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John Cruddas MP .. alleges government pushing immigration to undermine unions etc

durruti02 said:
few cos they see revolutionaries as like SWP/RESPECT fighting for the rights of muslim terrorists in belmarsh ( how ever true that is or is not )

mate the left has never been weaker in this country .. we are at a year zero ... we NEED to reconnect!!!
this is just like your maths on immigration. Just because two things reside next to each other, does not mean there is cause and effect. name a Revolutionary party in Britain that has inspired the majority of people to revolution? in fact anywhere in the world. now name me how money revolutionary parties there has been. You and I know Mr Baldwin is talking bollocks so stop defending him.
we willonly do that if we stand up of r people over the most mundain things .. sometimes we will disagree with people .. that is part of the fking process ... but we have to trust we have to have faith we have to belive our ideas will out
couldn't agree with you more.
durruti02 said:
so did not lenin say the paper should smell of the workers vodka??

is there a differrence between a rev who listens to people
and one who thinks they have all the answers .. that they knowe it all .. it seems to me that the left SW are on thin ice thinking they know it all ... when so few people seem to support them ..
you may be right. But there is one thing 4 sure, SW spends more time listening to those people, than they do examining the minutiae of inter-left politics. SW try to do what Lenin said, whether they are successful, will only be proven in the making of history.

by the way, have you actually read the report yet from the MP?
durruti02 said:
rmp3 ...why do you continue to ignore the differrence between the idea that capitalists use immigration to create conflict ( we all agree here and need to debate it no further) to the idea that capitalist use immigration to cut wages and undermine the unions .. yes linked but fundamentally differrent and needing a differrent response

you further state that sw are 'familiar' with the idea neo libs use immigration etc etc ..good .. i'd be worried if they were not ... so why does this not appear or be discussed in your papers/prop???
Read Post 281. I clearly say SW is familiar with the fact that many neo Liberals want to use immigration to cut wages and undermine unions. You even say that in the second half of your post.

go on, admit the fucking obvious, that SW is quite familiar (obvious to most people beside you and Mr Baldwin) with Thatcherism.:D
ResistanceMP3 said:
this is just like your maths on immigration. Just because two things reside next to each other, does not mean there is cause and effect. name a Revolutionary party in Britain that has inspired the majority of people to revolution? in fact anywhere in the world. now name me how money revolutionary parties there has been. You and I know Mr Baldwin is talking bollocks so stop defending him.
couldn't agree with you more.

no tb is not talking bollox .. i agree with his analysis not with his solutions .. he is a dear friend but we have never agreed entirely on the big picture though we are not to far away .. what i have always admired him for is his ability to think out of the box .. and his 13?year old son shows more nous/ intelligence/ability to think than many lefties i have encountered!

re rev parties .. yes too true .. but that to me clearly is a symtom of the dead weight that leninsm/trotskyism/bakuninism plays on the left .. you and me needs to have a pint together .. there is much much more than the sad history of leftist parties out there .. to be patronising ( sorry:D ) i see in you many a swper/milie/@ who knowslittle beyond what they have learnt over the years in their particular cult .. what is good about HI ( and CW in the 8ts ) is the broad mix of experiances that we have all had ..

as i have said we are at year zero .. the SWP has gone backward over the last few years detaching itself even more from the day to day/ordinary people .. to the extent that even those who were on the right 10/15 years ago e.g. waterson/harman are now isolated on the left!!
ResistanceMP3 said:
Read Post 281. I clearly say SW is familiar with the fact that many neo Liberals want to use immigration to cut wages and undermine unions. You even say that in the second half of your post.

go on, admit the fucking obvious, that SW is quite familiar (obvious to most people beside you and Mr Baldwin) with Thatcherism.:D

so why can you not admit that currently immigration is a part of it???
ResistanceMP3 said:
Read Post 281. I clearly say SW is familiar with the fact that many neo Liberals want to use immigration to cut wages and undermine unions. You even say that in the second half of your post.

go on, admit the fucking obvious, that SW is quite familiar (obvious to most people beside you and Mr Baldwin) with Thatcherism.:D

so why can you/SW not admit that currently immigration is a part of it???
durruti02 said:
rubbish mate .. i have not misunderstood you (though yes i did make cheap points .. sorry .. but i find your position incredible for a marxist/socialist or whatever ) .. you clearly said that these problems are ideological and not material .. you stated this quite clearly ..see your qoute below ..

" ..and this is where the dynamic is important. Socialist assess the balance of class forces/struggle, I/sw don't think the State of affairs of inter-working-class conflict is at the same level as that Marx was describing in your quote, and so we place the emphasis on the ideological struggle rather than the struggle at the base, AT THE MOMENT. "

unless you have expressed yourself badly that is the only way i can interpret what you have said

i do not understand your last comment
what was you saying about revolutionaries not listening to people? Not accepting the possibility they may be wrong? There is no possibility whatsoever you could have misunderstood what I must saying?:D

just think about this. Do you think interworking class conflict will get worse if there is an economic depression? ;) do you think the BNP are fighting on the streets, or on the ideological level?
durruti02 said:
dear oh dear ..all this way into a thread where i have never argued ( and do not belive in arguing for ) immigration controls ( and check other threads to if you want) and you are repeating the old lie that that is what i support ..poor .. :( and then to throw in a facist smear .. please do better!:D
you see, here's another difference between yours and my debating styles. When I am wrong, I admit it. I apologise for addressing that post to you. For some strange reason I got you mixed up with knotted, who does it seems support immigration controls, along with Mr "carrot and stick" Baldwin.
to repeat .. i support a workers/TU campaign against the use of cheap labour/ in favour of local priority in employment ( actually environmentally progressive too ) / a campiagn to reduce the 3 million jobless total/ to stop the state and tory capitalists using immigrants as cheap labour/ to stop those scum deliberately campaigning/advertising abroad for labour/ to reintroduce the closed shop to start rebuilding workers control of the shop etc etc etc etc
in fact in reality I agree with all and that, because I don't think you need to discriminate to achieve "local in employment". If you achieve that kind of unity, and a big enough stick to force the employers not to discriminate against local workers, that will automatically exclude immigrant workers. it is just a different way of achieving what you want.
ResistanceMP3 said:
what was you saying about revolutionaries not listening to people? Not accepting the possibility they may be wrong? There is no possibility whatsoever you could have misunderstood what I must saying?:D

just think about this. Do you think interworking class conflict will get worse if there is an economic depression? ;) do you think the BNP are fighting on the streets, or on the ideological level?

fair play .. i may be wrong .. it is importnat to understand that .. but i am in my mid 4ts i have been through many groups including as i said a good grounding thru the swp from 1977 to 1984 the CW and much as well .. i am not a toy town or student 'revo' .. my ideas are based on not just coming from a socialist/LP family but 20 years of working and living in east london .. and i meet many many people who are left wing by nature who are solid trade unionists who despair and dispise the left for being out of touch .. ( and they are better people than most lefties @s out there to my mind .. ) and that is what is interesting about HI and similar people that we are far more enquring / far more analytical COS WE DO NOT BELIEVE WE HAVE ALL the answers .. as you should have picked up my solutions are practical and cumulative .. not sloganeering ones

i do not think i am misunderstanding you .. we have a denbate over whether the current immigration is a deliberate part of a neo liberal agenda .. i see you agreeing that immigrati0on can cause conflict ( agree but NOT what is being discussed) and is see you patronisingly saying that 'of course we know what thatcherism is' .. was that the q?

so please as you are so familiar with thatcherism/neo liberalism

do you think that the current wave of immigration is part of that?

on the ideological thing again .. to repeat .. you can not mount an ideological campign IF there is not a material basis to do so .. you can argue with knotted about hegel and marx as much as you like but that is the deal

and thus to talk of the ideological battle WITHOUT REFERENCE TO THE MATERIAL BASE is meaningless

p.s. are you rude :D .. did i not suggest a drink?
ResistanceMP3 said:
you see, here's another difference between yours and my debating styles. When I am wrong, I admit it. I apologise for addressing that post to you. For some strange reason I got you mixed up with knotted, who does it seems support immigration controls, along with Mr "carrot and stick" Baldwin.

apology accepted .. ( and not true i have and no apologise when i get things wrong )

yes not sure where he is totally coming from .. in fact what about you me Tb and knotted and some others get together??
durruti02 said:
apology accepted .. ( and not true i have and no apologise when i get things wrong )

yes not sure where he is totally coming from .. in fact what about you me Tb and knotted and some others get together??
why don't you come to Marxism 2006?:D that is when I will be in London.
ResistanceMP3 said:
why don't you come to Marxism 2006?:D that is when I will be in London.

i think not but we can meet then?? when is it?? i'll pm you tb and knotted and vp and nay one else?? .. in fact is it worth a fringe meet???

p.s. you still have a q. to answer!
durruti02 said:
apology accepted .. ( and not true i have and no apologise when i get things wrong )

yes not sure where he is totally coming from .. in fact what about you me Tb and knotted and some others get together??
I think you might have missed this edit of the previous post

to repeat .. i support a workers/TU campaign against the use of cheap labour/ in favour of local priority in employment ( actually environmentally progressive too ) / a campiagn to reduce the 3 million jobless total/ to stop the state and tory capitalists using immigrants as cheap labour/ to stop those scum deliberately campaigning/advertising abroad for labour/ to reintroduce the closed shop to start rebuilding workers control of the shop etc etc etc etc

in fact in reality I agree with all and that, because I don't think you need to discriminate to achieve "local in employment". If you achieve that kind of unity, and a big enough stick to force the employers not to discriminate against local workers, that will automatically exclude immigrant workers. it is just a different way of achieving what you want.
ResistanceMP3 said:
I think you might have missed this Eddie of the previous post

in fact in reality I agree with all and that, because I don't think you need to discriminate to achieve "local in employment". If you achieve that kind of unity, and a big enough stick to force the employers not to discriminate against local workers, that will automatically exclude immigrant workers. it is just a different way of achieving what you want.

yep just saw it .. but think i've had enough for the day!!

and i think you may have missed an edit .. something about a q. un answered .. :D
durruti02 said:
fair play .. i may be wrong .. it is importnat to understand that .. but i am in my mid 4ts i have been through many groups including as i said a good grounding thru the swp from 1977 to 1984 the CW and much as well .. i am not a toy town or student 'revo' .. my ideas are based on not just coming from a socialist/LP family but 20 years of working and living in east london .. and i meet many many people who are left wing by nature who are solid trade unionists who despair and dispise the left for being out of touch .. ( and they are better people than most lefties @s out there to my mind .. ) and that is what is interesting about HI and similar people that we are far more enquring / far more analytical COS WE DO NOT BELIEVE WE HAVE ALL the answers .. as you should have picked up my solutions are practical and cumulative .. not sloganeering ones

i do not think i am misunderstanding you .. we have a denbate over whether the current immigration is a deliberate part of a neo liberal agenda .. i see you agreeing that immigrati0on can cause conflict ( agree but NOT what is being discussed) and is see you patronisingly saying that 'of course we know what thatcherism is' .. was that the q?

so please as you are so familiar with thatcherism/neo liberalism

do you think that the current wave of immigration is part of that?

on the ideological thing again .. to repeat .. you can not mount an ideological campign IF there is not a material basis to do so .. you can argue with knotted about hegel and marx as much as you like but that is the deal

p.s. are you rude :D .. did i not suggest a drink?
so after several months of trying to get you to accept that Marxists DO understand the agenda of the neo-Liberals, with all that effort, the best I am going to get is " so please as you are so familiar with thatcherism/neo liberalism "?

well I have always said, if you and Mr Baldwin would only accept the obvious, I would be prepared to move on to the why's and where for's.
and thus to talk of the ideological battle WITHOUT REFERENCE TO THE MATERIAL BASE is meaningless
they are a inseparable whole, the base and the superstructure. you cannot indeed talk about the ideological battle without reference to the base, but in social evolution vice versa is also true. The situation is dynamic. Sometimes the superstructure can become such a fetter, restraining the economic base, it can lead to the ruin of the contending classes.
durruti02 said:
yep just saw it .. but think i've had enough for the day!!

and i think you may have missed an edit .. something about a q. un answered .. :D
again, I have said all the way through, there is no point moving on to why SW does not emphasise this, until we can agree on the basics.

yes, I'm going to go too. Goodbye for now.
ResistanceMP3 said:
so after several months of trying to get you to accept that Marxists DO understand the agenda of the neo-Liberals, with all that effort, the best I am going to get is " so please as you are so familiar with thatcherism/neo liberalism "?

well I have always said, if you and Mr Baldwin would only accept the obvious, I would be prepared to move on to the why's and where for's.

they are a inseparable whole, the base and the superstructure. you cannot indeed talk about the ideological battle without reference to the base, but in social evolution vice versa is also true. The situation is dynamic. Sometimes the superstructure can become such a fetter, restraining the economic base, it can lead to the ruin of the contending classes.

sorry this is where i get confused .. while i see clearly that in most ways that SW etc understand neo liberalism .. my (and TBs) arguement has always ( aprtly ) been that due to mistaken ideology they are unwilling/scared to put immigration as a key component of this process ( p.s. i don't think SW and marxism are synonymus either)

i honestly am not sure what you want me/us to accept:confused: that the SWP are anti capitalist?? i clearly accept that .. but within limits and this discussion is about that

re base and super .. inseperable .. obvious .. but clearly material is drving ideology now .. isn't that the point .. for capitalism to continue exploiting it needs cheap labour .. it must drive back labour .. and also and this is key what happenned in Barking was driven by material .. not ideology
ResistanceMP3 said:
knotted. Could you explain to dur & baldy, that all Marxists, including Socialist-Worker, have discussed many times how capitalists CAN USE IMMIGRATION TO CREATE CONFLICT, please. He seems to believe you. I recognise why he is sticking on this point, but I am not prepared to go further with him until him and Mr Baldwin accept the fucking obvious.:D

If you don't mind, you might also convince him that Socialist-Worker is fully familiar with Thatcherism, neoliberalism, Hayek, and their views on immigration. (edited to add. SW is familiar with the fact that neo Liberals want immigration as a means to create a flexible labour market.)

If you can convince them of this, perhaps then we could move on to the topic of why it doesn't appear the front page.

I think that when durruti talks about capitalists using immigration he really means capitalists encouraging or seeking to increase immigration. I think that you mean that immigration is a fact which happens anyway and capitalists can seek to exploit this fact.

I appreciate its risky interpretting you both, but you can correct me if I'm wrong and I think the above distinction is why you don't see eye to eye with regards to what Socialist Worker does or does not say on the issue.
ResistanceMP3 said:
Knotted said:
FOUL!:D and your support for immigration controls is very close to what another famous socialist said when he left the Labour Party for the BUF.:D

It wasn't intended as a foul. :) On philosophical level at least you really are very close to RCP/LM. Plus I think they're still interesting and were still gutsier than most up until the demise of LM.
ResistanceMP3 said:
out of 60 million, how many people do you think believe we should have a revolution tomorrow?

The 100 or so members of the SPGB?:)

But this goes back to my point with respect to Socialist Worker seeing the problem purely in terms of the subjective factor. Its not that the SWP think they can learn anything from the working class its rather that they acknoweldge ideas in the working class so that they can go onto explain why they are wrong.
Knotted said:
I think that when durruti talks about capitalists using immigration he really means capitalists encouraging or seeking to increase immigration. I think that you mean that immigration is a fact which happens anyway and capitalists can seek to exploit this fact.

I appreciate its risky interpretting you both, but you can correct me if I'm wrong and I think the above distinction is why you don't see eye to eye with regards to what Socialist Worker does or does not say on the issue.
no thanks for your interjection. At least you seem able to convince him of things better than I can.

I would say my position is this. I think firstly, immigration is a fact which happens anyway and capitalist seek to exploit that fact. I also know for fact, capitalist will attempt to increase immigration when it suits them, in times of labour shortage.
durruti02 said:
why please

Firstly, I think it would be easier to overthrow capitalism completely than it would be to establish trade union closed shop in all industries. Trade unions even at their strongest only ever represent a minority, albeit a large one, of workers and closed shop unions represents fewer still.

Secondly, immigration will tend to undermine closed shop. Indeed insofar as there is a problem with immigration that problem will be expressed by the difficulty in setting up closed shops. So not only do I agree with RMP3 about not favouring positive discrimination I also agree that if there powerful trade unions with the right to hire and fire then there would be no problem with 'open borders'. But that's 'if' of course.
OK here's a very quick and easy analogy to illustrate my understanding of the materialist dialectic.

Take a glass and put it on a table.

Does the table determine where the glass is?
This is the 'mechanical materialist' position. Its wrong because the glass could be anywhere on the table, its exact position is not determined by being on the table. More importantly the exact position of the glass is not important to us.

Is there a 'dialectical' interaction between glass and table?
That depends a bit on what you mean by 'dialectical' but yes there certainly is an interaction between glass and table. The glass weighs down on the table and the table equally and oppositely pushes back on the glass.

Does this mean that the table determines the glass and the glass determines the table? No, this is just the mechanical materialist position confounded with 'dialectical' language.

Is the glass on the table and equally is the table on the glass? This is the dualist position, it is neither useful nor explanatory.

On the other hand, the common sense notion of the glass being on the table tells us:
1) That the table is prior to the glass - the glass was not suspended in mid air while the table was slipped underneath.
2) Where the glass cannot be - it could not rest a foot to the left of the table because it would drop to the floor.
3) Where to find the glass - look on the table you idealist eediot!

Likewise the idea that ideology rests upon a material base tells us that
1) the material world, including our social existence, is prior to our ideas about it.
2) that ideology cannot rest upon thin air but must have a social/material root.
3) where to look for the roots of ideologies ie. in the position of social classes.
durruti02 said:
sorry this is where i get confused .. while i see clearly that in most ways that SW etc understand neo liberalism .. my (and TBs) arguement has always ( aprtly ) been that due to mistaken ideology they are unwilling/scared to put immigration as a key component of this process ( p.s. i don't think SW and marxism are synonymus either)
I have never said that in SW and Marxism are synonymous. I have just been trying to point out for the last six months, ALL MARXISTs I KNOW OF, understand that immigration is part of the system, capitalist seek to exploit that, and will even seek to increase immigration if they can gain from it. It is what the Americans call a "no Brainer".

I disagree. It is nothing to do with fear. SW do not put immigration has THE KEY COMPONENT, because we don't believe it is THE KEY COMPONENT, AND, our strategy for undermining the capitalist exploiting workers local or migrant, depends upon building unity between local and migrant workers.

i honestly am not sure what you want me/us to accept:confused: that the SWP are anti capitalist?? i clearly accept that .. but within limits and this discussion is about that
it is dead simple. I want you to accept this;
ResistanceMP3 said:
knotted. Could you explain to dur & baldy, that all Marxists, including Socialist-Worker, have discussed many times how capitalists CAN USE IMMIGRATION TO CREATE CONFLICT, please. He seems to believe you. I recognise why he is sticking on this point, but I am not prepared to go further with him until him and Mr Baldwin accept the fucking obvious.:D

If you don't mind, you might also convince him that Socialist-Worker is fully familiar with Thatcherism, neoliberalism, Hayek, and their views on immigration. (edited to add. SW is familiar with the fact that neo Liberals want immigration as a means to create a flexible labour market.)

If you can convince them of this, perhaps then we could move on to the topic of why it doesn't appear the front page.

re base and super .. inseperable .. obvious .. but clearly material is drving ideology now .. isn't that the point .. for capitalism to continue exploiting it needs cheap labour .. it must drive back labour .. and also and this is key what happenned in Barking was driven by material .. not ideology
look, clearly what we are talking about here is subjective. One person is going to look at the situation, and draw one conclusion, another the opposite. That's the first thing. It is not a case of SW being frightened to say something, or you being frightened to face the difficult arguments with your friends, it is just a difference of opinion. So how do I look at it?

SW has said to itself, look, there is no mass strikes at the moment. The ruling class offensive is drip drip drip, rather than all out. In the main, though obviously this is not the entire story, but in the main at the moment the class struggle is taking place on the ideological level, rather than on the streets. That is a really. Does this mean SW doesn't think there is ANYTHING happening at the material base? No of course it doesn't.

What does this mean for barking, IN MY OPINION? I would say there are clearly material problems of shortage of housing. There will most likely be problems with poor wages, terms, and conditions in employment. Obviously there will be a plethora of material problems, that the drip drip drip offensive of the employers has created. Now let's just say for argument's sake that the people of Barking DO blame these material problems on immigrants, and that is why they have voted BNP (in reality, the study you have presented, suggests the situation is more complicated.). The question is, why do they blame immigrants? And the second question is, are immigrants actually to blame for these material problems/shortages/etc?

let us take the first question first. Now, why do those who blame immigrants, blame immigrants instead of the capitalists? In my opinion this is not just to do with the ideological, and the superstructure (by the way, in my opinion the superstructure isn't just the ideology. The superstructure is the class relationships, Church, schools, government, in short ALL the structures of A society, slave Society, feudalism, capitalism.) people do come to conclusions because of their real material existence, experiences. People do observe real material difficulties, placed amongst areas of high immigration, and come to the conclusion there is cause and effect, BUT.........

I always say when discussing the situation with people who blame immigrants, "do you think, that if all the immigrants went home tomorrow, all these problems would disappear"? Unless they are a real hardend racist almost everyone will agree that these problems will not disappear. The bosses/capitalist/ruling class, whatever you want to call them, will not deal with the situation, in fact they cannot deal with the situation because of competition for a profit, unless the working class forces them to. And so it is in the interest of both local and migrant worker, WHO ARE IN BRITAIN, to unite and fight the real cause of the problem the bosses/capitalism. The unity you build for fighting the bosses in the here and now, is exactly the same unity you need to change the constant struggle against the capitalist, into a struggle with an end, revolution.

Now, though I accept SOME PEOPLE will come to their conclusions that immigrants are to blame because of their everyday experiences, I think even your own study you have presented from Cruddas suggests this is a minority of people. Your own study suggests that places the BNP does best is not where the immigrants reside, but in the areas next to. In fact your own study suggests, in the areas with high levels of immigrants familiarity with them creates a less concern about immigrants. Familiarity with immigrants reduces fear. I would suggest that the thing that increases fear of immigrants in those areas with less immigrants, is the ideological battle that is being waged by the ruling class. Would you seriously suggest that the 10-year campaign started by the Tories, when immigration was really only the concern of the hardcore minority racist 10 years ago, has no effect whatsoever? I believe if you study the Tories campaign, and opinion polls on the topic of immigration, you can clearly see a pattern of politicians stimulating a witchhunt against the "asylum seekers", in just the same way as the capitalist in Karl Marx day stimulated the campaign against the papist's.

The capitalist want to increase immigration, at the same time want to blame immigrants, instead of being blamed themselves, for the problems of capitalism. I think we have to break the cycle, not add to it by in any way suggesting immigration/immigrants are somehow responsible for the material problems of working-class people.
Still going on about blaming immigrants RMP3 but that is not the arguement.
Its about opposing free market policies on migration...Should be a bit of a no brainer for Socialists really.
Knotted said:
OK here's a very quick and easy analogy to illustrate my understanding of the materialist dialectic.

Take a glass and put it on a table.

Does the table determine where the glass is?
This is the 'mechanical materialist' position. Its wrong because the glass could be anywhere on the table, its exact position is not determined by being on the table. More importantly the exact position of the glass is not important to us.

Is there a 'dialectical' interaction between glass and table?
That depends a bit on what you mean by 'dialectical' but yes there certainly is an interaction between glass and table. The glass weighs down on the table and the table equally and oppositely pushes back on the glass.

Does this mean that the table determines the glass and the glass determines the table? No, this is just the mechanical materialist position confounded with 'dialectical' language.

Is the glass on the table and equally is the table on the glass? This is the dualist position, it is neither useful nor explanatory.

On the other hand, the common sense notion of the glass being on the table tells us:
1) That the table is prior to the glass - the glass was not suspended in mid air while the table was slipped underneath.
2) Where the glass cannot be - it could not rest a foot to the left of the table because it would drop to the floor.
3) Where to find the glass - look on the table you idealist eediot!

Likewise the idea that ideology rests upon a material base tells us that
1) the material world, including our social existence, is prior to our ideas about it.
2) that ideology cannot rest upon thin air but must have a social/material root.
3) where to look for the roots of ideologies ie. in the position of social classes.
"1) the material world, including our social existence, is prior to our ideas about it." that is exactly what I said, Marx is talking about where ideas come from, he is not talking about the existence of the dialectic in the material world. He is making a riposte to the suggestion by Hegel (started by Aristotle wasn't it) that ideas, philosophy, has a material existence. in fact they argue the idea existed before everything material. However, this is what you forced me to think about, aren't both Hegel and Aristotle correct to some extent? What I mean is, yes the dialectic is purely an idea, a mental tool with which to understand the world, but isn't it also observable in the material world? Can we not observe the dialectic in the Acorn and of the oak tree. Isn't the dialectic of observable in nature before the existence of man, and after the existence of man? From big bang to "big bounce"? (the "big bounce", is a recent theory that there have been previous big bangs to this one.)

having said all that, I am not an ideological determinist like Hegel and Aristotle. The superstructure, the class relationships, schools, Church, government and etc, is the fruit of the material base, just like the tree is the fruit of the Earth.(a bit like your glass and table and example). However, unlike the tree and the earth, the destruction of the ideological superstructure can also lead to the destruction of the material base, "the common ruin of the contending classes". Once the superstructure and the economic base become a whole, Slave Society, feudalism, capitalism, neither determines the other, they are a inseparable whole. Together the superstructure and economic base are the thesis feudalism, which can only be negated by a new antithesis a new economic base and superstructure capitalism. If the new whole antithesis, the new superstructure of capitalism had not won in Britain, there would have been the destruction of both the economic base and superstructure of feudalism. which is clearly not the case with a tree resting upon the earth. You can destroy the tree, without destroying the productive potential of the earth below it.(Hope that make sense)

now, as far as I understand it, SW is not arguing that the ideological determining everything. SW is merely arguing that at this moment in time the emphasis in the class struggle, what is happening in the class struggle, what is observable, is a lack of material struggle mass strikes and an out right capitalist class offensive, whilst at the same time there is a massive struggle over ideas. The anti-war movement, the anticapitalist movement, UNFORTUNATELY, are more of an ideological struggle rather than mass strikes, occupations, etc. How does this relate to immigration? See my previous response to dur.
tbaldwin said:
Still going on about blaming immigrants RMP3 but that is not the arguement.
Its about opposing free market policies on migration...Should be a bit of a no brainer for Socialists really.
it may not be your argument, but it will be the conclusion of anyone with two brain cells to rub together from what you are saying.

Problem, poor housing, education, health, wages etc. Solution, "use a stick to deter immigrants". Conclusion, immigrants are the cause of the problem.;)
ResistanceMP3 said:
it may not be your argument, but it will be the conclusion of anyone with two brain cells to rub together from what you are saying.

Problem, poor housing, education, health, wages etc. Solution, "use a stick to deter immigrants". Conclusion, immigrants are the cause of the problem.;)

You really are a Liberal at heart..
Conclusion we should oppose things that make Inequality worse....
tbaldwin said:
You really are a Liberal at heart..
Conclusion we should oppose things that make Inequality worse....
that's right, I remember now, it is okay for you to call me disgusting names like Liberal, but if I suggest your ideas are comparable to fascism you start to cry.:D you know what they say don't you, "don't give it if you can take it".:p
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