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General Strike 100

Pickman's model

Starry Wisdom
Off the back of some of the discussion in the reform party thread -

Yes. This is always the litmus test for Reform or for any populist organisation. The tendency to autocracy has undermined successive efforts by the far right and right populists over the past 30 odd years. In each case the pattern is the same – popular support, a breakthrough, the breakthrough gives rise to tensions as the tops start to squabble over power, control and direction, a split, fallback, rapid collapse and then the eventual emergence of a new organisation and the reproduction of the same cycle.

It appears that Reform is inevitably going to follow the same path given that it is essentially a vehicle for Farage and assumes adherence to the cult of personality. It will therefore fail to become the organisation that delivers a real breakthrough for the right populists here.

But the FN was like that once too. In their case the emergence of a younger generation – Bardella types – bringing organisation, discipline and energy and a visible change in the class composition, age, gender, race of its leadership propelled its growth and stability. With all of that came presence and a structure with sustainability. There is no reason I am aware of to think that this could not also emerge here.

France, of course, in not Britain. But the conditions a) popular and widespread disdain for discredited elite liberalism b) a supposed left centrist government signed up to the management of the agenda of the rich c) divisive culture wars d) further cuts to public services and wages and e) the crumbling authority of the establishment parties inevitably means a large poliitcal space will remain ripe.

The absence of the left in the UK – and by that I mean any credible form of left, a pro working class left appears impossible – guarantees that as more and more people give up on Labour/Tories and look for alternatives there is only one place where they are going to go.

Once the ludicrous and groundless optimism of the commentariat and middle class centrist orgasm over Starmer has subsided (and that isn’t going to be far away) focus here needs to turn to realignment, electoral reform and ideas to engage the populist right.

Seems to me there's some mileage in working toward a big event/series of events around the centenary of the general strike

And maybe launching a campaign or organisation off the back of that

My great uncle Wally in Elephant and Castle got three months hard labour for his participation in the general strike:

From Nine days in May: the 1926 general strike in Southwark.

Yep, General Strike 100 would be great :thumbs:


Reckon Camden trades council would be interested, and could get some seed money off trade union branches. Reckon mine might provide £250-300 without much difficulty. Be good to work with some of the radical historians to get pamphlets together and organise eg guided walks. The orgreave campaign might be a good ally too, I know some people involved in that (sure many others do too). I'm thinking something over say a month in '26, culminating in a conference on the contemporary situation and relevance of the gs now, and rally / demo in central London. But obvs just sketching out possibilities - think we could get the ball rolling this summer and autumn and launch early next year
Think it'd be good to have a thread to talk about this, and see what people feel.
And I'm sure one or two people I know are or have been involved with the Camden trades council, I'll talk to them to get a contact
This is a good idea. There definitely needs to be something more than what the TUC/union tops will deliver.

I’d be happy to ask our Branch to support any events here close to here.
Yeh, it needs to be driven by grassroots activists, for me the main thing is to wring funds out of branches to get things started and then develop it into a pro-wc direction, with the aim of creating something which offers a radical critique of the Labour party and refuk, something which organises commemorations of 1926 and opposes the shammerisation of any official events. A campaign that works with groups like FLAF to develop campaigns against the radical right. And working with existing campaigns around the country, not being london-centric. Maybe any conference should be in eg Nottingham to make it equally inconvenient for everyone.

But before building a really good castle in the sky we need to gauge opinion and get a group of people chasing things up
I was going to say, I think I'd want a bit more of a concrete proposal before putting it out to anyone, but I reckon if you get Strike Map/Organise Now (heavily overlapping projects) and Troublemakers at Work on board, they should be able to do a lot of the work of getting word out to most of the union branches who'd be likely to back any such thing.
Other than that, for a grassroots angle might also be worth tapping up a lot of the local food/community/mutual aid groups? The likes of HSG, Cooperation Town/Hull/Manchester, Commune in the North, Bolton Diggers, Food & Solidarity in Newcastle and so on?
I was going to say, I think I'd want a bit more of a concrete proposal before putting it out to anyone, but I reckon if you get Strike Map/Organise Now (heavily overlapping projects) and Troublemakers at Work on board, they should be able to do a lot of the work of getting word out to most of the union branches who'd be likely to back any such thing.
Other than that, for a grassroots angle might also be worth tapping up a lot of the local food/community/mutual aid groups? The likes of HSG, Cooperation Town/Hull/Manchester, Commune in the North, Bolton Diggers, Food & Solidarity in Newcastle and so on?
Tell you what, I'll draft the text for a leaflet / pdf. Might be good to take that to pms - I'll pm it to everyone thus far on the thread and we can add as desired. E2a but only adding established posters no barlimo etc need apply
Tell you what, I'll draft the text for a leaflet / pdf. Might be good to take that to pms - I'll pm it to everyone thus far on the thread and we can add as desired. E2a but only adding established posters no barlimo etc need apply
Did the pm thread ever get started? Also, wondering if Wilf might potentially be interested?

Also, at the gala* this weekend I was chatting with a comrade who's helping to organise a Peterloo commemoration this summer aiming to do a similar job of linking it to contemporary struggles, so I thought "ah, this person might well be interested" and mentioned the idea to him, and he went "ah yeah, that sounds good, I was just talking to the people running a stall about that idea", and assuming Pickman's didn't get round to running a stall at the gala about it, it sounds like someone else has already come up with the idea independently. I think it might be this lot: North East Labour History

But then maybe it's someone else, it's not me who talked to them. Could also be worth having a word with the Tyneside Anarchist Archives?

* well, in the pub after the gala, to be precise.
Did the pm thread ever get started? Also, wondering if Wilf might potentially be interested?

Also, at the gala* this weekend I was chatting with a comrade who's helping to organise a Peterloo commemoration this summer aiming to do a similar job of linking it to contemporary struggles, so I thought "ah, this person might well be interested" and mentioned the idea to him, and he went "ah yeah, that sounds good, I was just talking to the people running a stall about that idea", and assuming Pickman's didn't get round to running a stall at the gala about it, it sounds like someone else has already come up with the idea independently. I think it might be this lot: North East Labour History

But then maybe it's someone else, it's not me who talked to them. Could also be worth having a word with the Tyneside Anarchist Archives?

* well, in the pub after the gala, to be precise.
I'll be circulating something tomorrow
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