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French House in Soho launches crowdfunding appeal


A rather hefty £80,000 crowdfunding appeal has been launched to save this legendary pub

The French House has been the beating heart of Soho for over a hundred years. History has been made here. De Gaulle wrote his rallying call to his fellow countrymen in the bar upstairs. Dylan Thomas left his only copy of Under Milk Wood here. Artists Francis Bacon, Augustus John and Lucian Freud were regulars and today the French continues to attract and support the brightest creative lights, and Lesley Lewis, its landlady for over thirty years, actively encourages local artists and photographers, as well as contributing to the local and wider community.

It is Soho’s “village pub” but a village pub that welcomes everyone, from young to old, from regulars to newcomers, from royalty to rascals, a place where everyone is made to feel a friend and part of a family.
And friends and family look out for each other.

In these difficult and uncertain times, and until life gets back to normal for us all, the French House is looking to its friends, its fans, and its family for help. The French means so much to all of us. It’s not just an important piece of Soho history, it’s a resource for an entire community as well as being amongst the last bastions of old Soho. With your financial support and sponsorship, the rent can still be paid and we can ensure that the French will be able to reopen post these strange days. And when it does there will be some great parties (pints might even be served!)

Great pub that, my old man makes a point of visiting it when he's over.

I bunged a tenner in, can't afford it but would be a shame to lose it.
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