establishment been starting to read about this governments planning reforms.
Comes across as out of the Tory playbook.
Its the imo right wing view that the planning system and right to object/ comment on planning objections that's holding up development
The free market rag City AM is loving this.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he will not "shy away" from tackling local objections to the government's ambitious building proposals.
This really is right wing populism dressed up as being about supporting the working class.
This country has had decades of free enterprise and it has not resulted in affordable homes.
If this Labour government wants to help working people it can bring in rent controls for commercial and private rented property.
As the small business I talk to and those in London who rent privately would like rent controls.
I also am someone who is active on local issues in my area. IMO the planning system is part of local democracy. Commenting on planning applications is something I have done and still do.
An issue for me is for example so called viability assessments. On large developments developers are supposed to build percentage of housing for social rent. So called viability assessments are used to reduce that percentage
There is now a whole industry of consultants employed to do this.
Is Starmer going to address this ? No