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Hair removing crystals, do they work?



Like the thing in the link.

There seem to be a lot of them around atm and range from £1.99 on amazon with terrible reviews to ones with their own websites with allegedly geat reviews.

Has anybody used one and/or have any information as to how well they work?
I've not used one cos I think they look like a massive scam. From what I've read they might work on v fine hair (ie not stubble of someone whose been shaving for years) but it can still leave the skin v sore the day after. We're not meant to sand our legs like :D
I'd be intrigued to read of anyone using them successfully with no ill effects
They work after a fashion, on fine hair, and they have an exfoliating effect, but it takes bloody ages, and it’s still only taking off the hair at skin level, so it’s not long lasting. My mum bought one about thirty years ago, but I don’t think they’ve changed.
They used to make 'Silky Mitts' which I assume is what Spanglechick's mum used - I did too. They were a piece of sandpaper made to fit round the hand - quite effective on legs etc, but only when the hair had grown a bit. They certainly didn't cause pain and cuts like the new version is reputed to do.
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