I can see why Diane Abbot has showed recognition as she has been on the receiving end of endless vitriol, plenty of which was clearly illegal (hate speach, death threats etc). Every incident of that should be investigated and prosecuted and the law upheld. Has it? Ive not heard of any prosecutions. Thats what should be happening - illegal behaviour prosecuted.
Dont think Soubry has had that, and if any of the things said at her were breaking the law then that shoud be prosecuted too. The alledged anal rape with a EU flagpole comment may have likley counted, I dont know, but the heckling reported/caputred on video I've seen is just shit but perfectly legal heckling.
Fuck these BNP cunts doing it, but for the vast majority of it they're not doing anything illegal. And if it's illegal then prosecute accordingly.
What would you like to see happen here