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First Ever Photograph Of Supermassive Black Hole In Our Own Milky Way


Well-Known Member
Impressive feat I am sure, but once again the preceding press release teasers today have led to something of a disappointment. I can’t remember now how it was phrased, but the one report I came across online today quoted the scientists/ organisation involved hinting at such mind blowing discoveries I was half expecting confirmation of wormhole travel, or little green men arriving next week.
Impressive feat I am sure, but once again the preceding press release teasers today have led to something of a disappointment. I can’t remember now how it was phrased, but the one report I came across online today quoted the scientists/ organisation involved hinting at such mind blowing discoveries I was half expecting confirmation of wormhole travel, or little green men arriving next week.
Give it time. The photographic images will be the least of the data they've gathered...
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