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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Watching arguments play out online I've decided I'm just not a fan of the term 'Zionist', it's been so bounced around that no one really knows what it means anymore. I've seen people, who I think are well meaning, essentially have a line that implies 'the right kind of Jew is Antizionist and the wrong kind of Jew is Zionist'. But I don't think Zionism has ever mean 'agreeing wholesale with the policy of Israel' or 'hating Palestinians', surely in essence it means supporting the existence of a Jewish state? Which to me seems a moot point because there is a Jewish state? I mean, guys, we have one. You won't find many Jews who say Israel shouldn't exist. I honestly don't know what all this makes me - I'm kind of fairly indifferent as to whether we have a Jewish state or not personally, and I'm all for a strong diaspora and I've always preferred to give money to, I dunno, help maintain Jewish communities in Moldova than to give money so they can all make aliyah to live in Israel. I don't feel 'Zionist', but I'm not 'Antizionist' either... it was a fucking stupid place to put a Jewish state, though I really do see why they did it if you read about the situation after the death and concentration camps were liberated, but it is there and it's not going away. It doesn't care if I'm pro or anti a Jewish state in general.

'Zionist' has always been coloured by it's use by hardcore antisemites to mean 'Evil world-controlling overlords' which doesn't help.

Sorry, I am using this thread as a bit of a brain dump...

Interesting post. I have a rough idea of what I think Zionism means and what I think Zionists want and what that means in practice and how it affects things already playing out... Maybe my assumptions and ideas are wrong. (But it's a bit close to bedtime to go into them tonight.)
Watching arguments play out online I've decided I'm just not a fan of the term 'Zionist', it's been so bounced around that no one really knows what it means anymore. I've seen people, who I think are well meaning, essentially have a line that implies 'the right kind of Jew is Antizionist and the wrong kind of Jew is Zionist'. But I don't think Zionism has ever mean 'agreeing wholesale with the policy of Israel' or 'hating Palestinians', surely in essence it means supporting the existence of a Jewish state? Which to me seems a moot point because there is a Jewish state? I mean, guys, we have one. You won't find many Jews who say Israel shouldn't exist. I honestly don't know what all this makes me - I'm kind of fairly indifferent as to whether we have a Jewish state or not personally, and I'm all for a strong diaspora and I've always preferred to give money to, I dunno, help maintain Jewish communities in Moldova than to give money so they can all make aliyah to live in Israel. I don't feel 'Zionist', but I'm not 'Antizionist' either... it was a fucking stupid place to put a Jewish state, though I really do see why they did it if you read about the situation after the death and concentration camps were liberated, but it is there and it's not going away. It doesn't care if I'm pro or anti a Jewish state in general.

'Zionist' has always been coloured by it's use by hardcore antisemites to mean 'Evil world-controlling overlords' which doesn't help.

Sorry, I am using this thread as a bit of a brain dump...

Have you read Ilan Pappe?

Jewish and born in Israel.

His well known works are Ten Myths of Israel ( the myths he was taught) and his classic work The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.

He got so much stick like a lot of Anti Zionist Jewish Israelis left the country. His academic career ended in Israel. Now works a Professor here.

Plus Matzpen - early critique of Zionism by those who grew up there.

Pappe favours a One State Solution.

Yes now many Jews are born and grew up in Israel. Not settlers. It is the only home they now.

So Pappe and some other Palestinians and Israeli Jews argue for a State where Jews and Palestinians could live side by side as equals. Acknowledgement of the crimes of Zionism/ dealing with the history and right to return.

Similar to this country dealing with its Imperial past. Which is ever an issue- Winddrush scandal for example. And the perpetual arguments about immigration and multiculturalism

This would not be a Zionist state. Zionism is based on national state for one group only.

I do think Israel is seen sometimes differently by Israelis than it is by Jews outside Israel

Israel likes to pride itself on being a western style democracy. It can be one and like this country grapple and move forward to be a national state for all. Not just one dominant group.
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Watching arguments play out online I've decided I'm just not a fan of the term 'Zionist', it's been so bounced around that no one really knows what it means anymore. I've seen people, who I think are well meaning, essentially have a line that implies 'the right kind of Jew is Antizionist and the wrong kind of Jew is Zionist'. But I don't think Zionism has ever mean 'agreeing wholesale with the policy of Israel' or 'hating Palestinians', surely in essence it means supporting the existence of a Jewish state? Which to me seems a moot point because there is a Jewish state? I mean, guys, we have one. You won't find many Jews who say Israel shouldn't exist. I honestly don't know what all this makes me - I'm kind of fairly indifferent as to whether we have a Jewish state or not personally, and I'm all for a strong diaspora and I've always preferred to give money to, I dunno, help maintain Jewish communities in Moldova than to give money so they can all make aliyah to live in Israel. I don't feel 'Zionist', but I'm not 'Antizionist' either... it was a fucking stupid place to put a Jewish state, though I really do see why they did it if you read about the situation after the death and concentration camps were liberated, but it is there and it's not going away. It doesn't care if I'm pro or anti a Jewish state in general.

'Zionist' has always been coloured by it's use by hardcore antisemites to mean 'Evil world-controlling overlords' which doesn't help.

Sorry, I am using this thread as a bit of a brain dump...
I decided a few years ago that the use of the term "Zionist" was unhelpful, for as you point out, it has many meanings. On one definition, everyone who supports a two-state solution is a Zionist, and that includes Jeremy Corbyn.
IDF openly saying they bombed the refugee camp to try and kill one person - clip from CNN
2mins in

Yes saw this.

Getting most of my coverage from Novara media and Al Jazeera.

Novara Media say the number of people following them on You tube has jumped up since the start of the present violence.

They imo have been doing a good job.

Including Owen Jones.
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Watching arguments play out online I've decided I'm just not a fan of the term 'Zionist', it's been so bounced around that no one really knows what it means anymore. I've seen people, who I think are well meaning, essentially have a line that implies 'the right kind of Jew is Antizionist and the wrong kind of Jew is Zionist'. But I don't think Zionism has ever mean 'agreeing wholesale with the policy of Israel' or 'hating Palestinians', surely in essence it means supporting the existence of a Jewish state? Which to me seems a moot point because there is a Jewish state? I mean, guys, we have one. You won't find many Jews who say Israel shouldn't exist. I honestly don't know what all this makes me - I'm kind of fairly indifferent as to whether we have a Jewish state or not personally, and I'm all for a strong diaspora and I've always preferred to give money to, I dunno, help maintain Jewish communities in Moldova than to give money so they can all make aliyah to live in Israel. I don't feel 'Zionist', but I'm not 'Antizionist' either... it was a fucking stupid place to put a Jewish state, though I really do see why they did it if you read about the situation after the death and concentration camps were liberated, but it is there and it's not going away. It doesn't care if I'm pro or anti a Jewish state in general.

'Zionist' has always been coloured by it's use by hardcore antisemites to mean 'Evil world-controlling overlords' which doesn't help.

Sorry, I am using this thread as a bit of a brain dump...
i think the difference is that Zionism in its broadest terms to me means the desire for a Jewish state for Jews only...not a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious state within which Jews can consider it a homeland, but a Jewish sate.

You said "Which to me seems a moot point because there is a Jewish state? I mean, guys, we have one."
- except Israel is not just a Jewish state, it contains enclaves with over 2 million people who are thought of as a different ethnicity and a different religion and are therefore not considered equal citizens within the state...to put it mildly...Zionism means these non-Jews can never belong within a Zionist conception of a Jewish state
I suppose Zionism in the classic sense is a product of its time - I don't think anyone believes now you can have a state just for one group of people at the exclusion of all others. It's neither morally right, nor practicable. I guess it happened due to that uniquely horrible situation created by the Holocaust whereby when the camps were liberated they were left with millions of people who either had literally no home or community left to return to or, totally understandably, did not want to return to where their gentile neighbours basically waved them off to their deaths. I had never really understood the scale of it until I read William I Hitchcock's 'Liberation' - a brilliant book about the horrendously messy end of WWII that I'm not sure is still in print.

It begs the question if there's an end to this, what does that mean for the Palestinian survivors? How can they find a way to live alongside the people who did this when they of course don't want to leave their homeland, no matter how ruined?
I decided a few years ago that the use of the term "Zionist" was unhelpful, for as you point out, it has many meanings. On one definition, everyone who supports a two-state solution is a Zionist, and that includes Jeremy Corbyn.
There have been so many different versions of Zionism since it first emerged as an idea that I suspect there are nearly as many definitions of it as there are Zionists. I generally try to restrict my use of the word to either refer to people who overtly profess to be Zionist, or as a term used as a sort of antonym to Bundist. By and large it is a word best avoided unless specified and defined until every has got bored of reading or listening by the time you get around to the word itself.
I suppose Zionism in the classic sense is a product of its time - I don't think anyone believes now you can have a state just for one group of people at the exclusion of all others. It's neither morally right, nor practicable. I guess it happened due to that uniquely horrible situation created by the Holocaust ...
I think I understand your point to draw a distinction between a classic sense of Zionism based on a range of older circumstances on the one hand, and the present. The thing is when you say ....
I don't think anyone believes now you can have a state just for one group of people at the exclusion of all others. It's neither morally right, nor practicable.
...that is exactly what many Israeli religious extremists do believe - and it is they who I think get called Zionists by anti-Zionists - and exactly what they are trying to create right now, whether via this current destruction of the Gaza strip, or through state-backed settler violence, or all the other state degradations enacted on the arab population

I agree with you its not morally right, but it might yet be practicable - over time it is clearly succeeding, and this wave of ethnic cleansing we are seeing now is another big lurch forward in the process
Ive started reading the Moshe Machovaer link posted up helpfully by another poster

Also found this online version on Matzpen influential book

If you're interested in Matzpen you might want to look at Akiva Orr as well:
Looking back at Rashid Khalidi The Hundred Years War on Palestine and he quotes Herzl in 1895 saying of the Palestinians:

We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring it employment in the transit countries, whilst denying it employment in our own country...Both the expropriation and removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly

Page 3

For Palestinians Zionism was wholey negative. Nothing in his book says anything good about Zionism. From a Palestinian point of view Zionism and foundation of Israel meant and means expropriation and exile.

From its origins this was a settler colonial state. The indigenous people to be removed. Zionist pioneers like Herzl are clear on that.

Though it took Ben Gurion and the Haganah to put it into brutal practise.

On Jews leaving Europe. For decades the favourite destination was not Palestine but USA. The advanced country of opportunities.

The Holocaust did not feature that much in early days. One Israeli historian I read said when he was growing up the visit to Auschwitz was not done. It was later that that came to be a thing to do. Early Zionists wanted to emphasize a muscular new people going out and building a new country. Not being as they saw it victims. So Israel relationship with Holocaust has changed over time.
IDF openly saying they bombed the refugee camp to try and kill one person - clip from CNN
2mins in

I see. Actually started to watch this.

You were right and I was wrong. They killed all those civilians in the refugee camp trying to kill ONE hamas commander.

And had their IDF spokesperson with a straight face says that is all hunky dory.

The IDF guy had Scottish accent. Curious I googled him and he is Scottish.

What can I say? Emigrated their 40 years ago. From Scotland to being an apologist for war crimes. Well done.

Just to add I can understand Jews going to Palestine at end of WW2 considering the Holocaust.

To add

Ive contempt for people like this IDF guy. Emigrating from a multicultural country like this to end up as spokesperson for IDF.

Im getting more angry again the more I see of what is being done to Palestinians and the imo racist way they are treated by people like this in Israel ( not saying all Israelis are like this)
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The actual practice of Zionism since 48 has been continuing attempt to remove Palestinians from their land and keep them from returning. That's been constant of Zionism.

Violent expulsion and killing of Palestinians and land seizures is an objective an of many irredentists on the Israeli right. However, that doesn't represent all Israelis anymore than the irredentism of the Palestinian right which calls for the destruction of Israel and the killing and expulsion of Jews represents all Palestinians.

An ethnically/confessionally cleansed state "from the River to the State" is an unreliable fantasy shared amongst others by Hamas and settlers in the West Bank, but an awful lot of Palestinians and Israelis want to live peaceful and productive coexistent lives.
Violent expulsion and killing of Palestinians and land seizures is an objective an of many irredentists on the Israeli right. However, that doesn't represent all Israelis anymore than the irredentism of the Palestinian right which calls for the destruction of Israel and the killing and expulsion of Jews represents all Palestinians.

An ethnically/confessionally cleansed state "from the River to the State" is an unreliable fantasy shared amongst others by Hamas and settlers in the West Bank, but an awful lot of Palestinians and Israelis want to live peaceful and productive coexistent lives.

In actual fact Hamas changed their position on Jews in a future Palestine. Jews had a long history of co existence with Islam in the days of the Ottoman empire. Stretching back to Spanish Jews going their when expelled from Spain.

So in ( at least some) parts of Hamas the problem was Zionists not Jews. Jews as a people could have a place in a future Palestine. Like Jews in the past when it was part of an Islamic Empire

Same goes with Christians. Hamas have good relations with Palestinian Christians.

On Zionism - As Ive pointed out removal of Palestinians was part and parcel of Zionism from the early days.

There has been enough info on the pages of this thread. Palestinians have lost land post 48. If more gradually. Its been an ongoing process whatever Israeli government is in power.

Simple example. If your Jewish , from whatever part of the world, you can emigrate to Israel. If your a Palestinian you cant. EVen the hypothetical case of a rich Palestinian who wants to buy his grandfathers stolen land back cannot do it. This is how Israel state is and always has been structured in a racist way

You try to make it out that Israel is now some kind of liberal state now. But evidence of how it actually works suggests otherwise. Racism is deeply ingrained into how the Israel state works and treats Palestinians
I decided a few years ago that the use of the term "Zionist" was unhelpful, for as you point out, it has many meanings. On one definition, everyone who supports a two-state solution is a Zionist, and that includes Jeremy Corbyn.

Noam Chomsky calls himself a Zionist just to make things even more complicated. There were cultural Zionists who opposed a Jewish state as well. Discussing things in terms of Zionism versus anti-Zionism is ideas before materialism IMO.
In actual fact Hamas changed their position on Jews in a future Palestine. Jews had a long history of co existence with Islam in the days of the Ottoman empire. Stretching back to Spanish Jews going their when expelled from Spain.

So in ( at least some) parts of Hamas the problem was Zionists not Jews. Jews as a people could have a place in a future Palestine. Like Jews in the past when it was part of an Islamic Empire

Same goes with Christians. Hamas have good relations with Palestinian Christians.

On Zionism - As Ive pointed out removal of Palestinians was part and parcel of Zionism from the early days.

There has been enough info on the pages of this thread. Palestinians have lost land post 48. If more gradually. Its been an ongoing process whatever Israeli government is in power.

Simple example. If your Jewish , from whatever part of the world, you can emigrate to Israel. If your a Palestinian you cant. EVen the hypothetical case of a rich Palestinian who wants to buy his grandfathers stolen land back cannot do it. This is how Israel state is and always has been structured in a racist way

You try to make it out that Israel is now some kind of liberal state now. But evidence of how it actually works suggests otherwise. Racism is deeply ingrained into how the Israel state works and treats Palestinians

I've never been stupid enough to claim that Israel was "some kind of liberal state". However, the murderous brutality of the 7 October attacks would also seen to challenge the idea of the "changed Hamas" that you go on about. Slaughtering small children in cold blood, whether or not they where beheaded does not convince me of their willingness to tolerate the presence of Jews in any future Great Palestine; not that any such entity could come into existence on their terms.

If there is to be a lasting political solution Hamas like Likud will need to be involved, but that doesn't make either progressive forces for good.
I've never been stupid enough to claim that Israel was "some kind of liberal state". However, the murderous brutality of the 7 October attacks would also seen to challenge the idea of the "changed Hamas" that you go on about. Slaughtering small children in cold blood, whether or not they where beheaded does not convince me of their willingness to tolerate the presence of Jews in any future Great Palestine; not that any such entity could come into existence on their terms.

If there is to be a lasting political solution Hamas like Likud will need to be involved, but that doesn't make either progressive forces for good.
Hamas actions and rhetoric are well aligned and clear: they want to wipe Israel off the map.

Their aim is clearly genocide (the technical meaning not the generic one people throw about).

And agreed any peace process will include them and Likud etc. I just can’t see how those two parties are even brought to the table at this point. Hamas’ actions and Israel’s war crime laden response mean there’s no reasonable pathway here…
I've never been stupid enough to claim that Israel was "some kind of liberal state". However, the murderous brutality of the 7 October attacks would also seen to challenge the idea of the "changed Hamas" that you go on about. Slaughtering small children in cold blood, whether or not they where beheaded does not convince me of their willingness to tolerate the presence of Jews in any future Great Palestine; not that any such entity could come into existence on their terms.

If there is to be a lasting political solution Hamas like Likud will need to be involved, but that doesn't make either progressive forces for good.

So you agree at this time its a state that practises Apartheid.

Also its been allowing building of illegal settlements on West Bank.

That the Oslo peace process has never led to Palestinians having a separate state. This is something most Palestinians complain.

In particular the illegal settlements on West Bank/ armed settlers pushing Palestinians off their land is a particular problem as its being increasingly making a viable two state solution.

That support in countries like this should allow BDS.

This is what underlays the recent violence

To start a ceasefire needs to happen now.
Hamas actions and rhetoric are well aligned and clear: they want to wipe Israel off the map.

Their aim is clearly genocide (the technical meaning not the generic one people throw about).

And agreed any peace process will include them and Likud etc. I just can’t see how those two parties are even brought to the table at this point. Hamas’ actions and Israel’s war crime laden response mean there’s no reasonable pathway here…
There are none so blind as those that will not see
Violent expulsion and killing of Palestinians and land seizures is an objective an of many irredentists on the Israeli right. However, that doesn't represent all Israelis anymore than the irredentism of the Palestinian right which calls for the destruction of Israel and the killing and expulsion of Jews represents all Palestinians.

An ethnically/confessionally cleansed state "from the River to the State" is an unreliable fantasy shared amongst others by Hamas and settlers in the West Bank, but an awful lot of Palestinians and Israelis want to live peaceful and productive coexistent lives.

You know this isnt nor ever has been a conflict where both sides are on equal terms. Whatever the rhetoric over last 75 years its been Israel that have had the military capability and international support to increase control over Palestine at expense of Palestinianians.

Realistically there is not existential threat to Israel. This is asymmetrical warfare.
So you agree at this time its a state that practises Apartheid.

Also its been allowing building of illegal settlements on West Bank.

That the Oslo peace process has never led to Palestinians having a separate state. This is something most Palestinians complain.

In particular the illegal settlements on West Bank/ armed settlers pushing Palestinians off their land is a particular problem as its being increasingly making a viable two state solution.

That support in countries like this should allow BDS.

This is what underlays the recent violence

To start a ceasefire needs to happen now.

It's a state that encourages the building and expansion of illegal settlements and land theft. I think BDS us a useful tool to put pressure on the regime

If Israel is an Apartheid state than so is: China because of its treatment of Uyghurs and Tibetans; Iran because of treatment of Kurds and and other minorities including Arabs who like Palestinians are killed driven from their land and replaced by Persian settlers; Pakistan because at its creation in 1948 millions of Hindus and Sikhs were murdered of driven into exile abd where religious minorities are officially second class citizens who are denied civil rights and face murderous persecution; ; Myanmar because of their murder and expulsion of the Rohinigha and their oppression of the Karen people; Sri Lanka because of the oppression and slaughter of Tamils; and Saudi Arabia and Bahrain because of of their murderous oppression of Shi'a.
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