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How do I learn how to braid my hair (or indeed, do anything with it)

Chick Webb

Countryfile and a can
My hair is past shoulder length and fluffy/frizzy, and it doesn't generally look good down. For work I just twist it around a few times and roll it up and then stick a clip on it. At the weekend I usually put it in a pony tail. This is so boring.

I wish I knew how to braid it. I love two braids coming from the sides of the head and going into a messy bun. I wish I could do a nice looking roll for work. I'd love be able to do just a regular braid down the back of my head. Is there any way to learn these things? I suppose I should have been experimenting in my room when I was pre-and/or-teenager (at the same time that I should have been learning to walk in heels, but I don't regret never doing that one) but I didn't.

Every so often I buy one of those hair gadgets that they sell dozens of Claires, even though I know I never manage to make them work, and the latest few I bought have been no exceptions. Has anyone ever had any luck with hair gadgets?

I used to want to do quite elaborate stuff like victory rolls, but now all I want to able to do are some simple things that just tame the frizz and look a bit decent.

I'm half considering looking into getting a perm, but I know that's crazy talk and would make things even worse considering the fluffy mess of hair I've got.
I have similar problems, but if your hair is off the fluffy/frizzy type, it should be able to hold styles better than mine (which is thin and slippery). You could try just twisting two parts of it, that's easy and looks better than just having it put back. I am still unable to do braids or anything...have to get someone else to do it for me.
There are some good youtube videos on how to do different types of plaits and stuff. I quite like an off centre french plait, it's pretty easy to do. I'd love to be able to do that fishtail one but it looks fucking hard.
Just watch some videos, experiement and post pictures for our entertainment
Go to a hairdresser who specialises in long hair and when you have a cut tell them you want to learn- they will tell you how to do stuff. I got a hairdresser to tell me how to make my hair look full and bouncy, and how to put my hair up- good hairdressers are happy to help out
Try the longhair community (google it) not many articles are readable at the moment, but the tips etc in the threads are pretty good.

BTW if the problem is fluffy/frizzy hair, try using more conditioner - the type for moisture, not protein/repair. When I say "more", I mean that mine (bra strap length) needs a generous handful of cheap conditioner.

The other thing which might work is don't brush, use a wide toothed comb or just your fingers. Some of what currently looks like frizz might be brushed out waves or curls.

There are books out there too, give me about a week to get home and I'll look them out.
I second YouTube for learning how to do hair. The other place that's quite good is pinterest for tutorials and step by steps.

The only real thing that is going to help you learn to do your hair however is practice. You need to spend some time every evening trying to put your hair up for a couple of weeks and fairly soon you'll have a couple of go to styles which you're happy with.

French braiding is actually quite easy, when you have the hang of it. My go to style at the moment is to braid down one side of my head, pin the end of the braid in place at the nape of my neck then take the rest of my hair and roll and pin it on top of the end of the braid. It takes less than five minutes and works best when my hair is still slightly damp from the shower.
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