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Gmail search not returning results


slight system overdrive
Something weird is going on with my gmail where I am searching for things I know are in there - like the receipt for an item from a particular brand - and it isn't returning results. The weirdest one is searching for results from a building society, for whom I know I have a string of emails, and it only returns results from this year, even if I change the date for longer in the advanced search. It's a real problem as I don't know things like my building society username - not the sort of thing I write down, I just search in gmail. Yeah, probably not secure but it's worked for ages.

Has anyone else had problems like this? Or can think of what's going wrong?
How are you searching? I've just done a control F in Firefox on for example Personal and it picks stuff out ok.
Not sure what email client you are using but I tested search on 2 gmail accounts in outlook and it worked fine and matched my phone results
Just the gmail interface. Thanks for trying, though I just mean the search function provided by google in the interface provided by google.
Whenever I try to search for anything in my Gmail emails (using Gmail app) it will never find it, even if it's a word in the title of the 2nd item in the inbox. Though it might find a random email I sent 17 years ago, which doesn't contain the word anywhere. For a software company that built the world's most used search engine, the search function in its own app is pretty useless.
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