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Iain Dale attacks Brighton demonstrator

It all seems reasonable now I've read his statement. He was protecting his author who was being overshadowed by a member of the public in a public place. He then attempted to remove the member of the public by force who then had the audacity to resist. Bastard.
The politicians hiring folk to stalk their opponents in chicken suits annoyed me. I share the protestor's views and defend his right to protest in a public space. Did Iain Dale ask politely for him to move first? I hope it works as bad publicity. Pity the dog didn't defend his owner!
"OK, so here’s what happened. Damian McBride was doing a live interview on Daybreak on the Brighton seafront. I was waiting in my car to drive him to do his next interview with Nick Ferrari on LBC when I noticed that a protester was holding a placard behind Damian which was filling a lot of the screen and totally distracting from the interview. I assumed someone from Daybreak would intervene to stop him, but no one did. So I did what any self respecting publisher would do, got out of the car, ran across and pulled him out of the shot."

Straight forward assault.

Fancy defending McBride?

For future reference Dale always have a bone on your person or in your car.
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I am someone who runs a mile from any form of physical confrontation normally, but I never understand why broadcasters seem to accept without question that someone with a placard or a loud voice should disrupt this sort of interview.

Perhaps they're just familliar with the law whereby folk can stand wherever they like and hold whatever they like in a public place.
That didn't look like an attack at all, he was clearly trying to remove a protester and actually being fairly non aggressive about it. Visually however it's not a good look for someone of his position and has no doubt given rise to the type of headlines that this thread has aped with the title.
The comments on that blog are not favourable towards Mr Dale nor his imaginary right to phyiscally relocate members of the public against their will.
That didn't look like an attack at all, he was clearly trying to remove a protester and actually being fairly non aggressive about it. Visually however it's not a good look for someone of his position and has no doubt given rise to the type of headlines that this thread has aped with the title.

He shouldn't have been removed. He had every right to be there, it's a public place. It was an attack, but personally it's a pity the dog didn't attack Dale.
That didn't look like an attack at all, he was clearly trying to remove a protester and actually being fairly non aggressive about it. Visually however it's not a good look for someone of his position and has no doubt given rise to the type of headlines that this thread has aped with the title.

You are of course right. Let's hope the Tories start hosing the great unwashed down the sewers, especially those who smell.

Good ,yes the protestor is an annoying loon.
But thats not actually against the law and still not nearly as annoying as the exsistence of pr and publishers:D.

In fact mostly idiots gurning at tv cameras and waving placards are usually more intresting than whatever prepared statement is being read out.
He shouldn't have been removed. He had every right to be there, it's a public place. It was an attack, but personally it's a pity the dog didn't attack Dale.

I never said he didn't have a right to be there but calling it an attack flies in the face of the clear evidence that shows ID actually displayed real restraint.

If you've ever been forcibly removed from a space by the police (as I and plenty of others on here have) during a protest you'll see just how silly it is to call this an attack or treat it with equal weight.

ID did nothing wrong in his physical handling of the situation, he did something wrong in thinking he had any right to censor a protest on public property.
"ID did nothing wrong in his physical handling of the situation, he did something wrong in thinking he had any right to censor a protest on public property."

He was wrong on both counts. Since when was it anybody's right to assault or engage in an altercation on Public Land?
I never said he didn't have a right to be there but calling it an attack flies in the face of the clear evidence that shows ID actually displayed real restraint.

If you've ever been forcibly removed from a space by the police (as I and plenty of others on here have) during a protest you'll see just how silly it is to call this an attack or treat it with equal weight.

ID did nothing wrong in his physical handling of the situation, he did something wrong in thinking he had any right to censor a protest on public property.

He was wrong but he was right in being wrong? lolwut.

Does there have to be blood and broken bones? And the protestor did nothing wrong, the man and his dog had a right to be there. Dale should've shown 'real' restraint and not touched that man at all.
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