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Question Humankind?


Well-Known Member
Anyone play this? Is it like Civ or different. I'm thinking about getting it. From what I've seen it has mixed reviews. Hence why I'm asking on here.
It's similar to civ but different, I was really excited by its launch but wasn't so keen once I played although to be fair it's possible I didn't put enough effort in to properly understand some of the mechanical differences and just assumed it was a civ clone
I downloaded it, then refunded. It's not for me. I'll stick with Civilization 5, although I do own 6. I prefer 5. Humankind doesn't seemed very polished to me. Which is unusual as I have all the Endless games, Endless Legend and Endless Space 1 and 2. They are very slick, not sure what happened to Humankind.
I downloaded it, then refunded. It's not for me. I'll stick with Civilization 5, although I do own 6. I prefer 5. Humankind doesn't seemed very polished to me. Which is unusual as I have all the Endless games, Endless Legend and Endless Space 1 and 2. They are very slick, not sure what happened to Humankind.

I think a part of the release schedule these days is adding more polish. They may also add more languages, like Polish.
Honestly, mate, I have not played it. I am too slow witted for those kinds of games. I tried Factorio the other day and never got past the third tutorial. Go me.
Oh OK. Fair enough. I like 4X games myself because of my age. I just haven't got the quick reflexes to play first person shooter's or real time strategy games anymore. LOL! Well maybe RTS games at a push, but FPS games forget it. Although in saying that, I am having fun with No Man's Sky but that's not to intense though.
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Oh OK. Fair enough. I like 4X games myself because of my age. I'm just haven't got the quick reflexes to play first person shooter's or real time strategy games anymore. LOL! Well maybe RTS games at a push, but FPS games forget it. Although in saying that, I am having fun with No Man's Sky but that's not to intense though.

Have you got the latest Origins update/expansion?
Have you got the latest Origins update/expansion?
I bought it about a week ago so. I have all the current updates, the latest being the Interceptor one. I nearly refunded No Man's Sky, it seemed a little overwelming at first. However, reading reviews and forum posts people told me to stick with it. It seemed to be the type of game that takes a bit of time to get going. I agree I'm glad I kept it now. It's very zen and nice to play.

Also this app helps.

I bought it when it was on sale on Steam a few months back. I played i think one full game and two or three half games.

It felt like it could easily be civ 7 but just didn't grab me, and I don't really know why.
I haven't had any desire to go back to it
Out of all the Civ games I find myself playing Civ 5 the most. As for Humankind, yeah I agree something just doesn't sit right with the game. It's missing something, I can't quite nail what but it's there.
I've got Old World which I kind of liked but never really worked out the game dynamics. I always start off enthusiastically but never finish a game on it. I've got Civ 6 but if I play Civilization I prefer Civ 5
hmm - as a long term civ fan I was having a look at humankind - its only £7.99 on steam. can you dive straight in? worth getting the expansions? not much love on this thread - although some reviews rate it highly.
hmm - as a long term civ fan I was having a look at humankind - its only £7.99 on steam. can you dive straight in? worth getting the expansions? not much love on this thread - although some reviews rate it highly.

You can dive straight in yeah, there's a few things to learn / understand but no more so than going from one Civ to the next one imo.
As I said before, it didn't grab me, and I don't really know why. It's definitely worth £7.99, you might love it.

No idea about the expansions.
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