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Hackney Independent

Round the top of Blackstock Rd it would appear there is a wee bit of N4 in Hackney.

You do know that it says your name at the top of the post and signing each one off at the end is a bit annoying don't you?
Round the top of Blackstock Rd it would appear there is a wee bit of N4 in Hackney.

You do know that it says your name at the top of the post and signing each one off at the end is a bit annoying don't you?

Thats the least of the crimes im accused of.
One of the HI candidates (Arthur Shuter) publicy supported Andrew Boff the Tory candidate for Mayor in 2006. For a group claiming to stand for independent working class action that struck me as a big mistake. Will they make the same mistake in 2010?

yes it was a mistake .. in that case

( did you get that barry? honesty in politics ;) but the fact is that arthur shuter was a very active and well respected local advocat the kind of altruistic type who you USED to get in the Labour Party .. the point of Hackney Independent is to try to get local residents / activists in a position where they can represent their community .. that means they are not always politically correct to a troskyist like yourself .. but seriously, johnny macshane? what do you think of him?
whereas you just actively impose Tory policies.
indeed .. barry has never explained, despite many questions on here, how he persues his trotskyist agenda in the council chamber or in haggerston ward .. personally i have not noticed him raise his head above the parapet in any way at all but maybe stuff goes on behind the scenes that i do not know .. barry is this the case?
yes it was a mistake .. in that case

( did you get that barry? honesty in politics ;) but the fact is that arthur shuter was a very active and well respected local advocat the kind of altruistic type who you USED to get in the Labour Party .. the point of Hackney Independent is to try to get local residents / activists in a position where they can represent their community .. that means they are not always politically correct to a troskyist like yourself .. but seriously, johnny macshane? what do you think of him?

At last! After 3 years an admission that a mistake was made. We have progress.
indeed .. barry has never explained, despite many questions on here, how he persues his trotskyist agenda in the council chamber or in haggerston ward .. personally i have not noticed him raise his head above the parapet in any way at all but maybe stuff goes on behind the scenes that i do not know .. barry is this the case?

I would normally say that I will be happy to let the residents of Haggerston judge in the May 2010 elections my record as a councillor for my 4 years of service. But as I have been deselected it dosent appear that this will apply.
I would normally say that I will be happy to let the residents of Haggerston judge in the May 2010 elections my record as a councillor for my 4 years of service. But as I have been deselected it dosent appear that this will apply.

And why were you deselected?
I would normally say that I will be happy to let the residents of Haggerston judge in the May 2010 elections my record as a councillor for my 4 years of service. But as I have been deselected it dosent appear that this will apply.

Yet no doubt you'll stay loyal to the New Labour Party, even as it takes a long slow piss down your back. For the last remaining Labour "socialists" politics is more a matter of masochism than anything else.
You're in a fuckin' dreamworld of SWP Comrades owning four-storey houses in the manor, with Shropshire weekend homes as a backhand. Gawd bless the cunts!
And exactly what are the Tory policies that Hackney Council have imposed?

-transfer of all council housing to almo
-transfer of council/almo housing to RSLs
-support for academies ( yes learning trust but you know as well as i do it is linked)
-sell off of public assets
-support for social/class engineering including reductions in social rented units and massive increased in private housing
-hostility to council trade unions and massive use of consultants at incredible cost and temps

now the arguement could be made, is that these are no longer Tory policies but NuLab policies .. but surely as a socialist you would oppose all of them regardless, yet i have not heard this at all.
he will not say i'd guess .. he never does (see my posts above) .. he likes to have a go at anyone outside nu lab, the greens, the left, HI, but when challenged about anything difficult he goes quiet

BarryB - man of mystery.

I wonder if he will be campaigning for the re-election of his comrades McShane and Bright next time?
he will not say i'd guess .. he never does (see my posts above) .. he likes to have a go at anyone outside nu lab, the greens, the left, HI, but when challenged about anything difficult he goes quiet

And see my attempts to prod answers out of him on the Hackney-chitter-chatter thread in London.

He was attacking Boff and Hackney Independent / IWCA a few years back when they were campaigning on behalf of the Broadway Market traders, Tony's Cafe and Spirit - but that all appears to have slipped down the Orwellian memory hole now. :rolleyes:
-transfer of all council housing to almo
-transfer of council/almo housing to RSLs
-support for academies ( yes learning trust but you know as well as i do it is linked)
-sell off of public assets
-support for social/class engineering including reductions in social rented units and massive increased in private housing
-hostility to council trade unions and massive use of consultants at incredible cost and temps

now the arguement could be made, is that these are no longer Tory policies but NuLab policies .. but surely as a socialist you would oppose all of them regardless, yet i have not heard this at all.

The question should be how do we change things? As a first step I would get rid of the private companies who have day to day control of Hackney Homes estates. In Haggerston (and in the wider Shoreditch Neighbourhood they have performed very poorly)Then we will see if Hackney Homes can manage the estates properly and then take it from there.

What would you do?

As far as academies are concerned I would like to see the back of them
And see my attempts to prod answers out of him on the Hackney-chitter-chatter thread in London.

He was attacking Boff and Hackney Independent / IWCA a few years back when they were campaigning on behalf of the Broadway Market traders, Tony's Cafe and Spirit - but that all appears to have slipped down the Orwellian memory hole now. :rolleyes:

Of course I was attacking Boff. Do you seriously think I would support a Tory councillor? But what you and Hackney Independent dont seem to understand was that the Broadway Market affair was a non issue in Haggerston. In fact people on the estates couldent understand why HI got so involved supporting shop owners there and took their eye off what was happening on the estates in Haggerston.

We ruthlessly campaigned on issues local to Haggerston and tripled Labours majority.
The question should be how do we change things? As a first step I would get rid of the private companies who have day to day control of Hackney Homes estates. In Haggerston (and in the wider Shoreditch Neighbourhood they have performed very poorly)Then we will see if Hackney Homes can manage the estates properly and then take it from there.

What would you do?

As far as academies are concerned I would like to see the back of them
barry the question is, what, as a Cllr. have you done to acheive this though?
We ruthlessly campaigned on issues local to Haggerston and tripled Labours majority.

From what I can recall you campaigned ruthlessly on not "returning to hung council chaos". :confused:.

Anyway, 3 years is a long time in politics, eh? How has the project to persuade Hackney Labour into ditching the ALMO and Academies progressed during your time as a councillor?
From what I can recall you campaigned ruthlessly on not "returning to hung council chaos". :confused:.

Anyway, 3 years is a long time in politics, eh? How has the project to persuade Hackney Labour into ditching the ALMO and Academies progressed during your time as a councillor?

Perhaps you can enlighten us what you have been doing in the last 3 years? But we were right to also campaign against any return to hung council chaos
Of course I was attacking Boff. Do you seriously think I would support a Tory councillor? But what you and Hackney Independent dont seem to understand was that the Broadway Market affair was a non issue in Haggerston. In fact people on the estates couldent understand why HI got so involved supporting shop owners there and took their eye off what was happening on the estates in Haggerston.

We ruthlessly campaigned on issues local to Haggerston and tripled Labours majority.
sorry?? :D

i think maybe you were not paying attention then! :D IF that was what you though HI was doing you have every right to be oppossed .. as it would have been wrong .. but it bears NO relation at all to what we did! ( at one time we were physically attacked by reps from the BMTA who felt we were attacking them .. and we were to a good degree so where you get this idea we were supportting them from is bizarre totally bizarre )

BM was only one very small part of HI campaigning in 2006 .. and it was NOT in support of 'shop owners' but around the issues of working class access to the shops/market and the explusion ( following Labour selling off of properties ) of a key local working class cafe .. these were important issues to Haggrerston ward residents on Whiston Road and Goldsmiths for who this is their local area .. that you do not know this suggests to me you know less about your ward than you give over ;)

and barry .. maybe it was not you (and we will never know who said these things) but the Labour campaign was not entirely honest now was it? we met dozens of people who told us 'labour will get us better flats', we met black people who told us Labour had said HI was only for white people, that we were Tories in disguise, indeed Labour put out a panic leaflet saying a vote for us was a vote for the Tories etc etc etc.

now the proof is in the pudding though isn't it and we can ask what has Labour done for Haggerston in the last 4 years

- built an academy, sponsered by UBS ( currently under all sorts of corruption charges in the USA), on a site where the local primary was demolished as the site was too small

- consequently part of a public park has been 'privatised' for the benefit of this academy

- the residents of Haggerston West and Kingsland have lived for ANOTHER 4 years in disgusting conditions as the council refused to upgrade the estate as it wanted to demolish and have loads of private flats built .. hundreds of decent flats are boarded up and empty

- haggerston pool is still closed

- i am not sure if ANY social housing has been built but hundreds of yuppy flats have been

- serious gang war fare regularly breaks out involving gangs from fellows court and hoxton

the only good news has been Decent Homes, but this is a central govt initiative so is not relevent

so the residents of Haggerston were promised that things would only get better IF they stayed with Labour .. it does not seem to me they have done so

.. barry what do you say? what do you think Labour has acheived these last 4 years for Haggerstin and what do you personally you acheived for Haggerston?
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