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Help me find a sausage/brand my family used to buy


toilet expert
For some reason, a memory of a sausage I used to eat when I was younger has lodged itself in my brain. I can remember lots of details about it, but not the name. Some of the details may be wrong. Here's what I think I remember:

It's a German sausage

It comes in a packet similar to Mattessons smoked sausages

There is only one sausage in the packet
It's either curled, like the Mattessons, or in a ring like a Cumberland. I think this brand might have made both types, and that's why I can't remember which one it was.





The curled, vaccuum packed one above actually looks very similar to my memory of it. BUT, I think the packaging was opaque. The vacuum sealed bit might have been inside the outer packaging.

The packaging may have been red and black (not too confident on this)

The sausage was called something like Bratwurst, Knackwurst, Bockwurst...

But there was a brand before it, also German sounding, like Knorr's Bratwurst, or Muller's Knockwurst

It was red-ish, with a thick casing, and inside I think it was less smooth than the typical smoked sausage you get. Slightly grainy, like a cross between a banger and a chorizo.

I don't remember if this was smoked, but it would make sense if it was.

It was 'spicy' - though I was a picky eater at the time so probably best described as mildly spiced.

We were poor growing up and I remember this was not really a treat as such, but seemed a big deal when we got it. That doesn't mean it was particularly expensive.

I would guess it was 30 years ago when I last ate it.

We used to shop at Netto, Morrisons and Kwik Save so it was probably one of those. (Although the fact we rarely had it might have been because those shops didn't sell it, rather than that it was 'expensive'.)

I fairly certain we used to cook it, rather than eat it cold/from the packet. I definitely have memories of putting it on the barbecue.

Long shot, but does anyone know what this might be? :D
For some reason, a memory of a sausage I used to eat when I was younger has lodged itself in my brain. I can remember lots of details about it, but not the name. Some of the details may be wrong. Here's what I think I remember:

It's a German sausage

It comes in a packet similar to Mattessons smoked sausages

View attachment 384555
There is only one sausage in the packet
It's either curled, like the Mattessons, or in a ring like a Cumberland. I think this brand might have made both types, and that's why I can't remember which one it was.


View attachment 384557


View attachment 384558

The curled, vaccuum packed one above actually looks very similar to my memory of it. BUT, I think the packaging was opaque. The vacuum sealed bit might have been inside the outer packaging.

The packaging may have been red and black (not too confident on this)

The sausage was called something like Bratwurst, Knackwurst, Bockwurst...

But there was a brand before it, also German sounding, like Knorr's Bratwurst, or Muller's Knockwurst

It was red-ish, with a thick casing, and inside I think it was less smooth than the typical smoked sausage you get. Slightly grainy, like a cross between a banger and a chorizo.

I don't remember if this was smoked, but it would make sense if it was.

It was 'spicy' - though I was a picky eater at the time so probably best described as mildly spiced.

We were poor growing up and I remember this was not really a treat as such, but seemed a big deal when we got it. That doesn't mean it was particularly expensive.

I would guess it was 30 years ago when I last ate it.

We used to shop at Netto, Morrisons and Kwik Save so it was probably one of those. (Although the fact we rarely had it might have been because those shops didn't sell it, rather than that it was 'expensive'.)

I fairly certain we used to cook it, rather than eat it cold/from the packet. I definitely have memories of putting it on the barbecue.

Long shot, but does anyone know what this might be? :D
Can’t really help but around the late 90s I used to get what I’m pretty sure was a Mattesson’s bent sausage in similar packaging but I don’t think it was a loose packet like that appears to be. It was a flat front with the sausage vacuum packed tight to the back, iyswim
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