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If a planet or moon in the solar system exploded

IANA astrophysicist, but...

I believe it is not possible for a moon or planet to just spontaneously explode (the paper posted above is by an astronomer noted for having his own special beliefs, according to his Wikipedia bio).

Debris resulting from collisions in space do make their way to earth. This is what most meteorites are.
IANA astrophysicist, but...

I believe it is not possible for a moon or planet to just spontaneously explode (the paper posted above is by an astronomer noted for having his own special beliefs, according to his Wikipedia bio).

Debris resulting from collisions in space do make their way to earth. This is what most meteorites are.
IANA astrophysicist either, but I would have thought that if another planet did "explode" or even was significantly disrupted in its orbit, there would be potentially significant disruptions to other planets within the solar system, even if we ignore the danger of bits of the exploded planet actually colliding with us.
Unlikely, but would it be bad for us? Would the debris make its way to Earth?

It would upset the gravitational applecart, potentially sending other planets out of the solar system altogether or crashing into the sun. Orbital mechanics are so complex that a tiny change like Mercury being 3mm closer to the sun would eventually result in Earth's eviction into the interstellar void.
Unlikely, but would it be bad for us? Would the debris make its way to Earth?

Yeah, debris would almost certainly hit us. The further outside Jupiter's orbit the moon/planet is, the safer it would be for us though (like, say, Triton exploding). Something within the orbit of Jupiter exploding (like one of the larger asteroid belt bodies like Ceres) would probably result in many dinosaur-extinction type impacts in quick succession.
I’m not usually one pick plot holes in my favourite films, but I’ve long wondered if the Death Star might have been m a little too close to Alderaan for comfort…

A few years ago a mate of mine was convinced that Planet X (Mayan prophecies etc) was going to re-enter the solar system and cause havoc. Well it never turned up, so all I can conclude is that Planet X blew up before it got here. Therefore, nowt to worry about.
A few years ago a mate of mine was convinced that Planet X (Mayan prophecies etc) was going to re-enter the solar system and cause havoc. Well it never turned up, so all I can conclude is that Planet X blew up before it got here. Therefore, nowt to worry about.

They just changed the name to Planet IX, that's all.

It's probably still on its way, ready to end all life.
I’m not usually one pick plot holes in my favourite films, but I’ve long wondered if the Death Star might have been m a little too close to Alderaan for comfort…

Thread derail. ‘That’s no moon, it’s a space station…’
IANA astrophysicist either, but I would have thought that if another planet did "explode" or even was significantly disrupted in its orbit, there would be potentially significant disruptions to other planets within the solar system, even if we ignore the danger of bits of the exploded planet actually colliding with us.

A bit like the way that a problem on the Circle line CA cause knock on problems on the Metropolitan, District, and Hammersmith & City lines.
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