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Free book swap places in London - do you know of any?


Well-Known Member
I've inherited a large number of books from a very close friend who died last year in November, and I'm doing a project with them, I'm giving them all away, but I'm inserting a note into each one of them, telling the new readers about my friend. I've then created a Facebook page where people who have picked up one of my friend's books can write to me if they wish to. The page's address is on the note.

When I come across a book with a dedication in a second hand bookshop, I always wonder about the original owner, which is what inspired the project. My friend loved reading and treasured his books, but there are too many for me to keep. He was also always very generous with them, and frequently passed them on to friends and family and not expected them back. So this would be very much in his spirit.

I've already dropped some books off at Crystal Palace, Gipsy Hill and Thornton Heath train stations where they have book swap bookshelves.

I've also left some books in the Brockley red telephone box book swap.

A friend of mine is taking some to Cardiff and Prague. So the books are starting to travel. But it's a bit difficult to find book swap places, they're not actually very well publicized. It seems you have to know where they are.

If you know of any, could you please let me know?

How about donating them to local libraries? Some have lost funding and are now run on a volunteer basis and are always on the lookout for books, to either sell or lend out. Or charity shops? I love the idea of the message inside on behalf of your friend. The British Heart Foundation will collect them for free too.
What a lovely idea!
There's a book swap shelf in Clapham North tube, there's the Forster Book Exchange just down the road from the Menier Gallery SE1 (they encourage notes etc) and I know a lot of local homeless people read them.
I see these all the time but have forgotten where they all are!
I had contemplated donating the books to charity shops, and it would of course be nice if they made money for charity, but initially at least I would prefer it if the books were free for the new readers.
What a lovely idea!
There's a book swap shelf in Clapham North tube, there's the Forster Book Exchange just down the road from the Menier Gallery SE1 (they encourage notes etc) and I know a lot of local homeless people read them.
I see these all the time but have forgotten where they all are!

Brilliant, I didn't know about either of these two, thank you. :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
I love this idea haushoch .

The ones I know about have already been mentioned but I just wanted to say this idea has really touched me. It’s a really kind creative and thoughtful way to honour your friend.

I sometimes just leave books on public transport and cafe tables. And I once laid one on top of a person’s bag as I left the table we were sharing in a cafe. She was reading so she didn’t notice me do it. I hope she wasn’t freaked out by it.
This thread has made me think of these folk


I did 'release' a book via this, years ago after finding one on a bus with a sticker about book crossing - the person who finds it is supposed to log in and you see where your book went - I logged in - but my book didn't get logged :( might do it again though.
There's a book share cabinet in Surrey Quays shopping centre. Right in front of The Range store.
Quite often pass by and take a look. In fact my partner dropped some books there a few days ago.
There's a book swap box outside someone's house on Nevill Road in N16.
I've been told there's one inside Manor House tube station too, think someone already mentioned that.
Great, one of Will's friends lives in N16 - I will give him some books to drop off there.

Whereabouts roughly on Nevill Road is the book swap box, please? It's a long road. :)
Noticed one on Evering Rd the other day , (another long rd) the Clapton end
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