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Is there a website that tells you how far you can get within a time period?

By road. Hopefully a bit more sophisticated than putting a pin in a map with a big of string and pencil tied to it :p

The AA site gives an expected journey time when you look for directions but I don't think you can do it the other way round:confused:

You do mean by car?
memespring did something with rail maps that did exactly this. Can't remember what it was called though, sorry!
Yes I know that about the AA site but at the moment I'm just typing in a list of destinations and finding out that they take a surprisingly long/short time to get to. And yes by car (I should have been specific when I said by road, sorry).

I know it's a bit of an odd request
Doesn't google maps do this if you just stick in your a and b pins.
Pisses me off because it only does car routes and car journey times
I can't think of any web site that answers the "where can I get to from point X within Y minutes" question.

the capability to do it does exist, as a number of programs exist for 'accessibility planning' (something that local authorities do) so that you can map bands of travel times to a town centre, hospital or whatever you darn well like (example)

but pretty sure nobody has launched it as a self-service thing on the interweb.

Transport Direct does allow you to plan journeys by car and / or public transport anywhere in the UK, and I think the car journey time does attempt to reflect real road conditions for different times of day / week (obviously it's not an exact science) rather than assume a 70 mph start to stop average like some route planners have tended to...
Like this....but in time not miles??

Surely work out an average speed say 40mph and divide the mileage by that?
If it's mostly motorway up the average speed to 60 or 70.

Except that only includes major cities and I don't want my starting point to be a major city, nor am I interested in getting to one.

Maurice - I've already been a getaway driver on a robbery. I'm looking for something a bit more challenging now :cool:
This'd be really difficult to do. Do you exclude doubling back? Or loops or spirals or what? If you tracked literally every journey you could do within a given timeframe from a given point you could end up with thousands of possible end points.
I suppose you could take a circle with radius being the distance you could reasonably expect to travel in the timeframe at an average speed and then test the journey time to every location within that circle from your starting point.
That'd probably be OK for what you need, but it doesn't sound like it will scale very well and I don't know of a site that does this.
Except that only includes major cities and I don't want my starting point to be a major city, nor am I interested in getting to one.

Maurice - I've already been a getaway driver on a robbery. I'm looking for something a bit more challenging now :cool:
If you tell us the starting point, I'm sure we could round up enough bored urbs to all drive in different directions from it for however long you tell us, then ring you up and tell you where we got to...;)
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