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Filth by name (international edition)

full marks to the ones who reported it, that takes bravery.

i'm a reader of another message board on which there's a poster from alberta, he raged about mounties. out there in the woods they were a law unto themselves.


the Brazilian federal roads police recently murdered a mentally ill man by gassing him in the back of their car (the distressing coverage starts at about 1:30 in)
full marks to the ones who reported it, that takes bravery.

i'm a reader of another message board on which there's a poster from alberta, he raged about mounties. out there in the woods they were a law unto themselves.

Should def be disbanded. Nonces, bigots, sectarians... it's all there.
we probably should exclude yank cops from this or else we'd be talking about nothing else, but then there's these lovelies


Cop crashes into an LGBTQ bar, arrests the owner

He came down to find the police SUV in his building and an officer demanding to see his identification.

Pence says he replied: "No you don't. That's a police cruiser in my building. You don't need to see my ID. This is not how this works."

Pence says he was spun around and placed in handcuffs.

Cop crashes into an LGBTQ bar, arrests the owner

He came down to find the police SUV in his building and an officer demanding to see his identification.

Pence says he replied: "No you don't. That's a police cruiser in my building. You don't need to see my ID. This is not how this works."

Pence says he was spun around and placed in handcuffs.

well from reading that will play nicely in courts
then again...
Bit harsh to include on this thread. That's the act of someone with extreme mental health issues. Nothing to do with his occupation.

i agree with this.

but it was minutes before the rightwingers jumped on this appalling tragedy.

"Affirmative action and the flagrant incompetence and discrimination it engenders as well as the disregard for law and order generated by absurd liberal social policies destroyed a lot of good people, primarily white men of merit who suffered the brunt of it."

A Florida cop, yelping "Shots fired," opened fire on a Black man handcuffed in the back of patrol vehicle when an acorn fell on him and he thought he had been shot - the man in the car was uninjured and the cop resigned

A rookie cop in Tennessee arrested a woman for arguing with him during a disturbance call - while he was texting his wife to boast about making his first arrest, he drove in to a river and killed them both

Also posted this in the wtf Japan thread, but seeing as it focuses on cops ...

What's worrying is that there's no anti discrimination laws and that the cops just repeat their tired old mantra that they're "just doing their job".

Hopefully the case will make some waves.
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