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Equinox Festival, Lincolnshire, Friday16th to Sunday18th September 2022

William of Walworth

On the Equinox website, they state "19th" September in their dates, but the 19th is a Monday .... :hmm:

Anyway, it is my serious plan! to get to this --especially given that I've just been disappointed about my (now-failed!) efforts to get to NozStock 2022! :(

Any Urbans coming along? I reckon there's a cracking line-up on offer -- lots of my sort of bands and acts! :cool: :)

North Lincolnshire (I think the site is near Grimsby! :eek: ) is a seriously monster! distance to travel :facepalm:, to the point that festivaldeb refuses to drive the Van that far! Can't really blame her ....

But I am on a semi-promise (TBC!), of a possible lift from Hebden Bridge (I can travel light as far as that, and do trains between Swansea and Manchester/Hebden!).

It's nice to be pals with the Dance Tent organiser! :D -- I could pitch my tent near their Van ;)

Plus, I'll be in "retirement practice" for the whole of September! (and for a bit of time either side!) so I'll have no shortage of time! :oldthumbsup: :cool::beer::):D
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