Just as son comes out of it, looks like teen may have developed it. They said they didn't see a line at 25 mins, but looked an hour later and there was one. I'd seen some comment on class whatsapp linking to an article saying that you might get false+ looking at a test after 30 mins. Told them to test again in morning, but having looked back for the message the person who posted has deleted so I'm guessing they found it wasn't accurate, and teen is probably +. Ho hum, they'll be upset but timing not too bad (and luckily we'd just rearranged a responsibility they'd have from next weekend to the one after). Will be mainly frustrating for husband who is the only one who hasn't had it, and will now have to have another week of being cautious. I suspect teen has more likely caught it at school than at home as I've been fairly well shut away and probably would have turned up sooner if from me.