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Iain Dale attacks Brighton demonstrator

I did and not a mention of the fracas, nor did any of his guest or later presenters refer to it - that studio must've been well cramped what with the elephant and all.
What an unnecessary amount of deference to an abusive thug. If he was just some lad who'd be alleged to have assaulted someone would he be allowed to finish his homework or finish his mission in a game on the xbox before the police came and got him?

In fairness this groover I know was allowed to finish his can before being nicked. What happened was well, he was wanted for something and these two women coppers going past in a car clocked him by chance so he started running and one of them went "Nah come on **** don't make us run after you" and he went "Alright miss, but can I finish my beer and have a cig?" And they let him.
Caution after admitting common assault.Does this not open up the possibility of a civil case for assault?
'I did apologise personally to Mr Holmes on Tuesday afternoon and we shook hands. He agreed to let the matter rest, but I have no complaint that he changed his mind on reflection... Since the events of Tuesday I have gone through what happened over and over again in my mind. Whatever I felt at the time, nothing can justify what I did...In addition, having accepted my guilt, I feel I should make some sort of reparation to Mr Holmes. I will pay for a new placard for him and also make a donation to a charity of his choice. Above all I want to issue this public apology for my behaviour.

I want to apologise and say sorry to Stuart Holmes, who is a passionate campaigner and well known to everyone who attends party conferences and was perfectly entitled to do as he did on Tuesday in trying to get attention for his causes. It was totally out of character for me to react to him in the way I did. I also want to apologise for the blogpost I wrote after the incident. It was full of absurd bravado and in the heat of the moment I behaved in a frankly idiotic way. I have embarrassed not only myself but my family and my work colleagues and I apologise to them. I also want to apologise to Labour leader Ed Miliband and his conference attendees.'
The two people who stood by and allowed it to happen need some public exposure surely? Who were they, who were they employed by (they could have been media minders?) if anybody, and why did they not even raise any objections to this act of violence?

Is it because they are cowardly pricks?
The two people who stood by and allowed it to happen need some public exposure surely? Who were they, who were they employed by (they could have been media minders?) if anybody, and why did they not even raise any objections to this act of violence?

Is it because they are cowardly pricks?

You can't just go looking for someone else to be angry with now the evil perp has got all contrite

If no one filmed/photo'd it we'd have never known.
It is entirely reasonable to consider the role of others at the scene of an assault. A single raised voice could have made the difference. Imagine if the person who was assaulted had been yer dad or son, would you have been content if some arse had stood by pretending nothing was going on?

Imagine a serious injury had resulted?

The reason the tory prick is in any way contrite is simply because he was caught on camera - had he not been, my guess is that he would have been bragging about it down the pub. He probably is in any event..

I hope the fat tory fuck chokes on it.
Just started a thread http://www.urban75.net/forums/threads/would-you-have-a-go.315437/ which relates very much to this one on General.

Following on from this thread... http://www.urban75.net/forums/threa...hton-demonstrator.315347/page-3#post-12574098
... where a number of posters, myself included, criticised people for just standing by and watching when they could - and should- have intervened.

My question is a simple enough one... would you walk away from a scene where someone is being assaulted, just because you might get into trouble yourself if you got involved?

I received a letter today to tell me that the Public Prosecution Service have decided 'not to prosecute' me over an incident I became involved in when two burly Security guards got physical with two women (one late 20's, one late 50's) they alleged were shoplifters.

I was a casual observer til one of them put the younger woman in a wrist lock - which I know from both training and real-life experience is blindingly painful - and then held his big radio up and threatened to 'put this through your fuckin windscreen'.

I'm almost sorry they didn't prosecute as I would have loved to see the two heroes explaining their immediate, aggressive and disproportionate violence to the women as compared to their abject cowardice and sudden change of heart to 'follow proceedure' when someone their own size got involved. Pair of cunts.
My question is a simple enough one... would you walk away from a scene where someone is being assaulted, just because you might get into trouble yourself if you got involved?

I'm 9 stone and under six feet but I have never walked on by when there is an altercation that looks to turn physical. And you know when it is going, the tone of the voices the body language etc.

I have had the shit kicked out of me a few times for it, but I won't just shrug and move on when I see an altercation. Pissed up bloke doing a slo-mo boxing match with an equally refreshed opponent aside
I witnessed that no nukes bloke in Brighton on sunday ranting and shouting at a woman who was trying engage him in debate. Struck me as a nasty bully and not the full ticket.
Just started a thread http://www.urban75.net/forums/threads/would-you-have-a-go.315437/ which relates very much to this one on General.

Following on from this thread... http://www.urban75.net/forums/threa...hton-demonstrator.315347/page-3#post-12574098
... where a number of posters, myself included, criticised people for just standing by and watching when they could - and should- have intervened.

My question is a simple enough one... would you walk away from a scene where someone is being assaulted, just because you might get into trouble yourself if you got involved?

I received a letter today to tell me that the Public Prosecution Service have decided 'not to prosecute' me over an incident I became involved in when two burly Security guards got physical with two women (one late 20's, one late 50's) they alleged were shoplifters.

I was a casual observer til one of them put the younger woman in a wrist lock - which I know from both training and real-life experience is blindingly painful - and then held his big radio up and threatened to 'put this through your fuckin windscreen'.

I'm almost sorry they didn't prosecute as I would have loved to see the two heroes explaining their immediate, aggressive and disproportionate violence to the women as compared to their abject cowardice and sudden change of heart to 'follow proceedure' when someone their own size got involved. Pair of cunts.

Those sort of plain clothes stordies are the biggest wankers going. Not the poor uniformed fellas who stand at the entrance of Asdas, but those plain clothes wankers who think they're on the sweeney. Dickheads. They always exceed their authority - Half of them carry rigid cuffs and pepper spray and such.
It is entirely reasonable to consider the role of others at the scene of an assault. A single raised voice could have made the difference. Imagine if the person who was assaulted had been yer dad or son, would you have been content if some arse had stood by pretending nothing was going on?

Imagine a serious injury had resulted?

The reason the tory prick is in any way contrite is simply because he was caught on camera - had he not been, my guess is that he would have been bragging about it down the pub. He probably is in any event..

Well on a vaguely related note, all the original media I saw that covered this story were treating it mostly as a comedy story, especially the typically dreadful 24 hour news studio commentary.

I see the BBC still has that version of the video embedded in their story about Dale receiving a caution.

Those sort of plain clothes stordies are the biggest wankers going. Not the poor uniformed fellas who stand at the entrance of Asdas, but those plain clothes wankers who think they're on the sweeney. Dickheads. They always exceed their authority - Half of them carry rigid cuffs and pepper spray and such.

Agreed. My two were in uniform though
He shouldn't have been removed. He had every right to be there, it's a public place. It was an attack, but personally it's a pity the dog didn't attack Dale.
It would have been satisfying - but there would also have been a risk of the dog being 'destroyed' f that had happened (despite its owner being attacked) - so maybe better it didn't.
I much prefer the ineffectual growling over the idea of the dog biting anyone - it certainly added to the laugh factor imo.
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