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gentrification of Tottenham

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Reaching out
What fucking wankers

The club has angered locals by protesting that the streets around its new £850m stadium are too dirty for fans and could damage its ambitions to establish “one of the world’s most unique entertainment venues”.

Confidential memos from senior figures in the Labour-run London borough of Haringey, seen by the Observer, highlight Spurs’ complaints that excessive levels of litter and fly-tipping in Tottenham will have a negative impact on the image of their as yet unopened ground, and that the local authority, which has suffered £280m of cuts over the past decade, should pay for cleaning after matches and events.

One memo, written following a meeting between club officials and the council, states: “Spurs were very dismissive as to the current state/appearance of Tottenham and implied that this was not an acceptable environment for their new stadium and supporters.” Another notes: “Spurs as you may be aware quite an aggressive operator [sic]. When the question of all the extra cleaning needed was raised and who would fund it it was made very clear that it would not be paid for by Spurs.”
sadly, yes indeed. How many hudreds of millions does that club make. How many millions does it pay a single player in a year? A few quid for street cleaning that they fell they need :confused::facepalm:
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