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John Cruddas MP .. alleges government pushing immigration to undermine unions etc

belboid said:
oh, and I take it all those anti-immigration would have been thoroughly consistent and oppossed the entry of women into the workplace 100+ years ago? Exactly the same arguments then as now.

Complete and utter shite.
I am anti immigration cos i see the effects it has internationally on the poorest nations. And i see the effect it has in the UK on the poorest people competing for Jobs and Housing.
It seems you are too brainwashed too even consider these points.
belboid said:
dear god there aint half some drivel on this thread, and not just from the normal idiots (a la balders) either!

Could some of the immigration controls supporters answer a couple of simple questions I wonder?

on 'lowering wages' - surely you realise this is largely due to them being illegal. so how the hell does this lead to a support for immigration controls? It is them that are playing a significant part in ensuring people work for less than legal/decent minimums. Making all those people legal would be a massive step to doing away with such behaviour from bosses.

On borders - how strong would you like them to be? Israel like walls? Bigger taller barbed wire? Should the border guards be armed or not? How many deaths do you think would be a 'price worth paying'? And why not stop these bloody scots from coming down as well? Or those daft northerners who want to move to London, surely we should stop them too.

[fights urge to insert a rolleyes]
well, who the fuck would then?

On "lowering wages" Ever heard of supply and demand?
On Borders how weak would you like them to be? No regualtion at all so people with the available money can go exactly where they like?
What effect do you think that would have on the vast majority of the Worlds population?
Have you really ever given this issue any serious thought?

Ever heard of Norman Tebbit and "On your Bike Philosophy"
tbaldwin said:
Complete and utter shite.
I am anti immigration cos i see the effects it has internationally on the poorest nations. And i see the effect it has in the UK on the poorest people competing for Jobs and Housing.
It seems you are too brainwashed too even consider these points.
ha ha ha, here we go (yet) again.

Actually, you've been more honest than normal - you blame immigrants for unemployment and housing shortages, not the bosses, no no, of course not.

You're a bigot, pure and simple.
tbaldwin said:
On "lowering wages" Ever heard of supply and demand?
On Borders how weak would you like them to be? No regualtion at all so people with the available money can go exactly where they like?
What effect do you think that would have on the vast majority of the Worlds population?
Have you really ever given this issue any serious thought?

Ever heard of Norman Tebbit and "On your Bike Philosophy"
and as poer normal you dont answer a single question put to you, but come back with idiotic what ifs.

How many are you prepared to see killed trying to get into this country then?

Go on, try answering just one question.
belboid said:
ha ha ha, here we go (yet) again.

Actually, you've been more honest than normal - you blame immigrants for unemployment and housing shortages, not the bosses, no no, of course not.

You're a bigot, pure and simple.

No i am anti immigration (to simplify it for a cretin like you) but not anti immigrant.
Who could blame somebody for wanting to improve their and their families life.

As for BIGOT. You cant engage sensibly with the arguement and resort to lazy prejudice.. Which kind of indicates to me that you should know better than most how a BIGOT thinks..

And please do explain how you think my views are bigoted....Should be amusing...
belboid said:
and as poer normal you dont answer a single question put to you, but come back with idiotic what ifs.

How many are you prepared to see killed trying to get into this country then?

Go on, try answering just one question.

A truly pathetic question.. I dont want to see anyone killed.

But how many people in Africa do you want to see die,cos we take so many of their doctors and nurses?
Go on try answering just one question.
I've answered that one several times to you baldy, funny how often your memory goes.

Open borders actually means that people may be more likely to come here, but it also means they are much more likely to leave as well - as they would not be (all but) barred from returning again upon leaving. So there needn't be any such drain on other countries' skilled/essential staff at all.
tbaldwin said:
No i am anti immigration (to simplify it for a cretin like you) but not anti immigrant.
Who could blame somebody for wanting to improve their and their families life.

As for BIGOT. You cant engage sensibly with the arguement and resort to lazy prejudice.. Which kind of indicates to me that you should know better than most how a BIGOT thinks..

And please do explain how you think my views are bigoted....Should be amusing...
christ, bigotted and ignorant! Read what I said again silly boy - you put the blame for housing and job shortages upon immigrants. Hence you blamed immigrants. Hence you are a bigot.

Hilarious huh?

tbaldwin said:
I am anti immigration cos ... i see the effect it has in the UK on the poorest people competing for Jobs and Housing.
belboid said:
I've answered that one several times to you baldy, funny how often your memory goes.

Open borders actually means that people may be more likely to come here, but it also means they are much more likely to leave as well - as they would not be (all but) barred from returning again upon leaving. So there needn't be any such drain on other countries' skilled/essential staff at all.

George Bush,Norman Tebbitt, Bellboid. All say the answer my friend is get on the plane,get on your bike and move to work.
What a complete and utter racist twat you are.
dont like being shown up for ther reactionary get you are do you baldy?

Poor little bigot.
belboid said:
dont like being shown up for ther reactionary get you are do you baldy?

Poor little bigot.

What a very reasoned well thought out response.... Yeah Bellboid i have so much to learn from such a broadminded thoughtful individual as you....
You never did explain why you think im a bigot..
Nick Griffin, Pim Fortuyn, Jean Marie Le Pen, tbaldwhine.

Yes, I did actually tb, you just seem to have skipped it for some reason. I wonder why?
belboid said:
christ, bigotted and ignorant! Read what I said again silly boy - you put the blame for housing and job shortages upon immigrants. Hence you blamed immigrants. Hence you are a bigot.

Hilarious huh?

Read what i wrote you racist idiot. I dont blame immigrants. But say that Immigration has a detrimental effect on people in poorer countries and poorer people in this country who are competing for jobs and housing.
You are the bigot.
I did read it dumbo - you said it, and you just said it again. Immigrants are to blame for poorer people in this country getting decent jobs and housing. It's there in black and blue.

Actually, I think you know what you've said and are now trying to get around it by shouting 'racist' at me. You get more laughable by the minute, I didnt think that was possible!
belboid said:
I did read it dumbo - you said it, and you just said it again. Immigrants are to blame for poorer people in this country getting decent jobs and housing. It's there in black and blue.

Actually, I think you know what you've said and are now trying to get around it by shouting 'racist' at me. You get more laughable by the minute, I didnt think that was possible!

No i didnt blame immigrants, i blamed immigration as i have done time and again..
You seem to be struggling Bellboid and youre Racist Idiocy just shows how little you have thought about the subject before coming out with phrases like BIGOT...
Fruitloop said:
What is the actual choice here? What alternative strategies are being proposed?

Well this has to be the real point.

I think those who propose that the free market is best for migration policies are either seriously deluded or dont give a shit about the majority of the worlds population.

I propose that the Left looks seriously at how Migration effects poorer countries and poorer people in richer countries.
When they do that then maybe they will be in a better position to try and describe others as BIGOTS....
tbaldwin said:
Well this has to be the real point.

I think those who propose that the free market is best for migration policies are either seriously deluded or dont give a shit about the majority of the worlds population.

I propose that the Left looks seriously at how Migration effects poorer countries and poorer people in richer countries.
When they do that then maybe they will be in a better position to try and describe others as BIGOTS....
Nick Griffin, Pim Fortuyn, Jean Marie Le Pen, tbaldwhine.
belboid said:
how many houses does 'immigration' occupy? How many jobs?

What kind of a question is that? Are you trying to make some point?

Dont you believe in supply and demand?
belboid said:
Nick Griffin, Pim Fortuyn, Jean Marie Le Pen, tbaldwhine.

Ho Ho what a great thinker you are..... Comparing someone to Holocaust deniers like Le Pen or Griffin shows just how pathetic your arguements are...
I dare say publically at least they are against child molesters murdering children. does that mean in your warped mind that if people agree with them on that then they should be compared to them?
You really are a fine example of a bigoted twat.
belboid said:
it's a quite straightforward question really - just one you want to avoid.

What a sad twat. Do you think there is an endless supply of jobs and housing?.
Did you grow up under a money tree?
tbaldwin said:
Ho Ho what a great thinker you are..... Comparing someone to Holocaust deniers like Le Pen or Griffin shows just how pathetic your arguements are...
lol, I love the way ytou fail to recognise your own hypocrisy there balders. Still, nothing new in that.
tbaldwin said:
What a sad twat. Do you think there is an endless supply of jobs and housing?.
Did you grow up under a money tree?
and its back to blaming immigrants for taking 'our' jobs and homes. Not the bosses who shut down the factories, not the people who did away with social housing, but the immigrants.

Good night baldy - I wonder if you'll keep re-posting the same one post for another six months?
belboid said:
and its back to blaming immigrants for taking 'our' jobs and homes. Not the bosses who shut down the factories, not the people who did away with social housing, but the immigrants.

NO point to me one time on this or another thread where i said i blame immigrants rather than immingration which you George Bush etc are so keen on.
Your RACIST IDIOCY totally ignores the effect of opening the doors to skilled workers from poorer countries.
Fruitloop said:
What is the actual choice here? What alternative strategies are being proposed?

Be good to see Bellboid and those who agree with him try and answer this question.
belboid said:
oh, and I take it all those anti-immigration would have been thoroughly consistent and oppossed the entry of women into the workplace 100+ years ago? Exactly the same arguments then as now.

I`m not advocating an immigration policy....and i`m not anti-immigrant either Mr Belboid i`m merly commenting about rates of pay in particular industries and how many of the employeers of those industries are usuing the newest wave of workers coming into the UK to suppress rates of pay and keep them artificically low.....:confused:
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