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Hackney Independent

on the issue of social housing, I'd say Adelaide Wharf on Queensbridge Road qualifies as social housing in haggerston?, it's not all social housing, but 30 units are, mostly family sized, another 30 or so are key workers, and the rest were for sale
sorry?? :D

i think maybe you were not paying attention then! :D IF that was what you though HI was doing you have every right to be oppossed .. as it would have been wrong .. but it bears NO relation at all to what we did! ( at one time we were physically attacked by reps from the BMTA who felt we were attacking them .. and we were to a good degree so where you get this idea we were supportting them from is bizarre totally bizarre )

BM was only one very small part of HI campaigning in 2006 .. and it was NOT in support of 'shop owners' but around the issues of working class access to the shops/market and the explusion ( following Labour selling off of properties ) of a key local working class cafe .. these were important issues to Haggrerston ward residents on Whiston Road and Goldsmiths for who this is their local area .. that you do not know this suggests to me you know less about your ward than you give over ;)

and barry .. maybe it was not you (and we will never know who said these things) but the Labour campaign was not entirely honest now was it? we met dozens of people who told us 'labour will get us better flats', we met black people who told us Labour had said HI was only for white people, that we were Tories in disguise, indeed Labour put out a panic leaflet saying a vote for us was a vote for the Tories etc etc etc.

now the proof is in the pudding though isn't it and we can ask what has Labour done for Haggerston in the last 4 years

- built an academy, sponsered by UBS ( currently under all sorts of corruption charges in the USA), on a site where the local primary was demolished as the site was too small

- consequently part of a public park has been 'privatised' for the benefit of this academy

- the residents of Haggerston West and Kingsland have lived for ANOTHER 4 years in disgusting conditions as the council refused to upgrade the estate as it wanted to demolish and have loads of private flats built .. hundreds of decent flats are boarded up and empty

- haggerston pool is still closed

- i am not sure if ANY social housing has been built but hundreds of yuppy flats have been

- serious gang war fare regularly breaks out involving gangs from fellows court and hoxton

the only good news has been Decent Homes, but this is a central govt initiative so is not relevent

so the residents of Haggerston were promised that things would only get better IF they stayed with Labour .. it does not seem to me they have done so

.. barry what do you say? what do you think Labour has acheived these last 4 years for Haggerstin and what do you personally you acheived for Haggerston?

I canvassed Whiston and Goldsmith estates extensively and I can tell that Broadway Market was a non issue. We never said that HI was only for white people. IIRC you put out a leaflet with photos and text of 2 black people who supported you so we would have been pretty stupid to go round making the remarks you allege we made.

You dont have to tell me about Haggerston West! As for Labour saying people will get better flats we said we would campaign for improvements to flats. Which is happening.

As for me I think you should ask residents whether I am a good councillor in respect of getting things done. But I suspect you go down there so little you are out of touch.

Perhaps you can tell us what HI have done in Haggerston since 2006. Local activists say you have done bugger all. Whch I can well believe. iI can assure you that this has done you no good at all.
on the issue of social housing, I'd say Adelaide Wharf on Queensbridge Road qualifies as social housing in haggerston?, it's not all social housing, but 30 units are, mostly family sized, another 30 or so are key workers, and the rest were for sale
and theres half a dozen others at the back of that Tescos metro block 'Kingsland Studios'(??) . on the railway back road lol

but if were were going to do a sum, then the loss at HAWK and elsewhere, is still hundreds more than any gain, let alone as a comparison to the number of new private units
on the issue of social housing, I'd say Adelaide Wharf on Queensbridge Road qualifies as social housing in haggerston?, it's not all social housing, but 30 units are, mostly family sized, another 30 or so are key workers, and the rest were for sale

Quite right. And there is some social housing going up in Hackney Road. Also in Stanway Street. Timber Wharf also has social housing.
and theres half a dozen others at the back of that Tescos metro block 'Kingsland Studios'(??) . on the railway back road lol

but if were were going to do a sum, then the loss at HAWK and elsewhere, is still hundreds more than any gain, let alone as a comparison to the number of new private units

But the HAWK residents will be coming back. And where is elsewhere?
I canvassed Whiston and Goldsmith estates extensively and I can tell that Broadway Market was a non issue. We never said that HI was only for white people. IIRC you put out a leaflet with photos and text of 2 black people who supported you so we would have been pretty stupid to go round making the remarks you allege we made.

You dont have to tell me about Haggerston West! As for Labour saying people will get better flats we said we would campaign for improvements to flats. Which is happening.

As for me I think you should ask residents whether I am a good councillor in respect of getting things done. But I suspect you go down there so little you are out of touch.

Perhaps you can tell us what HI have done in Haggerston since 2006. Local activists say you have done bugger all. Whch I can well believe. iI can assure you that this has done you no good at all.

barry i just don't get you at all .. you hate us more than NuLab after all they have done to this country! lol why do you hate HI so much? ( you have done dozens of posts about HI on here ) as a socilaist i would have thought you would be sympathetic

.. but we are not cllrs .. we are motivated individuals who have done all we have done in their spare time to help empower local people to help improve services all the old stuff Old Labour believed in tbh

.. you get paid as a Cllr .. like for like comparisons make no sense at all ..

we can acheive very little sadly .. that is why we believe in standing for elections ..

but what have you acheived, NOT as an individual, but as a Cllr? and how do you quantify that as being better than if HI candidates had got in?

( p.s. re those allegations? ;) you are wrong )
barry i just don't get you at all .. you hate us more than NuLab after all they have done to this country! lol why do you hate HI so much? ( you have done dozens of posts about HI on here ) as a socilaist i would have thought you would be sympathetic

.. but we are not cllrs .. we are motivated individuals who have done all we have done in their spare time to help empower local people to help improve services all the old stuff Old Labour believed in tbh

.. you get paid as a Cllr .. like for like comparisons make no sense at all ..

we can acheive very little sadly .. that is why we believe in standing for elections ..

but what have you acheived, NOT as an individual, but as a Cllr? and how do you quantify that as being better than if HI candidates had got in?

( p.s. re those allegations? ;) you are wrong )

Believe me I dont hate you. Far from it. I admit to being dubious about AS. But ive always had a lot of time for you, Carl Taylor and Peter Sutton as committed activists. Lets cool things down.

PM me if necessary about those allegations.
shakes head in almost total confusion .. i seriously do not understand where you are coming from barry .. you have slagged off HI time after time .. and have NEVER previously suggestted you had any time for HI activists .. so forgive me if i was not aware of this .. i believe you were told of all the allegations at the time .. if you were not it is 4 yearsgone so ..
Any truth in this?

Hackney TUC called a meeting at the Hackney Empire early last year to discuss the anti BNP campaign in the borough for the GLA elections. It was well attended mostly by Labour Party members and at one point some UAF/SWP people turned up along with Hackney Independent a split of a split from Red Action who were chucked out the SWP in the early eighties.

These two proceeded to slag off Searchlight and New Labour and then walk out to do, well er nothing actually. The whole contribution of the mighty forces of Marxism consisted of abusing the people who actually did the work.

terryfitz, the man in the know about everything ever - i wouldn't advise hitching your vote lib-dem/tory/labour wagon to him MC5
terryfitz, the man in the know about everything ever - i wouldn't advise hitching your vote lib-dem/tory/labour wagon to him MC5

I don't intend to and I certainly would never support a tory candidate, unlike some on here.

No one-liner, or crap wind-up from you about that alleged 'mistake'?

Cat got your tongue? :D
and theres half a dozen others at the back of that Tescos metro block 'Kingsland Studios'(??) . on the railway back road lol

but if were were going to do a sum, then the loss at HAWK and elsewhere, is still hundreds more than any gain, let alone as a comparison to the number of new private units

i'm not saying enough is being built, i was involved with a lot of hackney new build for a housing association up until last summer, not enough is being built, and most of what is, tends to be mixed tenure, and with the current recession, housing associations are going to find themselves with a lot of unsold shared ownership properties
i'm not saying enough is being built, i was involved with a lot of hackney new build for a housing association up until last summer, not enough is being built, and most of what is, tends to be mixed tenure, and with the current recession, housing associations are going to find themselves with a lot of unsold shared ownership properties

Interesting bit on the Politics Show up here about the issue of 'Shared Ownership' and how the recession is affecting it here. Apparently in Edinburgh the Scottish Govt is, with local HA's, 'buying' shared housing and then they're being used as part of the social rented sector. The article also showed housing being built as either social rented, owner occupier or shared housing next to already completed housing of the same type as yet un-occupied.
Interesting bit on the Politics Show up here about the issue of 'Shared Ownership' and how the recession is affecting it here. Apparently in Edinburgh the Scottish Govt is, with local HA's, 'buying' shared housing and then they're being used as part of the social rented sector. The article also showed housing being built as either social rented, owner occupier or shared housing next to already completed housing of the same type as yet un-occupied.

some of the bigger housing associations are fucked over shared ownership, they expanded hugely over the last 10 years, lots of mergers/takeovers, swallowing up smaller ones, when house prices were rising, shared ownership was a real cash cow for them, now they could be left with a load of unsold units - which might be allowed to be used for rented housing - if they have any sense

there have been a few housing associations that have gone out of business lately ujima being the biggest casualty, but i have heard rumours of others in trouble as well
sorry?? :D

i think maybe you were not paying attention then! :D IF that was what you though HI was doing you have every right to be oppossed .. as it would have been wrong .. but it bears NO relation at all to what we did! ( at one time we were physically attacked by reps from the BMTA who felt we were attacking them .. and we were to a good degree so where you get this idea we were supportting them from is bizarre totally bizarre )

BM was only one very small part of HI campaigning in 2006 .. and it was NOT in support of 'shop owners' but around the issues of working class access to the shops/market and the explusion ( following Labour selling off of properties ) of a key local working class cafe .. these were important issues to Haggrerston ward residents on Whiston Road and Goldsmiths for who this is their local area .. that you do not know this suggests to me you know less about your ward than you give over ;)

and barry .. maybe it was not you (and we will never know who said these things) but the Labour campaign was not entirely honest now was it? we met dozens of people who told us 'labour will get us better flats', we met black people who told us Labour had said HI was only for white people, that we were Tories in disguise, indeed Labour put out a panic leaflet saying a vote for us was a vote for the Tories etc etc etc.

now the proof is in the pudding though isn't it and we can ask what has Labour done for Haggerston in the last 4 years

- built an academy, sponsered by UBS ( currently under all sorts of corruption charges in the USA), on a site where the local primary was demolished as the site was too small

- consequently part of a public park has been 'privatised' for the benefit of this academy

- the residents of Haggerston West and Kingsland have lived for ANOTHER 4 years in disgusting conditions as the council refused to upgrade the estate as it wanted to demolish and have loads of private flats built .. hundreds of decent flats are boarded up and empty

- haggerston pool is still closed

- i am not sure if ANY social housing has been built but hundreds of yuppy flats have been

- serious gang war fare regularly breaks out involving gangs from fellows court and hoxton

the only good news has been Decent Homes, but this is a central govt initiative so is not relevent

so the residents of Haggerston were promised that things would only get better IF they stayed with Labour .. it does not seem to me they have done so

.. barry what do you say? what do you think Labour has acheived these last 4 years for Haggerstin and what do you personally you acheived for Haggerston?
i wouldn't argue with a lot of what you've said but i don't agree that BM is much of an issue for people living in haggerston. what i would say is that the shops and businesses on the parade on haggerston road are, or should be, as important but they knocked down the black bull, the other pub has been acquired by a ha but is sitting unused for many years now, there's some struggling businesses and a real air of neglect.
some truth .. we put our pov, which was welcomed by the chair ( who is a personal friend) , as he is very aware that if fascism is to be defeated the campaign needs to be wider but yes there are fundamental disagreements over priorities .. the leaflet was copied onto here .. sure you can find it ... i suspect you commented at the time .. and there was no grand walk out lol

p.s. the poster on SU is dodgy .. to a level that you are positively grand ;)
i wouldn't argue with a lot of what you've said but i don't agree that BM is much of an issue for people living in haggerston. what i would say is that the shops and businesses on the parade on haggerston road are, or should be, as important but they knocked down the black bull, the other pub has been acquired by a ha but is sitting unused for many years now, there's some struggling businesses and a real air of neglect.

fair play paulie .. BM only affected the very east end of the ward .. on whiston and goldsmiths a lot of the women were really pissed off about the whole thing .. HI did a survey on those estates, how long have you lived in the boro, how much do you earn, what do you think of BM , what elsewould you like etc and the answers were - long time, not much, better something than nothing but not for us, and ordinary shops for people like us the survey was then repeated on BM on a market day with the answers - not long ( average 6 months) , loads ( think average was £55K!),love it but not sure about area ( !), and not bothered about any other shops

at one point back a load of the local women ( from haggerston ward ) wanted to march down there and smash it up! seriously that was what they were saying

and yes the Triangle is a mess .. ( though it is better since all the cra/smack dealers got moved on !) and as far as i can see all those shops will go in the regen .. not sure if there are plans to replace them
i wouldn't argue with a lot of what you've said but i don't agree that BM is much of an issue for people living in haggerston. what i would say is that the shops and businesses on the parade on haggerston road are, or should be, as important but they knocked down the black bull, the other pub has been acquired by a ha but is sitting unused for many years now, there's some struggling businesses and a real air of neglect.

Unused pub will be demolished and become part of the new estate. Only 3 shops left on the redevelopment side of Haggerston Road (chemist, newsagents and betting shop). Negotiations going on as to where chemist and newsagent will be temporaily resited until they come back to permanent premsises as part of the new development.
Perhaps you can enlighten us what you have been doing in the last 3 years? But we were right to also campaign against any return to hung council chaos

Not having a "hung council chaos" = Unanimous Cuts Council. Well done.

In short,

Labour + Ballot Box = Cuts Box.
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