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Iain Dale attacks Brighton demonstrator

ID did nothing wrong in his physical handling of the situation,

Yes, he clearly did... unless he is claiming to own the seafront and wanted him to 'get orf my land' (which would still leave him in a legally dubious position). The fact that he is a useless bully and ending up on his arse whilst manhandling this elderly man is irrelevant. He had no right whatsoever to physically engage with him.

The old man would have been perfectly within his legal rights to chin the cunt - providing, of course, that he had a sincere and legitimate fear for his personal safety of (copyright Steven Gerard) ... and assuming he could have actually found a chin on the flabby tory cunt.

As for those other fuckin wankers standing round watching this assault on a harmless senior citizen...
That didn't look like an attack at all, he was clearly trying to remove a protester and actually being fairly non aggressive about it. Visually however it's not a good look for someone of his position and has no doubt given rise to the type of headlines that this thread has aped with the title.

Laying a hand on someone counts as assault, you don't have to actually hit them.
I saw McBride on Newsnight last night..eurgh what an odious prick. That is all.

There were plenty more like that, I heard a few tales about Derek Draper, a former NL spin doctor, establishment politics is a dirty business but NL took it to new depths.
Just read his blog...

a clear - and I'll bet ultimately unsuccessful - attempt to set the framework as 'we' (Journos, snappers etc|) rather than 'me'... and provide mitigating 'provocation'. Should be no bother for the Prosecution to find loads of Journos who have been similarly 'provoked' by this elderly man and resisted the temptation to assault him.

Would love to see him when the prosecutor quotes this "I am someone who runs a mile from any form of physical confrontation normally"
and follows with something along the lines of

"... except, clearly, when it is a very small OAP who - given his 30-year record of 'one man and his dog' protest - is probably a bit mentally challenged and presents no physical threat to you of course".

Wouldn't it be great if a helpful public could produce a myriad of footage of the same 'have-a-go hero' doing absolutely sweet fuck all when confronted by 'protestors' who might be a physical match for him.
Laying a hand on someone counts as assault, you don't have to actually hit them.

I was talking about calling it an attack and the hyperbole around it being violent etc when it clearly wasn't. It was technically assault but nobody in their right mind can look at that footage and think it was a severe beating the guy took.

If you want to get ID on this go after his right or lack of to stop the protest and reflect back on him being a Tory stopping freedom of speech etc. That's how you nail him. Not making up shit about the severity of the incident and playing semantics with the terms used to describe him.
You're the only one who has mentioned violence. And it was violent, btw.

Violence is "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation." This definition associates intentionality with the committing of the act itself, irrespective of the outcome it produces"
Having a bloke get out of a car, throw you to the ground and then land 20 stone blubber on you is an attack.:D

Dale is 25 years younger, 14" shorter and 5 stone heavier .
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If he'd wanted to stop this lad with the dog getting in the shot, all he had to do was stand between him and whoever it was being interviewed.
I'd be putting my dog on dry biscuits and water, no treats for bloody biting my arse when I was being wrestled around by a fat chinny twat:D

That in my book seems like a clear case of assault, not a very effective one but one all the same
While the dog biting the tory twat would have been satisfying, with the social swing a tory mp has above a random protestor we can be certain the outcome would have been pooch taking the long one-way walk to the vets
I never said he didn't have a right to be there but calling it an attack flies in the face of the clear evidence that shows ID actually displayed real restraint.

If you've ever been forcibly removed from a space by the police (as I and plenty of others on here have) during a protest you'll see just how silly it is to call this an attack or treat it with equal weight.

ID did nothing wrong in his physical handling of the situation, he did something wrong in thinking he had any right to censor a protest on public property.

Have a fucking word with yourself.
He "physically handled" someone he had no authority to lay hands on. The very act of doing so is wrong, on public property.
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