten last year wasn't he?), and someone took their kitten in, and they both played and it was really cute... :)

Unfortunately for them so did some kids in the beer garden! :(
gabi said:
Perhaps Billy should be neutered? He'll hate me for saying that.
I don't know that he isn't actually, I've not looked closely at his nether regions, I'm just assuming that Billy is the father, but she may well have been already pregnant when she adopted the pub.
Me and hendo are definitely interested -- I'm just a bit worried that the kittens will be feral if they're not handled enough in their first few weeks. I REALLY don't want another semi-feral cat!

Will talk to Pat.
Well the mother isn't feral, just a stray. She was quite happy to let me stroke her when I took some catfood in for her. I think with the amount of people that use the Albert, the kittens are likely to be well socialised.
We'd love one of the kittens. We're moving to a flat with a garden in 3 weeks so its good timing. We'll go and talk to Pat in a bit.
I've never heard a peep from her, not even when a loose dog chased her out of the pub garden...she hangs around on the House of Bottles side of the Albert garden. She's black & white, small and a tad skinny.
Ah, the noisy bugger is further up CHL.. I even went looking for it at 4am last night in case it's hurt or something, but couldn't find it.
What a lovely thread. :) I was searching for something else on google when I saw this:

Billy's not had his knackers chomped yet but Pat claims he is going to do it soon (I mean take him to the vet, not do it himself :eek: ).

I am so tempted. Both Billy and Betty, as Avengingangel has christened her, are absolutely gorgeous. Not sure what my cat would think, though, and I still feel responsible for PJ, who lives with AK.

I'm sure Betty isn't feral. She is so sweet. Very relaxed and friendly. God knows she needs feeding up though. Mrs M gave her a whole tin of cat food and she ate almost all of it in one gulp. That was almost her own weight in food! And she is only about 8-10 months old, I reckon. Teenage mums, eh? She's only doing it to get a council basket. :rolleyes:
I gave her some M&S ham yesterday and she was in ecstasy and kept trying to climb in the bag to get more. She is VERY sweet.

What's the betting all of her kittens will be named Albert/Alberta/Albertine? :D
My mother is looking for a couple of kittens to replace two of our cats that died recently.

If they haven't been bagsied already and need homes can someone let me know.

Ta :)
I hope Betty will also be speyed after the kittens (fairly soon or she'll be up the duff again)

Kittens are sooo cute :D
Regarding the cat that's been miaowing for the last few days - assuming you live in the vicinity of connaught mansions it's probably the same one that we've noticed out the window. It's a young black cat (i'd guess about a year old, though only seen it from a distance) & seems to be one of a litter of presumably feral cats that live around the indoor market roof. We think it jumped down from a higher bit of the market roof and now can't get back up - though it keeps venturing higher up, so we're hoping it eventually finds a way.
I tried a bit of climbing around roofs the other night, but it's very hard to get to any of the places it's hiding in and if you approach it, it runs off, so currently all we've been able to do is throw it a few sardines to stop it starving. To be honest I've no idea what to do - it doesn't quite seem in trouble enough to merit calling an animal rescue place (and not sure what they'd do - it'd be very hard to get hold of), so we're jsut hoping it figures out how to get back to its family. It seems to be a pretty good climber but not that bright.
(sorry, this is a very odd first post, but it's very bleak hearing it crying & we live in a position where we can see it from above but can't really get to it- haven't heard it since this morning though, so maybe it's found a way).
i'm just hoping someone with more experience of cats knows if there's anything worth doing. doesn't help that i'm going to be away the next few nights, otherwise i'd try sitting out there with a dish of food or something.
i don't really know what the deal is with feral cats anyway, presumably it's not like they can be homed easily so i'd worry that it wouldn't be any better off going to a rescue place.
whatever44 said:
i'm just hoping someone with more experience of cats knows if there's anything worth doing. doesn't help that i'm going to be away the next few nights, otherwise i'd try sitting out there with a dish of food or something.
i don't really know what the deal is with feral cats anyway, presumably it's not like they can be homed easily so i'd worry that it wouldn't be any better off going to a rescue place.
In the case of the miaowing cat, I'd get cats protection or the RSPCA to look into it.

One alternative with ferals is to do what my 79 year old neighbour did: get Cats Protection to neuter them and then bring them back. They'll live quite happily outside and you can feed them. You could fix them up with a shelter for bad weather but ferals can look after themselves.

They'll sit in your garden (if you have one) and may even come to you, and you have the advantage of not having a house full of cat hair. My neighbour has three semi-ferals like this. I help him out with the catfood and it is well worth it to see the three of them sunning themselves in the garden. They are beautiful.
The cat of many names came and sat with me for about half an hour last night. She is really close to going pop now. She's like a bag of kittens with legs. You can feel the little blighters really clearly.

Apparently she is not Betty now but has been registered with the vet as something like 'Chifka' (I don't know the spelling). Which is Polish for 'bitch'! :eek: Those bloody barmaids have got a lot to answer for!

She is also known as Minxy, apparently, which is better than Bitch, at least. Vet apparently reckons four to five kitties, though they may not all survive.
Yes, she's very young and quite small. She's being well fed and cared for though, so perhaps they'll all survive. Various safe spaces have been sorted for her and when the time comes she'll pick where she wants to have them. Billy is being sweet with her, despite the fact he's still a bit tender around the ex-bollock region after his visit to the vet....
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