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Esa reassessment and cancer.


Life is a horizontal fall.
Ok I filled in and returned my reassessment form in Jan. Yesterday I got the dreaded appointment letter for 10th June.
Since I filled the form I've been diagnosed with skin cancer. I've got to have an operation on my nose to remove it. Unfortunately due to the area of the nose that's affected I am going to have to have have a flap or a skin graft repair.
It isn't a dangerous cancer if it's dealt with early.
The problem is my esa claim is on mental health grounds. My mental health is very poor most times. But this has totally knocked me down. I can't ever remember feeling this low. My gp is refering me back to mental health services as he said I will need support getting through this surgery. I also had a skin check at the hospital, and more cancer was found on my forehead. I was given a sort of chemo cream for that. That treatment was for 3 weeks, and is almost over.
As this has all happened after my reassessment form was returned. They know nothing about this turn of events.
What should I do? Should I send in the appointment letters I have for the hospital? Is it too late to have them included? And would this have any chance of strengthening my chances of keeping my benefits?
I don't feel strong enough to deal with having to claim universal credit and all the crap associated with it.
Thanks for any advise.
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I'm fairly out of touch with the system, and not sure how good they are at coping with people who have two different things at the same time.

gut feeling is it's not going to do any harm to tell them, either by post or tell them at the 'medical' - although that may be assuming too much that there's any rationality in the system.

do you have someone who can go to the appointment with you? (on one strand, just getting there on your own can be taken by the twunts as an indication that you're not really that bad, and secondly, having someone with you - ideally someone who can at least look vaguely respectable, and who is making a few notes - means the twunt doing the assessment is going to be more careful about lying about what you have said to meet their target of benefit denials.)

hope all goes well
Ok I filled in and returned my reassessment form in Jan. Yesterday I got the dreaded appointment letter for 10th June.
Since I filled the form I've been diagnosed with skin cancer. I've got to have an operation on my nose to remove it. Unfortunately due to the area of the nose that's affected I am going to have to have have a flap or a skin graft repair.
It isn't a dangerous cancer if it's dealt with early.
The problem is my esa claim is on mental health grounds. My mental health is very poor most times. But this has totally knocked me down. I can't ever remember feeling this low. My gp is refering me back to mental health services as he said I will need support getting through this surgery. I also had a skin check at the hospital, and more cancer was found on my forehead. I was given a sort of chemo cream for that. That treatment was for 3 weeks, and is almost over.
As this has all happened after my reassessment form was returned. They know nothing about this turn of events.
What should I do? Should I send in the appointment letters I have for the hospital? Is it too late to have them included? And would this have any chance of strengthening my chances of keeping my benefits?
I don't feel strong enough to deal with having to claim universal credit and all the crap associated with it.
Thanks for any advise.

All the best with the OP and treatment, can't be nice dealing with this given your other health conditions but you sound like you are sort of prepared so like i say good luck.

As for the DWP, I'd be inclined to let them know straight after the bank holiday. A brief letter and a couple of bits of proof from hospital etc if available. Post it first class signed for if you can, it's about £1.90 now I think. This way, you have peace of mind that you have notified them and will have proof that they received it before the interview.
I'd make sure somewhere along the process as well that you explain the added stress and anxiety that this cancer issue has caused.

Stay Strong.
Sensible advice above - and definitely agree with using tracked mail so you can prove receipt.

I hope the DWP appointment goes well, and agree that it'd be useful to have someone with you. If nothing else it helps defend your position if the resulting report is dishonest.

You do seem to have things in hand, so you're in a good position. Worth taking some notes in that cover all the health issues you're dealing with - that can ve used as prompt to ensure you cover everything.

Take care and let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
Sorry for late reply. Been sick. Thanks all for the advise.
I called the assessment centre help line. A lovely man told me to send in all the letters etc I have. So I've just done that. Not sure if I have anyone that can come with me yet. Will have to work on that. My last assessment I attended on my own. As I was let down right at the last moment. I was awarded 18 months that time.
The bloke on the phone told me if I wanted to change my assessment because of it being the day after my biopsy, just to call them.

On another note. My brother received his reassessment forms. Return deadline 31st May. I posted it all off on 23rd May by next day special delivery. Bloody Royal Mail has lost it. So much for guaranteed 1pm delivery. :mad:
I called UC. And I called the assessment centre. All they said was to send a message on his online journal. That'd be the online journal no job coach ever replies to. :facepalm:
Haven't a clue what to do now. Royal mail lady said it had to reach 31st before it's considered lost. That's the assessment form deadline date. :(
Hi xsunnysuex Age UK Lambeth's MyAdvice service have an advice line and drop in sessions around the borough. The advisers there are well versed in all things benefits for older and/or disabled residents. Give them a call tomorrow on 0207 346 6800, option 6.
Went to my esa assessment yesterday. Unfortunately I didn't have anyone to go with me.
I explained I had no one to come with me because I only have one person who could come with me. But they couldn't attend the assessment as they came with me to the hospital the day before for my biopsy. So they couldn't get more time off work. The assessor typed it all down.
No idea how it went. They don't give anything away. I was super stressed and tearful.
At the end of the assessment, the assessor stated he was worried I had harmful thoughts and he was going to contact my gp. He made me sign a permission form.
Is it usual for them to do that? And would they do that if they were going to fail me?
I've no idea!
Well done for getting through it.
And — Sorry that you had to. It’s a horrible system.

Re. contacting your GP about harmful thoughts & the consent form - I gather this isn’t unusual. But I don’t know whether it has a correlation to being awarded the benefit or not.

I have a cynical suspicion that it’s just to cover their arses.

Fingers crossed you get the support you need. Hope it’s not too long a wait.
Its good that you've got through the assessment - at least that is out of the way. I don't know whether they contact GPs routinely, but as nyxx says its probably arse covering.

Hope you get a positive decision.
So I had my f2f on 11th June. Friday I got an appointment with my work coach. Last time I saw my work coach he told he he wasn't going to make another appointment because my assessment was due. Said lets see what the outcome of that is.
I phoned dwp to ask if a decision had been made. She said no. I remember last assessment I had that I passed, first thing I knew about it was a letter to see the work coach.
Trying not to get my hopes up of staying in WRAG. But thinking maybe the system hasn't been updated yet. So maybe that's why it's showing no decision.
Promising or not? No idea. But hoping. I really don't want to deal with UC right now. And all the bollocks that goes with it. I know i'll have to deal with it sooner or later. Just not now, please!
How friendly is the work coach? Could you call him directly, and ask if he can see an outcome of the assessment?

The waiting bit must be agonising :-/

Fingers crossed you’re staying on the wrag esa.
Still haven't had a letter regarding my assessment. But I did get the assessors report I asked for this morning. If they go by that, I got 15 points. The assessor recommends review in the "Medium term" That would be good enough for me. ;) Fingers crossed!
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