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Friends Of The Earth

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Books, not bombs
I used to be swamped with stuff from FoE, they used to be everywhere. They were the campaigning group of the day, certainly one of my go to's. Perhaps it is the circles I now move in, I can't remember the last time I saw or heard anything from them.
The need for groups like them is more important now than ever yet they appear quieter than ever. I had to check their website to check they are still going.
Given how quiet they are, I am not even sure I want to join them again or donate to them.
At some point Greenpeace over took them as the main campaigning group in the media, but you don't even hear much from them nowadays.
They are the only campaigning organisation I have a direct debit with, £6 a month , probably for 25 years or so. They haven't sent me much lately tbf.
I used to be swamped with stuff from FoE, they used to be everywhere. They were the campaigning group of the day, certainly one of my go to's. Perhaps it is the circles I now move in, I can't remember the last time I saw or heard anything from them.
The need for groups like them is more important now than ever yet they appear quieter than ever. I had to check their website to check they are still going.
Given how quiet they are, I am not even sure I want to join them again or donate to them.
There's only a finite amount of fucks, and it seems they've been exhausted on the loudest people throwing soup at things and glueing themselves to loft insulation.
Look to earth first for genuine tactics.
When I was in the business of writing crisis management tests it was their tactics I chose to replicate to enact the changes I wanted.
Those groups are all fucked. Young people won't get involved in them. Aging donor base. Extinction Rebellion and similar groups swallow up the young activist zeal nowadays
I used to be swamped with stuff from FoE, they used to be everywhere. They were the campaigning group of the day, certainly one of my go to's. Perhaps it is the circles I now move in, I can't remember the last time I saw or heard anything from them.
The need for groups like them is more important now than ever yet they appear quieter than ever. I had to check their website to check they are still going.
Given how quiet they are, I am not even sure I want to join them again or donate to them.

I was a state officer for several years in the mid- to late-80s. Back then the founding generation fought like cats and dogs and tried to drag the newer generation on their "side." It was mostly infighting that made me leave the organization. Since then, my impression is that they've become an organization concerned with money. I don't know if it's the case, but a lot of the old order environmental groups have been subject to corporate capture. Once large corporations start donating money or making deals, then it's all over as a viable organization.
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I was a state officer for several years in the mid- to late-80s. Back then the founding generation fought like cats and dogs and tried to drag the newer generation on their "side." It was mostly infighting the made me leave the organization. Since then, my impression is that they've mostly become an organization concerned with money. I don't know if it's the case, but a lot of the old order environmental groups have been subject to corporate capture. Once large corporations start donating money or making deals, then it's all over as a viable organization.
This is very true and I've seen it in plenty of NGos
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