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Iain Dale attacks Brighton demonstrator

Have to agree, Dale should be done for assault. Because that is what it was, pure and simple.Laying on of hands in an aggressive and threatening manner is frowned upon by the law.

Unless, of course, the old bill does it. In which case it is invariably reasonable force.:mad:
You have to be fucking joking. Not only was he in the wrong in trying to physically drag someone away, it would have been entirely justified if Holmes had defended himself.

No, he didn't physically hurt the guy, he was clearly being restrained. But he was wrong to do it and you're right the guy had every right to defend himself as he was freely expressing himself in a public space. It's a free speech issue, not a 'let's all dance around just how violent we think it is' issue.
No, he didn't physically hurt the guy, he was clearly being restrained.

What the fuck has whether or not he hurt Holmes got to do with it. He physically attempted to drag Holmes from a place he had every right to be. I really look forward to the shitstorm about to descend on the bullying fuck. It's just a shame that he didn't get smacked up first.
The fact he wrote this on his blog "I did what any self respecting publisher would do, got out of the car, ran across, got him in an armlock and pulled him out of the shot."
could be seen as a confession to assault.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. I think what he did was utterly revolting.
I hope the police drag him out of his LBC studio this evening.

edit to add
The "got him in an armlock" bit is not present in Iain Dale's blog but is quoted in other articles. I assume it has been removed.
It now says "So I did what any self respecting publisher would do, got out of the car, ran across and pulled him out of the shot"
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Thug attacks elderly man and media types let it happen but film it,not a human being amongst them.

My first thought here too. That sociopath attacking the elderly man and his dog should have been fucking lynched.

Why are all these journos who make a living out of confrontation just watching it and letting it happen??
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its illustrative of the tory schizophrenia that champions the rights of the individual and yet considers manhandling an old man engaged in exercising his right to protest as 'just what anyone would do'.

See also, championing family values while forcing mothers into work earlier, closing after school facilities and generally speaking with fork ed tongue
This 'loon' obviously has views on nuclear weapons that are eminently more sensible and intelligent than almost all British MPs.

But we need nuclear weapons because we need on our seat on the UN security council because er punching above our weight force for good.
This seems to be a clear case of someone exercising their freedom of speech in a public place. What was stopping them moving the interview elsewhere?
My first thought here too. That sociopath attacking the elderly man and his dog should have been fucking lynched.

Why are all these journos who make a living out of confrontation just watching it and letting it happen??

Coward's Journalist's impartiality.
I was talking about calling it an attack and the hyperbole around it being violent etc when it clearly wasn't. It was technically assault but nobody in their right mind can look at that footage and think it was a severe beating the guy took.

If you want to get ID on this go after his right or lack of to stop the protest and reflect back on him being a Tory stopping freedom of speech etc. That's how you nail him. Not making up shit about the severity of the incident and playing semantics with the terms used to describe him.

Has anyone suggested it was a severe beating? I don't think so. But it was a violent (not severely violent but violent nonetheless) assault. Dale manhandled the guy - He did use violence.
I'd be putting my dog on dry biscuits and water, no treats for bloody biting my arse when I was being wrestled around by a fat chinny twat
Dogs have a notoriously poor grasp of global political issues but do have a keen sense of when their owners are acting outside social norms (eg standing around waving signs about etc) and this dog was probably embarrassed by his owner and therefore relished the chance to give his owner a nip, no doubt thinking it long overdue.
This doesn't take away from the fact that Iain Dale is a cunt of the first water and deserves to be prosecuted for assault.
No, he didn't physically hurt the guy, he was clearly being restrained. But he was wrong to do it and you're right the guy had every right to defend himself as he was freely expressing himself in a public space. It's a free speech issue, not a 'let's all dance around just how violent we think it is' issue.
It's a 'get your fucking hands off me' issue. It was one private citizen assaulting another private citizen, there are no other dimensions to this incident.
Adam Boulton ‏@adamboultonSKY1h
Police currently waiting for iaindale to come off @lbc973 so he can help with enquiries re an alleged assault.

March in and nick him on air!

What an unnecessary amount of deference to an abusive thug. If he was just some lad who'd be alleged to have assaulted someone would he be allowed to finish his homework or finish his mission in a game on the xbox before the police came and got him?
It's a 'get your fucking hands off me' issue. It was one private citizen assaulting another private citizen, there are no other dimensions to this incident.

Actually there are plenty, especially the more pertinent one about censorship.
What an unnecessary amount of deference to an abusive thug. If he was just some lad who'd be alleged to have assaulted someone would he be allowed to finish his homework or finish his mission in a game on the xbox before the police came and got him?

I was once playing Sniper Scope on an arcade machine and cos I was nearing the final boss, the police waited till I had finished him off before nicking me. In my dreams. I've never even got near the final boss on Sniper Scope
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