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Help Google storage issue


The Cake of Liberty
I keep getting told by Google that I am running out of storage and won't able to store any more photos or use Gmail soon. They keep trying to sell me more storage, I don't want to buy any on a matter or principle as they play such a big part of my digital life. Is there a way round this, apart from the painstaking process of deleting lots of old photos and emails?
I keep getting told by Google that I am running out of storage and won't able to store any more photos or use Gmail soon. They keep trying to sell me more storage, I don't want to buy any on a matter or principle as they play such a big part of my digital life. Is there a way round this, apart from the painstaking process of deleting lots of old photos and emails?

Delete lots of old photos. And big emails if you can find them, small ones are hardly worth doing.
I keep getting told by Google that I am running out of storage and won't able to store any more photos or use Gmail soon. They keep trying to sell me more storage, I don't want to buy any on a matter or principle as they play such a big part of my digital life. Is there a way round this, apart from the painstaking process of deleting lots of old photos and emails?
Are you saving images full size? If so switch to reduced size and you'll free up space. If it's your mail using up space you're either going tp have to delete loads of just fork out for more storage. That's what I did and I think it's pretty good value.

Also, are you on Amazon Prime? That offers unlimited photo storage so I back up there.
Are you saving images full size? If so switch to reduced size and you'll free up space. If it's your mail using up space you're either going tp have to delete loads of just fork out for more storage. That's what I did and I think it's pretty good value.

Also, are you on Amazon Prime? That offers unlimited photo storage so I back up there.
I can afford more storage from google, but the fact that they already dominate my data and make money from knowing more about me than my mum, makes me reluctant to give them any more.

I don't have prime, but do have a Dropbox account where I can store photos.
Don't pay for more google storage unless you've already claimed a promo free offer for buying google hardware (if you ever will). I'm not eligible for the year that came with my chromebook as I've previously paid.
I stropped so hard that I bought a NAS to put my photos on (and other stuff).
Don't pay for more google storage unless you've already claimed a promo free offer for buying google hardware (if you ever will). I'm not eligible for the year that came with my chromebook as I've previously paid.
I stropped so hard that I bought a NAS to put my photos on (and other stuff).
I bought a google pixel 6 recently, but not directly from them, not sure if that counts.
Quite often it’s large email attachments that eat space - Gmail saves all those sent attachments as well as those you receive.
You can find large messages using the Gmail search: e.g. the search term “larger:2mb” find all the emails larger than 2mb.
Sometimes it’ll be photos you sent and copies elsewhere, and you’d be surprised at how much you can clear up by removing out of date attachments.

Other ideas: How to Find Large Emails In Gmail And Clean Up Your Inbox - BIG APPLE MEDIA
As I recall, google make it bloody difficult to just delete images and big files you don't really want.
Especially a pain in the arse when my daughters iphone automatically duplicated and sent every photo to google.
She couldn't get them off the iphone so just deleted them and thought she could go through google, save the ones she wanted to keep to a drive and delete the rest. Bloody impossible. . . so she thought she would then select everything and save it to a massive drive . . . also impossible, had to do it in tiny (almost one at a time) shifts.
I think we just gave up in the end.
As I recall, google make it bloody difficult to just delete images and big files you don't really want.
Especially a pain in the arse when my daughters iphone automatically duplicated and sent every photo to google.
She couldn't get them off the iphone so just deleted them and thought she could go through google, save the ones she wanted to keep to a drive and delete the rest. Bloody impossible. . . so she thought she would then select everything and save it to a massive drive . . . also impossible, had to do it in tiny (almost one at a time) shifts.
I think we just gave up in the end.
Use takeout.google.com
Select All Photos
That's it
Yeah, I'd agree. I pay £15.something a year for 100GB Google storage and it's just seamless backing up my photos/videos. I do regularly clean up both media and email storage though - so I'm currently only using 45GB (14,483 items!) - but it's future proofed, so that I won't have to pay for the next level up of storage. I take an awful lot of photos but when I look back I don't usually want to keep about half. And yes, backup with storage saver setting on, to, erm, save storage :D

I also have another email account linked up - so that's an extra 15GB for free. :)

Sorry Maggot - you asked how to avoid NOT having to pay and now you have a bunch of people telling you how great it is :D
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I already have another gmaill account. How do I share permissions between them?
There’s a ‘People and Sharing’ page somewhere in the settings under security.

I can’t give you step by step because I don’t know if you are using iPhone app, Android app, webpage etc.
That sounds a right ball ache to save such a small amount. I mean the sharing is great, I use it with my partner loads, but fuck that as a method of storage, it rather takes the convenience away, which is one of the attractions.
Yeah, I'd agree. I pay £15.something a year for 100GB Google storage and it's just seamless backing up my photos/videos. I do regularly clean up both media and email storage though - so I'm currently only using 45GB (14,483 items!) - but it's future proofed, so that I won't have to pay for the next level up of storage. I take an awful lot of photos but when I look back I don't usually want to keep about half. And yes, backup with storage saver setting on, to, erm, save storage :D

Same. I used the funds from my Google Rewards to pay for mine this time. Had a fiver left over, too!
Been getting rid of some old emails and making more space. But today I get a message saying that in 30 days my Whatsapp storage will count towards my Google storage and I will have none left :mad:. How does that work? Google don't own Whatsapp.
Been getting rid of some old emails and making more space. But today I get a message saying that in 30 days my Whatsapp storage will count towards my Google storage and I will have none left :mad:. How does that work? Google don't own Whatsapp.
It's Meta's fault:

WhatsApp has kicked off 2024 with a bold step, one which most Android users won't be fond of. Starting this month, WhatsApp backups will count towards your Google Drive storage, meaning you will have to have enough space on your Google Drive. WhatsApp has been offering free Google Drive storage for WhatsApp backups on Android smartphones all this while, but the freebie looks to have run its course. And this doesn't spell good news, especially for those with chunky WhatsApp backups. Know all about this major change.

I just pay for 2TB storage. Glad I did cos I was always having to delete music I hadn’t listened to yet.
Never thought to store photos there though. Think mine are backed up to icloud and Amazon when I remember. I’m easy come easy go when it comes to pics though. Probably shouldn’t be.
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